Tony Blackburn Sounds Of The Sixties on BBC Radio 2
Please don't post music links until you have read through the pinned post, for reference below are the group rules.... Admin team. ****Pinned Post**** A group set up to promote Tony Blackburn's Sounds of the Sixties on BBC Radio 2, the Sixties are arguably the greatest musical era ever. To contact Tony Blackburn for him to mention you on the show and to get a music dedication please contact Tony at: Email - Twitter - @bbcradio2 Text - 88291 There are few rules in this group but just for reference please read: 1/This group has a zero tolerance policy relating to abuse of other group members. 2/Please remain respectful at all times when disagreeing with other group members opinions/viewpoints, if in doubt scroll past. 3/As endorsed by our group members this is a bicker free zone, please respect this always. 4/Only sixties content is allowed on the group wall so please adhere to this. 5/Please include the year when posting music links, and please don't guess the year. 6/We are fans of sixties music, we are also fans of Tony Blackburn so please bear this in mind at all times. 7/A maximum of 4 posts over a 4 hour period, any further posts added within this time frame will be taken down, members who continuously ignore this will be removed from the group. 8/Please could members refrain from posting negative posts/comments as this creates negativity throughout the group, for reference all negative/confrontational type posts will be removed by one of the admin team and the group member may be muted or removed from the group. If you don't like the track/post please scroll past, your negative opinion flies in the face of the poster who posted it because they like it. 9/No advertising, any posts will be removed and the poster will be removed from the group if they advertise without seeking admin approval. Please don't be offended if we mute you or put you on admin approval as we will occasionally do this if members don't acknowledge comments or messages from the admin team (this is only done in order for the group member to be made aware that they're posting incorrectly and once they've contacted admin and things have been explained this "should hopefully" no longer be necessary), or if things get too aggressive or confrontational, please remember it's not personal, a member of the admin team will message or address you directly if there are any major issues. This is a happy group of like minded folk, as long as we're able to continue in the same manner I'm sure we'll all appreciate each other and allow the group to flourish. Thanks for your support - The admin team.
Historical Revisionism
Who We Are If you are more comfortable with a closed group, let me know. I'll close it when the majority rule. I know it's a complicated subject to openly embrase. In the meantime, while the group grows, Just remember you can select your comments, pictures and post to be private to this group only. Mission (Borrowed by Inconvenient History) This site seeks to revive the true spirit of the historical revisionist movement; a movement that was established primarily to foster peace through an objective understanding of the causes of modern warfare. Slightly over 30 years ago, James J. Martin (1916-2004), one of the deans of revisionist history of the Twentieth Century coined the term "Inconvenient History" in the title of his collection of essays, The Saga of Hog Island and Other Essays in Inconvenient History. Martin explained "inconvenient history" as: a literary enterprise and an exercise in intellectual curiosity intended primarily for the record, and which is not in the service of or dedicated to the welfare of any specific group or force, as well as being a modest indication of what can be done using none but materials which are part of the public record. Today we have crossed over from a time of "political correctness" to one of outright Orwellian "thought-crime" where certain historical studies are strongly discouraged and in many once-free democracies even outlawed. But a recent interest in discovering the facts about the twentieth century’s two world wars and their aftermath as well as the consequences of those events inspires us with new courage and optimism. Harry Barnes said that correction of the historical record could only occur in light of a calmer political atmosphere, and a more objective attitude. He was surprised to find that even 25 years after the Second World War, such an atmosphere had not yet developed. Still, Barnes, Martin and their peers managed to create a set of solid historical research based on the facts. Once lost down the Orwellian ‘memory hole,’ the names of John T. Flynn, Garet Garrett, Charles Callan Tansill, William Henry Chamberlin, Captain Russell Grenfell, Walter Millis, Francis Neilson, F.J.P. Veale, and Luigi Villari can be found influencing contemporary thought and being sought out by a new generation who cannot be properly classified as "right" or "left" by contemporary standards. Revisionism was established as a progressive, some would say "liberal" methodology that originally set out to revise the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles following the First World War. The revisionist methodology, although rather successful in the 1920s and 1930s, met tremendous resistance following the Second World War. By the 1970s and 1980s the term "revisionism" was often thought synonymous with far-right politics and fascist sympathies. Barnes argued that revisionist theories were smothered by a campaign of unceasing inflammatory exaggerations of Nazi savagery. Barnes identified the developing Holocaust story as the true barrier to the acceptance of revisionist arguments and thereby the true barrier to peace, security and prosperity among nations. Today the specter of the Holocaust is marched out to justify every modern military intervention. The media and the government depict our ‘enemies’ as modern day Hitlers intent on genocide and planning to use their secretive arsenals of weapons of mass destruction. Cutting through the exaggerations, lies and propaganda of the Holocaust story has to be the starting point for any contemporary revisionist and any contemporary revisionist journal. The territory is plagued of course, with the minefield of charges of "Holocaust denial," "racism," "anti-Semitism," and "neo-Nazism." Despite the persecution and insults, revisionists understand that the myths of the Holocaust have smothered out a proper and accurate understanding of the Second World War. Our desire is to return to the roots of revisionism without any political agenda or desire to whitewash totalitarian regimes. We are free-thinkers who seek to support the concept of intellectual freedom as a means to peace and understanding among nations, groups and individuals of every description. We are not interested in conspiracy theories; we are interested in revealing real history and supporting the freedom of historians to explore even the most sacred of historical dogmas without fear of reprisal. We do not attempt to rehabilitate any totalitarian regime. We hope in fact to one day emerge in a society that is more free than the one we live in today. We seek to reveal the facts in an effort to avoid foreign wars and interventionist crusades that leave tens of thousands dead in what amount to an endless series of "perpetual wars." We continue the efforts begun by Barnes, Martin and others to reveal how the Second World War got started, the taboo around the Holocaust story, the conduct of the war by both sides, and the consequences for the West and the world of the propaganda campaign that was constructed around this period. We seek to blast our way through the historical blackout and to reveal the truth about modern history, regardless of how inconvenient it may be to this or that regime or political party or ideology.
There is a legislative war being waged against the 2nd Amendment that Biden is calling to make go kinetic with HR127, and every American gun owner needs to stand now and join this battle to win it! This group will organize all 75 million+ American gun owners and our 400 million+ guns and 12 trillion+ rounds of ammo to circle the wagons and win this war for defending and reclaiming all our freedoms to keep and bear any and all arms, ammo and armor without any infringements everywhere all the time! Under Natural Law our rights are individual, absolute and unalienable as they derive from God. Our rights do not derive from the constitution. They are merely enumerated in the Constitution. They existed before the constitution and will continue to exist even after the constitution expires or becomes amended to exclude any given right. Under constitutional rule of law of the sovereign Civilian Authority of We the People, we certainly have the uninfringed right to keep and bear arms to secure freedom in our county, state and republic until they repeal the 2nd Amendment. Under the United States Government rule of law in US Code or under state or county rule of law there are numerous unconstitutional statutes infringing the 2nd Amendment that clearly violate the US Constitution and are as such unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has ruled that all unconstitutional laws are null and void and are not to be followed or enforced. All infringements against the 2nd Amendment in US Code are clearly unconstitutional and every US citizen, juror and law enforcement officer has the individual discretionary power to make that determination and nullify those laws by not following or complying with them, not indicting or convicting those who rightly refuse to follow them, and not enforcing or arresting persons who violate them. Group Rules 1. Do not advocate for anything violent or illegal in this group. We advocate a defensive NAP Non Aggression Principle. Nothing posted on this site shall be construed to incite unlawful violence or criminal acts. 2. Nothing posted on this site is offered as legal, medical or financial advice. Use your independent God given power of good discretion and self determination and do not violate any constitutional laws and do not follow or enforce any unconstitutional laws. 3. Be respectful of fellow American gun owners. Check your partisanship and black pills of fear of guns and gun owners at the door. 4. Be truthful. Check your Mockingbird fake news psyops at the door. 5. Be relevant. Focus on what's important. Check your circus clowns at the door. We are not here to debate left right politics or argue religion or interpret bread crumbs. We are here for one reason - to take decisive action to defend American gun rights and win the war being waged against us! We will give full due process of law to bring these treasonous bastards to justice! Trust the plan? YES! The American plan! The plan has always been for We the People to come together and *make a plan* to secure our rights against tyrants like Election Thief Joe Biden who wants to rule over, divide, create fear and destroy our rights! Welcome to Defend the 2nd Amendment! That is our mission. You have joined this group for 1 of 7 possible reasons: Group 1. You are totally hostile against the 2nd Amendment and want it repealed and removed from the US Constitution and you want all firearms and ammo confiscated from the American people and outlawed. You can learn here why repealing the 2nd Amendment is not a good idea. Group 2. You are partially hostile towards this mission and want to maintain or increase infringement, or decrease some infringements against the 2nd Amendment but still maintain some reasonable and responsible level of infringement. You can learn here why infringing the 2nd Amendment is not a good idea. Group 3. You have no idea what the 2nd Amendment is all about and are open to learn more about it. Group 4. You are not sure where you stand and are confused or conflicted and have doubts about the 2nd Amendment. You can get your doubts about the value of the 2nd Amendment cleared here. Email to ask us any question. Group 5. You are neutral about this mission and are curious to learn more for personal, political or public education (media). Feel free to monitor this group to learn more about it. For media interviews or public policy advice email Group 6. You are friendly towards this mission and now ready to stand up boots online or boots on the ground to defend it for the first time. Welcome aboard! Email to get the orientation briefing and get assigned to a volunteer team on the US Civil Defense Grid! Group 7. You are already deployed to achieving this mission and want to join and help build a massive coalition of defensive civilian forces (local/state/national) to secure our rights! Email to link your group. These are all acceptable reasons for being here and all of you are welcome! Here is what we need to do to accomplish our mission objectives: 1) Be safe 2) Be legal and 3) Be effective BE SAFE: Communicate securely and privately over the Internet anonymously by not using Facebook, Google or Apple products, services, browsers, apps or devices. Instead use Wimkin,, Signal Private Messenger, Tor Browser and Proton VPN. BE LEGAL: Do not propose or do anything illegal. Everyone has the right to due process of law - even treasonous bastards. BE EFFECTIVE: Learn and share the best innovative methods for advancing the freedom mission: 1) Work as an individual and avoid insurrection, sedition and treason charges. 2) Do not join any group and avoid RICO Act charges. 3) Work locally with your neighbors. 4) Work and meet face to face off the network and away from your internet devices. 5) Invest in secure encrypted sovereign mesh networking tools like 6) Use true peer 2 peer (serverless) encrypted apps like Briar if you must communicate over the network (text only no voice or video). 7) Work on a non aggression policy NAP basis and avoid conspiracy charges. Just circle the wagons when attacked. Do not turn in your guns. Do not let them take anyone's guns. Stand together. Be fearless. 8) Keep the mission and message simple and focused (just share the meme below everywhere repeatedly) RESEARCH TO KNOW THYSELF The Declaration of Independence The United States Constitution The Bill of Rights The 2nd Amendment RESEARCH TO KNOW THY ENEMIES HR127 "The Final Gun Grab Bill" UN Small Arms Reduction Treaty UN Agendas MDGs, 21, 2030 & 2050
E ora basta! Italia
PRESENTAZIONE INIZIATIVA LEGALE Facebook: E ora basta! Italia Email: Il Comitato Operativo Trasversale "E ora basta! Italia" un gruppo informale di cittadini liberi formatosi a seguito dellimportante manifestazione di protesta e di proposta Marcia della Liberazione, svoltasi a Roma il 10 ottobre 2020, ed in questo momento attivo anche nellorganizzazione e co-organizzazione di manifestazioni a carattere locale e regionale, insieme a portavoce e rappresentanti di gruppi spontanei di cittadini, lavoratori e partite IVA, specie delle categorie maggiormente colpite dagli ultimi DPCM. Il Comitato si avvale della collaborazione di professionisti, comitati e realt associative da tempo presenti sul territorio, nonch del supporto di unimportante associazione consumatori accreditata a livello nazionale: ACU Marche (Associazione Consumatori Utenti). La referente del Comitato Beatrice Marinelli, che ha anche recentemente ricevuto la delega da ACU Marche per le problematiche inerenti le partite IVA, i professionisti ed i lavoratori autonomi in genere, attivit dimpresa ed esercenti. Liniziativa legale che il Comitato, in collaborazione con ACU Marche, sta portando avanti si fonda su alcune considerazioni fondamentali di seguito sintetizzate: - le forze di polizia e le autorit istituzionali (sindaci, prefetti, funzionari pubblici) in base ai dettami costituzionali, non sono tenuti alla mera e cieca esecuzione delle disposizioni del governo, ma allapplicazione delle leggi vigenti nel rispetto della Costituzione e del principio fondamentale della fedelt alla Repubblica; - sin dallinizio, le misure restrittive delle libert fondamentali, a partire dalle limitazioni alle libert personali ed allattivit dimpresa e di iniziativa economica, sono state introdotte con Decreti del Presidente del Consiglio, cio con atti amministrativi NON aventi forza di legge, che non sono idonei e sufficienti ad intervenire in materia coperte da riserva di legge e tutela di rango costituzionale; - tutti i funzionari pubblici hanno la facolt di disapplicare in autotutela (cio a tutela di s stessi) gli atti amministrativi con profili di illegittimit e/o illegalit formale e sostanziale. Pertanto, il Comitato ha redatto e presentato una richiesta di disapplicazione in autotutela dei suddetti DPCM rivolta alle pubbliche autorit competenti al fine di evitare a loro stessi le conseguenze civili e penali di azioni che essi dovessero svolgere nellesercizio del proprio ruolo. Nel caso in cui le pubbliche autorit volessero continuare ad applicare i DPCM, i singoli individui coinvolti in questa applicazione potranno essere querelati penalmente dai cittadini che vedono i propri diritti violati.
K33p l@ughing & $t@y s¢Ar3d ;@)WhoH@hAwhoopHeh3whoopHoH0o'h)@; A-town (303) ¢@ll A r@t Yo U.S. of A!! &forever'N'everof8 WTFVtvFTW #Vtv . . . . . . I'M STARTING A NEW RELIGION CALLED THE VTV I will admit to all of you right now that it is a cult & The only belief to the vtv religion is FUCK ALL RELIGIONS If you want to join you have to kill yourself #Vtv . . . . . . I was wrong to turn away from God & I am enough of a man to admit when I am wrong #Vtv . . . . . . "you don't scare me" ;@( THEN WHY MENTION IT (@; #Vtv . . . . . . You can listen to my music On the radio On YouTube On Spotify On Pandora On SoundCloud On itunes On Amazon Or What ever you choose Just Google &0r/ Search Vini Tyler Vernagallo Vtv & You should be able to find my music I try to make a song for every genre & I have over 7 albums written and recorded & At least 5 have been published so far . . . Please like & share . . . #Vtv . . . . . . ABOVE MAJESTIC (2018) full documentary . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . UNACKNOWLEDGED (2017) Full Documentary With Dr. Steven Macon Greer . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . Conspiracy Documentary RENEGADE (2019) the life story of David Icke . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . !¡! GRAY STATE !¡! (2017) . . . . . . The FULL DOCUMENTARY Of The Making Of The Police State - Movie When the filmmaker David Crowley & his daughter & his wife Where ASSASSINATED in there own home (in order to stop the process of making of the film) Of The Police State #Vtv . . . . . . THE ZEITGEIST DOCUMENTARY TRILOGY IN ORDER 1.) Zeitgeist - The Movie 1 of 3 release date June 18, 2007 . . . . . . 2.) Zeitgeist - Addendum 2 of 3 release date October 2008 . . . . . . 3.) Zeitgeist - Moving Forward 3 of 3 release date January 15, 2011 . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . THE VENUS PROJECT The Choice Is Ours (2016) Official full documentary . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . (THEY DON'T NEED US Anymore) Humans Need Not Apply Full Official Grey Documentary (13th of Aug 2014) . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . BILL MAHER RELIGULOUS FULL MOVIE (2008) . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . Our 32nd U.S. President & Commander in Chief who won WWII Defeating Hitler sitting in a wheelchair Franklin Delano Roosevelt FDR's Second Bill Of Rights That where never put in play After FDR mysteriously died of the flu The night after he gave this speech (January 11, 1944) . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . "MY MERCY PREVAILS, Over My Wrath." - Islamic Muslims Allah Different culture same God Even The Prophets Muhammad & Buddha Both themselves said: "Even I have a Lord & A One True God to that lord." Even the Egyptians themselves casted out all their other gods for the one true God RA the sun god under the nameless pharaoh Even The ghost of Sparta the second God of War Demigod son of Zeus Killed all the Greek gods Even Loki's werewolf son Fenrir Burnt down Valhalla & killed all the Norse gods Even Jesus himself Said: to the Sumerian woman at the well That "he himself was Gilgamesh" (The Sumerian god of reincarnation) Even The last letter of the Jewish alphabet Says: "Tau" #Vtv Turns out we've all been fighting about the exact same religion this entire time Like a game of telephone Between different languages BUT WHAT DO I KNOW I'M JUST THE ANTICHRIST"MY MERCY PREVAILS, Over My Wrath." - Islamic Muslims Allah Different culture same God Even The Prophets Muhammad & Buddha Both themselves said: "Even I have a Lord & A One True God to that lord." Even the Egyptians themselves casted out all their other gods for the one true God RA the sun god under the nameless pharaoh Even The ghost of Sparta the second God of War Demigod son of Zeus Killed all the Greek gods Even Loki's werewolf son Fenrir Burnt down Valhalla & killed all the Norse gods Even Jesus himself Said: to the Sumerian woman at the well That "he himself was Gilgamesh" (The Sumerian god of reincarnation) Even The last letter of the Jewish alphabet Says: "Tau" #Vtv Turns out we've all been fighting about the exact same religion this entire time Like a game of telephone Between different languages BUT WHAT DO I KNOW I'M JUST THE ANTICHRIST . . . . . . At the end of The Holy War in Revelations Back when Rome fell The devil & God both divvied up all the people (In order to decide who won the holy war between the devil & God) Both Saying: These are all God's people & These are all the devils people Then I said: THEY ARE ALL MY PEOPLE. . . . . . . & Next time Keep your goddamn children out of your fucking divorce & Even more importantly Next time Go get a fucking room & Take all of your RELIGIONS, RELIGIOUS FIGURES Gods demons angels & devils with you WE NEVER NEEDED THEM We all got our own shit to deal with #Vtv . . . . . . I kill any leader I see & There is nothing I hate more than a follower So Do us all a favor Be your own savior #Vtv . . . . . . . . . . . . Trust me when I say The human mind is more powerful than any God #Vtv . . . . . . "the mind is a terrible thing to waste" Oh Honey No no no The mind itself is a terrible thing #Vtv . . . . . . Don't think of it as God dying Because he is & We're all killing him No RATHER THINK OF IT AS US ALL BECOMING GOD OURSELVES & Not to mention the fact That God himself would want it that way Just like any good father ever would God knows that we're all more than ready Do you know that you're ready Because you better learn quick WELCOME TO GODHOOD It's okay to be scared Jesus Christ himself didn't like it much himself either Even the Devil himself Knows for a flying fact that being a God is not all it's cracked up to be GOD ESPECIALLY WOULD RATHER DIE THAN BE A GOD Hints: The reason why it's up to us all to be a god DID JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF NOT SAY IN YOUR OWN LAW "That you are all gods?¿‽" #Vtv . . . . . . YOU SHOULD HAVE KILLED ME WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE You Should Have Killed Me When You Had The Chance You should have killed me when you had the chance . . . . . . Dear Tricia Newman and I personally know for a fact Jesus Christ Yeshua Ben-hur Elijah of the people of Elohim WAS A JEW & NEVER WANTED A RELIGION BASED OFF OF HIM Do not worship false idols . . . . . . I KNOW FOR A FLYING FACT That all of you know about just as much as I do Which is nothing But I'm not worried about any of us Anymore We are all much more resilient than this cold dark universe could ever be $0 Let me make a prediction Not as a prophet But as normal everyday guy that watches the History channel I Vtv predict That we will all or better yet Our Children Will Conquer this cold dark universe and skies the void Just like we conquered this planet this land and the oceans of wide #Vtv . . . . . . Even the most strongest and most well equipped Soldier Who could easily kill an entire army and all of their leaders Will fall to his knees for a single child Whether he shoots the child or not #Vtv . . . . . . I AM UNAFFILIATED Religiously Gang wise Politically & Military wise I AM sovrent I only believe in U.S. A!! #Vtv . . . . . . Dear Thomas Hall & I know for a flying fact That our Jesus Christ is a Jew & So is our God SO PAY BOTH OF THEM RESPECT & Don't worship false idols . . . . . . I WILL ADMIT TO ALL OF YOU RIGHT HERE AND NOW That I am the very Antichrist himself & All I Ask of any of you is DO NOT WORSHIP FALSE IDOLS #Vtv . . . . . . . . . . . . You know nothing of evil Until you admit that you are evil yourself #Vtv . . . . . . You know nothing of evil Until you admit that you yourself are evil #Vtv . . . . . . IF YOU'RE NOT WISE ENOUGH TO BE AFRAID OF ME Or Afraid For Yourself Then at least don't be selfish & be afraid for everybody else #Vtv . . . . . . Even if I lose this case We all truly know who the power truly belongs to WE THE PEOPLE The only battles lost Are delusion . . . . . . The system may have set me up to fail But the people set the system up to fail . . . . . . I hate the people I love the people & Anyone who is wise Would fear the people more than any Jesus Christ God devil demon Angel & system Because WE THE PEOPLE Created them WE THE PEOPLE Take care of them WE THE PEOPLE Take pity on them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I REMEMBER BEING IN D¢$0 JAIL & SAYING TO ALL OF THE DEPUTIES: Do not fuck with my people As they said: "& Who are your people mr. Vernagallo" then i said: THESE ARE ALL MY PEOPLE. #Vtv . . . . . . Fuck the fear of God I WILL PUT THE FEAR OF ALL THE PEOPLE WHO CREATED GOD IN YOU #Vtv . . . . . . 4 STAR GENERAL PATTON SAID: "War is hell & War is not the answer." . . . HELL IS TOO GOOD FOR YOU I WILL SEND THE MASSES OF MASSES OF DUMBASSES The very zombie hoard themselves AFTER YOU Death is a reward Compared to Living without the very people That created you, take care of you & help you. & Would make even hell itself look like a daycare Spend a single day in the void alone Where even soldiers cry & You will see it my way #Vtv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesus Christ is a Jew Who believes Do not worship false idols JESUS CHRIST WOULD HATE HIMSELF TO SEE HOW MUCH YOU ALL WORSHIP HIM All praying to the very cross that killed him & You don't even know his real name ALL A PART OF THE DEVIL'S DESIGN A lil VtvFYI for ya Your Jesus Christ's Real name was Yeshua Ben-hur Elijah Of the people of Elohim The one & only son God Jehovah Elijah Of the people of Elohim Both born Taurus & Both Jewish #Vtv . . . . . . MY WHOLE LIFE I HAVE SEEKED NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH At a young age I sold my soul to the devil In order to be the Antichrist Just so that I could surrender to God & End this holy war once & for all But If you read between the lines of the devil's deal for your soul Like all the others of the 27 club You will learn You were never selling your own soul You were only ever selling your soulmate & The devil never has to hold up to his end of the deal The devil is only trying to get souls To outnumber all of the souls collected by God In order to defeat God in the holy war But THROUGH ALL OF THIS I GOT CLOSER TO THE THE TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH & NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD & The truth is God is only fighting the holy war just like the devil is & Your soul is nothing but a number to both of them BECAUSE I AM THE ANTICHRIST & IF I HAVE TO KILL CHRIST HIMSELF JUST IN ORDER TO GET AWAY FROM THE DEVIL & GOD I will not hesitate #Vtv . . . . . . I BET MY VERY SOUL That NONE OF you will listen to my music By Vini Tyler Vernagallo Vtv (Google it) #Vtv . . . . . . I do not blame my people For crucifying Jesus Because He really was sinless & If your sinless YOU ARE NOT HUMAN & THIS IS ALL OUR SHIT WE ALL EARNED OUR KEEP & WE ALL DID IT WITHOUT GOD Because We all protect our own & God damn the devil & As for all our enemies But God sort them out . . . Jesus Christ of Nazareth Yeshua Ben-hur Elijah Of the people of Elohim The one & only begotten son Of god Jehovah Elijah Of the people of Elohim Said: "I said in your own law that you are all gods." Well Let me say As one of many of the Antichrists Heaven means zoo in Jew & We are all above God & Enjoy your internal soul While the rest of us normal human being mortals die #Vtv . . . . . . . . . . . . I am not your savior I am not your God I am not your devil anymore I AM SOMETHING MUCH MUCH WORSE I'm not here to take the power from the government & give it back to the people I AM HERE TO BE SOVEREIGN & dissolve the power altogether I am the darkness that surrounds the Stars & I want less than nothing . . . . . . . . . . . . THERE IS NOTHING OUT THERE #Vtv . . . . . . Let me make a prediction Not as a prophet But as a normal everyday human mortal man I predict that what will happen Is what has already happened Jesus said: "There is nothing new Under the Sun." #Vtv . . . . . . The undefeated Know nothing about winning YOU HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO LOSE In Order To Ever Learn How To Win That's what I like the underdog They earn their strength & They're not sore losers They will fight for every inch in order to win & Even if they lose they won't stop fighting & They see every inch that they do win AS A WIN Like Jesus said: "The last will become first." #Vtv . . . . . . $0 Jesus You turned water into wine right & So you can easily turn this wine into your blood like you so humbly promised Right Because I would actually like to drink some demigod blood right about now Not to mention how much I would love to drink God's blood right about now & MY CUP OVERFLOWETH RIGHT Well Let me speak for everybody else Win i Say Thank you For quenching my thirst Enough to keep myself from drinking all of their blood Because I'm a punching bag too & To pay you back You're more than welcome to drink as much OF MY BLOOD as everybody else is always taking for me Because Like a shit eating fly caught in a spider web I just wish they would drink all of my blood But We all know I'm just an active bomb without a fuse & I didn't ask to exist You all created me & Don't know what to do with me & It would take far too much money To ever dismantle me & $0 You all bury me Alive #Vtv . . . . . . A lil VtvFYI for all of ya Paul Saul Was the false prophet & Revelations already happened At the fall of Rome $0 Please for the love of God Stop hoping for the past to come back If you have any humanity Left in you whatsoever Let the Dead die & stay dead #Vtv . . . . . . "You're forgetting the point This is not about us This does not belong to us We are not special . . . What do you want A statement of purpose Should I email you put this on your action item list You decide your own level of involvement . . . You need to forget about what you know that's your problem Forget about what you think you know about life about friendship & especially about you & me . . . Guys what do you wish you would have done before you've died . . . & You You have to know the answer to this question If you were to die right now how would you feel about your life . . . Not good enough . . . Okay man Okay Look at you LOOK AT YOU YOU'RE FUCKING PATHETIC . . . Why do you think I blew up your condo Hitting bottom isn't a weekend retreat It's not a goddamn seminar Stop trying to control everything & just let go !¡! LET GO !¡! All right fine Fine . . . WhoH@hAHeH3Hoh0o'h We just had a near life experience." - Tyler dirt-in #Vtv . . . . . . . . . . . . The fact of the matter is The "truth" the whole truth & nothing but the truth & Fuck god IS MORE HORRIFYING THAN ANY OF US COULD EVER IMAGINE But It is also more beautiful than any of us could ever imagine & That is why we all hide from it so much #Vtv . . . . . . . . . . . . "This is chemical burn It will hurt more than you have ever been burned & it will leave a scar Stay with the paint don't shut this out Look at your burning hand The first soap was made from the ashes of heroes Like the first monkey shot into space Without pain Without sacrifice We would have nothing Stop it This is your pain This is your burning hand Right here Noooo Don't deal with it the way those dead people do Come on No What you're feeling Is premature enlightenment This is the greatest moment of your life man & you're out there somewhere missing it Shut up Our fathers were our models for God If our fathers bailed What does that tell you about God Listen to me You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you he never needed you in all probability he hates you This is not the worst thing that can happen WE DON'T NEED HIM Fuck damnation man Fuck redemption We are God's unwanted children So be it First you have to give up First you have to know not fear But know that someday you're gonna die It's only after we've lost everything That were free to do anything Congratulations Your one step closer to hitting bottom." - Tyler dirt-in #Vtv . . . . . . We all made up God In order to keep our power & God made up the devil In order to keep his power & We're all enslaved by it #Vtv . . . . . . "You know man it could be worse A woman could cut off your penis while you sleeping & throw it out of the window of a moving car Shit man now it's all gone sigh All gone Do you know what a duvet is . . . It's a blanket Just a blanket Now Why do guys like you and I know what a duvet is Is this essential to our survival In the Hunter-gatherer sense of the word No What are we then . . . Right We are consumers We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession Murder crime poverty These things don't concern me What concerns me is celebrity magazines Television with 500 channels Some guy's name on my underwear Rogaine Viagra Electra Martha Stewart Fuck Martha Stewart Martha's polishing the brass in the Titanic It's all going down man $0 Fuck off with your sofa units & strinne green stripe patterns I say never to be complete I say stop being perfect I say let's evolve Let the chips fall where they may But That's me & I could be wrong Maybe it's a terrible tragedy Well You did lose a lot of versatile solutions for modern living THE THINGS YOU OWN END UP OWNING YOU But do what you like man." - Tyler dirt-in #Vtv . . . . . . "Is that what a man looks like Haha Self-improvement is masturbation Now Self destruction . . ." - Tyler dirt-in #Vtv . . . . . . The longest I have ever gone without sleep Is 2 weeks Give or take an hour or two & I never want to do it again The shit gets weird Real life looks like a fucking dream Or A fucking nightmare to be more specific Why can't we just sleep forever why can't we not be sober Why can't we drink forever #Vtv . . . . . . How embarrassing A house full of condiments & No food #Vtv . . . . . . Jesus was never alive He's in your head God isn't up in the clouds He's in your heart & You are more powerful than both of them & You Created both of them Just in order for you to hide from yourself Much like Your parents & ancient ancestors Created Santa Claus Just in order To prove to you that Not everything is real LET ME TELL YOU FROM EXPERIENCE THE MOST REAL THING THERE IS IS A HOT HANGER FROM THE STOVE PRESSED AGAINST YOUR HAND &0R/ A NICE COLD BLADE SCRAPED ACROSS YOUR SCALP Or A loaded gun pressed against your face Not to mention The death of a deer close loved one BECAUSE I PROMISE YOU IT WILL HAPPEN But not like the second coming of Jesus Christ will happen LIKE ALL OF MY FRIENDS ALWAYS TELL ME "I WILL SHOW YOU GOD" #Vtv . . . . . . "Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." Tyler Dirt-in #Vtv . . . . . . You don't know where I've been Lue ;@)WhoH@hAwhoopHeh3whoopHoh0O'h)@; You don't know where I've been #Vtv . . . . . . All of you pathetic pieces of shit See me as a god But The others Just see me as another member & Only they can hold me back Because Lord knows I can't hold myself back #Vtv . . . . . . "You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. You are all singing, all dancing crap of the world." - Tyler dirt-in #Vtv . . . . . . The FBI may not have written Fight club But they sure as hell use their Hollywood to make a movie out of it Before they bombed the twin towers Full of enough evidence to lock up every secret agent in the world & Not to mention the fact that the FBI wanted To start a false flag War for oil & Prove both the people & the government with "power" wrong (If you want to make an omelet you got to break a couple of eggs) Because organized crime Is the FBI & The people Are organized crime always hasbeen because WE THE PEOPLE We cook your meals We haul your trash We connect your phone calls We drive your ambulances We guard you while you sleep DO NOT FUCK WITH U.S. . . . The police started the alcohol prohibition $0 Organize crime start the FBI & Now Even the police themselves You can't do anything without the FBI Because Organize crime It's not just people Organize crime are families & Don't fuck with kids But Even more importantly Do not fuck with someone's family Honor & respect Ormerta . . . The bottom line is We need police to police the police Just like we need MP's to police the military But The people don't need a federal government The government needs a federal government Just protect the people from the government Just like the government is to protect the people The final piece of the puzzle Protection from your protection . . . HOWEVER Any and all United States forms of government Is created by the people for the people & The Fe6'$ CIA6'$ & DEA6'$ CDC-19'$ Qualify But they're missing one thing There United States Constitutional Oath which is a Judas traitor of a problem that can easily be fixed Simply Swear To protect the United States Constitution against both foreign & domestic enemies by any means necessary Alongside Any rules &0r/ laws that you want to add to your Oath That does not directly contradict the United States Constitution & After being formed by the people With the United States constitutional oath You got an OFFICIAL United States governmental branch Also Very important Any branch of the United States government Created by the people for the people & swears a United States constitutional oath Must have a boot camp &0r/ a period of time of training for the job they sign up for Any and all failures to complete their training must try again . . . The FE6'$ CIA6'$ DEA6'$ & CDC-19'$ Don't have any of this shit Of Oath's or training there just The masses Of masses of Dumbasses For now They're a bunch of organized thugs Offering anybody who is a threat to them A suicide mission & putting a hit on anybody who denies their offer to join them Pursued by any Mercenary, Hitman, dirty cop, gangster wannabe, or wannabe assassin & Sending the very us military After anybody who survives their hit that they put on them (Like the ex-FBI agent Osama bin laden for instance) But Not even the us military can attack their own country men & The US military knows their place !¡! AT TEN ION !¡! !¡! AT EASE !¡! See how that works I have a whole army at the end of my trigger & It only comes from discipline THE FBI NEEDS TO FACE IT THEY'RE NOT EVEN A PART OF THE CLUB YET Fix your rogue government Or THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WILL & The United States government Does not need primitive extraterrestrial technologies Provided by the blood & bodies of our people We got the people on our side Including the extra-terrestrials you barter are people with . . . The extra-terrestrials helped our founding fathers create the United States government & The United States Constitution You fuck tards . . . $0 Fuck your FE6'$ CIA6'$ DEA6'$ CDC-19'$ & S.S.P. we got the U.S.S.F. We don't need you anymore . . . PERMISSIONS SHOOT TO KILL ON SITE FOR ANY & ALL FOREIGN & DOMESTIC ENEMIES IS GRANTED P.F.C. V.t.v. of the Buckley field U.S.Y.M. Reporting for duty . . . You pieces of shit like to fuck with children Well We got child soldiers & Sleeper agents too . . . Stand Down . . . Look at what you fuckers started LOOK AT THEM They are Children Now What do you have to say for yourselves . . . The Russian government The Chinese The Al Qaeda The isis The cartels The gangs The black budget black hat wearing programs of the secret space program The Spartans The Greeks The Norse & Now Even the Americans All have child Sleeper Agent soldiers Just waiting to be activated for war What the fuck is wrong with all of you Kronos Odin Pieces of shit #Vtv . . . . . . It's called a changeover The movie goes on & Nobody in the audience has any idea Have I been going to bed earlier Have I been sleeping later Have I been Tyler longer and longer #Vtv . . . . . . YOU MET ME AT A VERY STRANGE TIME IN MY LIFE #Vtv . . . . . . Anybody who is Ever officially affiliated with the United States government Has to swear an oath From the military to the medical From the president to the Congress We all have to swear an oath The only similarity to all of our oaths is To Protect the United States Constitution & All of our people's lives & rights By any means necessary & Once you swear that oath You know You no longer belong to yourself You belong to the government & The government belongs to the people YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL SOLDIER GET OVER IT #Vtv . . . . . . All these mass shootings are not done by one single crazy person with a gun Infact If just one other person had a gun It would never happen to begin with . . . No There just the fall guy Because ALL OF THESE MASS SHOOTINGS ARE DONE BY DIRTY PIG'S SQUIRREL'S FE6's CIA6's DEA6's & CDC-19 ALL THE SAME BLACK HAT WEARING BLACK BUDGET SECRET GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS That Have Nothing To Do With The American Government & can speak over the very present them self . . . Just like the world war 3 Drug War That gives any pig a skeleton key Alongside the ability to be able to lock up anyone at any time for life . . . The False Flag 911 war for oil Inorder to hunt down any ex-FBI agents who say fuck the FE6's CIA6's & DEA6's (Like the ex-FBI agent Osama bin laden) for example . . . So crazy white people may have done some of the mass shootings But Not even half as many drive-bys as all the nigger's are doing BUT . . . THE MAJORITY OF THESE MASS SHOOTINGS (If they even really happened to begin with) Or just another way for the FBI To promote their SS fascist nazi regime Gun control "Guns are dangerous let's get rid of them" (So that the pigs & criminals can shoot everybody else like fish in a barrel) That's why all the mass shootings happen at schools & theaters Where nobody else has a gun to shoot back . . . I MET ONE OF THE MASS SCHOOL SHOOTERS IN JAIL & I know a killer when I see one & That kid was not a killer & Also After Columbine there is an armed officer assigned to guard every door in every school in America Where the fuck are they When the shots are fired Is an officer of the law afraid of a kid with a gun . . . Take the theater shooting for instance Were the last dark Knight Batman film premiered . I was supposed to go to that theater that night But My grandma ended up falling asleep and I said we can always see Batman another day . But There is a jail courthouse & police station Full of SWAT team's & SWAT gear literally right across the street from the Aurora Mall where the theater is That one guy Had enough time Go through the front door buy a ticket Prop the back door open Go to his car pick up his equipment sneak in through the back door Unload all of his ammunition on unarmed innocent men women and children Who are just trying to watch a movie Then he packed his shit back up Walked Through the parking lot Put his shit in the trunk & Was ready to leave & THEN THE POLICE RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FINALLY SHOWED UP WHEN ALL THE DANGER WAS WELL & OVER . . . LIKE WHAT THE FUCK WERE THE POLICE DOING WHAT WERE THEY WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO HOLD THEIR HAND TO HELP THEM CROSS THE STREET Were there sirens not working that day so they couldn't run a red light Did they have to wait until they're sergeant was done with a pep talk before they went into the game Or Did the police themselves do the shooting & Frame the first crazy guy that they saw JUST IN ORDER TO PROMOTE THERE GUN CONTROL . . . We may never know . . . During the black lives matter movement riots Millions of people went on the news & admitted that the police and FBI paid them to help start the riots There is video footage of police in full uniform and in police cruisers leaving weapons and bricks all around the area where the riots were going to start way before anybody was even there There were news channels who have film of FBI agents in civilian clothing Breaking into any and all nearby government facilities and agencies In order to try and spread the riots into government buildings THE FBI WERE TRYING TO START A RACE WAR WITH THE BLM MOVEMENT BUT What the FBI didn't plan for was That NOBODY WANTED TO FIGHT IN A RACE WAR . . . DO YOU KNOW WHY THE FBI BLEW UP THE TWIN TOWERS THAT MYSTERY BUILDING AND THAT VERY SMALL AREA OF THE PENTAGON simply because All those buildings held enough evidence to lock away every secret agent in the world for life & After project mayhem was over They decided to use the anger of the people to hunt down any other enemies they have While collecting all the world's oil . . . After the cops went too far with the alcohol They created the world's first organized crime After the alcohol prohibition was over The organized criminals were so pissed off at the pigs That The organized crime families and syndicates created the FBI & Started the world wide war on drugs . . . Judas Hypocrites right . . . President Richard Nixon Who was later impeached for the Watergate scandal & Who created the FBI & all the other non-american government forms on American soil Was well known Nazi enthusiast To all of his other criminal friends . . . After World War II ended All the biggest Nazi scientists We're all gathered under Operation paperclip To either work for the American government Or Go to A POW camp Like Verner Von Brown For instance Who invented the mustard gas that killed most of the US Marines in World War II And designed all the concentration camps that pumped mustard gas into the shower heads Who also invented the methamphetamine that was mainlined in the Hitler every day and drove him crazy & Werner Von Brown was also the Nazi scientist that was part of the American Operation paperclip that created the V2 rockets That took America and NASA to the Moon & Every nuclear warhead to its final destination Ya That guy worked for us He also invented LSD for the United States military & He was responsible for the sleeper project & Operation Manhattan . . . LET'S ALL JUST FACE IT WE ALL NOW LIVE IN NAZI AMERICA WHO CREATED THE UN &0R/ THE UNITED NATIONS & SUPPORT THE ROCKEFELLER FAMILY THAT PRINCE OUR MONEY IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE & DON'T BE FOOLED BY THE NAME THERE'S NOTHING FEDERAL ABOUT IT AND IT HAS NO RESERVE It is just a rich family charging all of us just in order to print our own money & Now every dollar in the world is backed by the US dollar . . . World War II never ended The Nazis took over the world . . . Not to mention the secret space program Alongside NASA So Now we not only live in a Nazi World We live in a Nazi universe as well . . . That's what SS stands for Not super sport Not the Navy SS stands for fascism . . . Ford fans hate Chevy Chevrolet fans hate Ford But they both gave free cars to the Nazis during World War II Alongside with Jeep . . . But The cabal Messianic Knights of the round table Templar redcoat wearing Yellow-bellied snakes in the Grass Hail Caesar Satanic Hollywood witches & wizards Order of the Phoenix Problem Has been here much longer than even Egypt Itself . Going from town to town city to city state to state country to Country continent to continent planets a planet solar system to solar system Galaxy to galaxy universe to universe & dimension to dimension Building its House of cards Just to watch it fall SPREADING & FUELING ITS WAR MACHINE Trying to set the whole universe on fire . But no matter how many fires they start It all just grows back . Now this is all still classified But Hitler's wife Was an Italian Jew & A Jew cannot marry a uncircumcised gentile That's why Hitler hated the Jews so much They stood in between him and his wife's love . . . & During World War II Italy made the world's best weapons & France was in half bad as well So The SS Nazi regime Promoted gun control in both Italy and France Then After the majority of the weapons were rounded up That Was when The Nazi regime invaded Italy and France (Like shooting fish in a barrel) Only to make both Italy and France Work in slave labor factories To build the Nazi regime their weapons $0 That's what your gun control is Just a way to disarm your enemy . Rome did it The English Royal Navy and Redcoats did it Hints Our American Don't Tread On Me flag Which simply means You are not coming in my home & You are not taking my guns You have a better chance arguing with a bullet Then you will ever have arguing with the United States Constitution & The people it protects So Do the whole world a favor Go back to your own home & suck a bullet out of your own gun Before you ever even think about trying to go in someone else's home and take their gun's . Because You have a better chance getting rid of all the world's drugs Plants and chemicals Then you will ever have getting rid of all the world's guns . 80% of the world's dirt can be produced into gunpowder 74.8% saltpeter 13.3% charcoal 11.9% sulfur = Black powder A simple metal pipe and a sphere like object Is just as good of a projectile weapon than any musket Now Admittedly It might not be a fully automatic assault rifle But An army of farmers with muskets won the American revolutionary War Not to mention A fleet of pirates with cannons Making the Royal Navy look like bitch's . So good luck turning the world into a bouncy house Because Even then all we would need is a single prick of a lil needle To pop the whole world . Stop trying to make a dangerous World safe before you get yourself hurt . WE THE PEOPLE Outnumber your bullets No matter how many bullets you got . Everything in this world can be used as a weapon But no weapon can ever compare to your own two bare hands & There is no more dangerous weapon than the human mind So You shouldn't be scared of weapons You should be scared of us all #Vtv . . . . . . Like my great great Grandpa Summer's always used to say: "THE MASSES OF MASSES OF DUMBASSES." aka The very zombie hoard themselves #Vtv . . . . . . "how old are you?¿‽" Depends, What year is it ‽‽‽ #Vtv . . . . . . Why do you mortals always have to name everything & Even more importantly Why do you always have to change the name #Vtv . . . . . . Planet Earth This little blue ball of dirt Was exactly 8 billion Earth years old At 2012 Now 8 billion circles around the Sun Is but a blink of the eye to the rest of the universe But I digress The first 4 billion Earth cycles this planet was dominantly a reptile planet Hints: (All the dinosaur bones) Back then they were called Leviathan and behemoth & then the ape descendants emerged . . . In the Book of Revelations in the Holy Bible written by John the Baptist Describes the false prophet Paul &0r/ Saul A Jewish Roman Catholic Pharisee Who killed & persecuted the remaining Prophets and apostles After Jesus's crucifixion & Then Paul Saul proceeded to edit and delete all the holy books written by all of the followers of what is known as today as the Holy Bible . Why do you think there are only 4 books of the Holy Bible Written by apostles Mark, Luke, Peter and Matthew But Yet There were 12 apostles & Where are all the other books Like the ones written by John Because John the Baptist was not an apostle He was Jesus's cousin & The 13th apostle Paul &0r/ Saul (Not to be confused with the real apostle Paul) Wrote most of the books . In one of the over 47 know deleted books of the Holy Bible Or The Apocrypha Was the necronomicon (The book of demons) written by demons with the help of Jesus To help mankind fight demons There was a quote Saying: "At first hell was simply nothing other than the absence of God and then his children showed up & made everything so much worse then the heaven we where running from." . . . You guys go in circles More than This "flat Earth" does . . . I created this planet In the attempt to regain my once Lost planet But I'm not going to miss this planet #Vtv . . . . . . This hole time All My Work ALL OF THIS i just want to go home & Since I can't go anywhere I'll just keep trying regardless of how many mistakes Or how much trial & error I must go through Is no longer my concern Because My only options are Keep trying Or Stay here With all of my failures EVEN IF ALL OF MY FUCK UPS ARE PILING UP HERE My Success Must Be Piling Up somewhere #Vtv . . . . . . WE ALL END UP GOING TO HELL SOONER RATHER THAN LATER No one can stay on God's good side forever Nobody is innocent You would not be on this planet right now if God didn't already cast you out of heaven You can't be God's children once you have been here It's just part of growing up Face it We all got kicked out of mommy & God's cradle Fly or fall Sink or swim But While your trying to work your way back into heaven People like me are no longer living in the past & Ready to move on #Vtv . . . . . . WE ALL END UP GOING TO HELL SOONER RATHER THAN LATER #Vtv . . . . . . HERE'S THE THING ABOUT "RELIGION" Just like everything The government edited it To suit their own agenda not God's before any of it was released to the public & If you Don't believe me, then google Apocrypha #Vtv . . . . . . So why judge someone for what they want If someone is willing to cut their own genitals off just in order to get what they want Why & What Gives you the right to tell anybody what they can & can't do Or what they want As long as it doesn't hurt anybody else & THAT IS WHY AMERICA HAS THE RIGHT TO THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Regardless of other people's religions, beliefs & morals. #Vtv . . . . . . We will all continue to make mistakes through our trial and error Simply because Life isn't easy for anybody But No sinner Deserves to be judged By another sinner "So anyone who has never sinned May cast the first stone." #Vtv . . . . . . I sacrificed myself I sacrificed my loved ones I sacrificed everything For my people & I should have never sacrificed anything I never needed to sacrifice anything #Vtv . . . . . . I never wanted to be rich and famous I never wanted to take over the world & lead the world into heaven I never wanted to be powerful I never wanted to sell my soul to the devil I JUST THOUGHT THAT I HAD TO IN ORDER TO GET WHAT I TRULY WANTED Because All I ever really wanted was A normal life like everyone else A career that would pay for me and my family A wife that would fall asleep with me and love me & Children to hug when I came to bring the bread home But I don't even want that anymore . . . I thought that I had to change the world in order to ever be able to live in it But I should have just lived in it #Vtv . . . . . . (my post) So why judge someone for what they want If someone is willing to cut their own genitals off just in order to get what they want Why & What Gives you the right to tell anybody what they can & can't do Or what they want As long as it doesn't hurt anybody else & THAT IS WHY AMERICA HAS THE RIGHT TO THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Regardless of other people's religions, beliefs & morals. #Vtv (Anonymous comment) But children being con by teachers with pedophilia is NOT YOUR RIGHT, a child need to be a child and you can live you life as you wish but if I think you an idiot and it hurts your feelings that's just to bad (My reply) you are completely right Stop brainwashing our children Into what you want them to be Show me a boy from the ages 1 to 7 & I will show you the man But A child needs to know nothing another than there parents & Both of them (If you don't mind I will post this conversation) DON'T F*** WITH KIDS #Vtv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WE ARE ALL JUST KIDS Having Kids $0 " [Chorus] Ssssh, be quiet Hush he said The demon is alive The demon wants you dead Because killing is sex Killing is sex Hush he said, killing is sex." #Vtv . . . Richard Ramirez By: SKYND . . . . . . . . . I do have blood on my hands & I will never shed blood again because of it Although it was an accident made out of self-defense I am still ashamed of myself I am still a monster & I deserve worse than I will ever get & already have Because of my blood red hands #Vtv Before I was roofied by "friends" & Gang date raped by the piru gang for weeks As The Aurora Police department knocked on the very door where I was being roofied and ganged date raped at As The Aurora Police department laughed and said: "Hahaha, there must be no one home¿" As My mother said: "aren't you going to do anything‽ he has been in there for weeks¿" & Then I was sold to the human trafficking cartel for a month As I had to fist fight my way out & walk my way home & catch a bus only to pass out from the roofies again on the bus just for the people on the bus to carry me off of the bus over to a bus stop & Then Was finally picked up by an ambulance As I walked myself home from the hospital Only For the Aurora Police department SWAT team To bust down my own basement walls (Like a zombie horde) & Take me to the State Mental hospital fort Logan for 6 months Over a bomb threat¿ . . . BEFORE ALL OF THAT I was running from the gangs that were chasing me in a car & I ran red light to get away from them & A car t-boned me & the father didn't put a child in a car seat & Instead he himself even admitted to the insurance that the baby was crawling on the car dash & I PULLED OVER HALF A BLOCK AWAY FROM THE CAR COLLISION BECAUSE I DO NOT BELIEVE IN A HIT & RUN REGARDLESS OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES & as i sat on the curb The gangs that were chasing me Slid a cold hard blade over my scalp Leaving a scar that is still there today As they said to me: "We will be back" Then I was picked up by an ambulance taken to the hospital & Stitched up But THE BABY HAD TO BE PICKED UP WITH A SNOW SHOVEL LIKE RED & WHITE SNOW THAT blood is on my hands Even though the insurance said the blood was on the father's hands & It keeps me up every night REGARDLESS OF SELF-DEFENSE OR NOT THAT POOR BABY'S BLOOD IS ON MY HANDS & MY HANDS ALONE #Vtv And after that day When that baby flew through the windshield I may beat someone who shoots at me or pulls a knife on me to a bloody pulp With my bare hands But I will never kill anyone again I will offer for them a hand To get back up & I will move on . . . . . . . . I ain't going back again By: king 180 . . . . . . . . . The Batman Known in comic book in Hollywood movies today Was depicted in the Mayan temples with gold and silver statues The Batman Was a real man And was known as the god Loki to the Vikings and Norse gods BATMAN'S REAL NAME WAS VLAD DRACULA THE IMPALER OF TRANSYLVANIA The WORLD'S FIRST VAMPIRE WHO WOULD DRINK HUMAN BLOOD TO BECOME STRONG ENOUGH (with adrenaline) TO impale AN ENTIRE ARMY BY HIMSELF & I AM THE BATMAN . . . My first drop of blood was offered to me by a whore She told me It is not a blow job It is a blow career The pimp is the real whore & You got to start from the bottom and work your way up As the lion stays in the cave All the lioness hunt & Your a pimp So Get up . . . HUMAN BLOOD IS SACRED TO ALL RELIGIONS It is called (adrenochrome) Or (Red) {In the black market} & It goes for about a thousand to a hundred thousand dollars A vile [Not to mention a fresh adrenaline gland] & (The younger the victim the better) It will get you higher than any drug It will make you see further Hear better Smell like a hound Feel and taste things you have never felt and tasted before It will make you stronger and faster than Superman . . . It is the very artificial adrenaline In all of the pulp fiction needles That keep people from overdosing . . . It is described in movies such as: Clockwork Orange & Fearing loathing Las Vegas & Human trafficking is real & The more you deny it The more power it has over you and your children #Vtv . . . . . . After all of my molestation of my older cousins & All of the gang date rape & Human trafficking That I've been through Sex sickens me To the point that I wish I was a eunuch #Vtv . . . . . . gary heidnk By: Skyen ( feat. jonathan davis) . . . . . . . . . Forget it (feat. Oliver Tree) By: Getter #Vtv . . . . . . . . . Racism only exists in prison anymore #Vtv . . . . . . . . . . . . God's not dead . . . . . . . We Believe By: newsboys . . . . . . . Meant to live By: switchfoot . . . . . . . Stars By: skillet . . . . . . . My "love" My Love father They took my love They took my Love from me Twice Not once But twice R.I.P. Both Bree & Dezzy & I can bear it the third time Much much less Then the first time Not even Job, can compare. #Vtv . . . . . . My sins are greater then everyone else's combined & My hell already started & I will always only deserve worse But The more pain I feel The more evil I get To the point that I learn to fear pleasure more then pain & There is no helping me But Some day You too will smile my black tooth grin ONE DAY EVERYTHING RETURNS TO THE DARKNESS THAT SURROUNDS THE STARS #Vtv . . . . . . Why am I like this Why am I this way I'm sorry for what I am I hate myself #Vtv . . . . . . Corona Disease Covid-19 virus IS JUST MORE CDC-19 Germ warfare Much like: STD's AIDS Ebola & other germ warfare that originates in Africa & Always cured in America &0r/ Much like: King Merlin Arthur & The knights of the round table TEMPLAR CRUSADES Infecting their enemy with the black plague Before they would invade To burn busty women at the stake During the temple world wide witch hunt In the witch trials of the crusades #Vtv . . . . . . The FE6's CIA6'S DEA6's CDC-19 & the S.S.P. (F.B.I. C.I.A. D.E.A. C.D.C. S.S.P.) The Federal Bureau of Investigation The Central Intelligence Agency The Drug Enforcement Agency The Center of Disease Control & The Secret Space Program Are the black hat wearing Black Budget Deep State Of The DEA World War 3 war on drugs The FBI CIA 911 false flag War for oil & The world wide germ warfare Of The CDC Corona Disease Covid-19 virus To get her They make up the FE6'$ CIA6'$ DEA6'$ CDC-19 & S.S. P OF THE 666'$ # OF THE BEAST #Vtv . . . . . . ABOVE MAJESTIC (2018) full documentary . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . UNACKNOWLEDGED (2017) Full Documentary With Dr. Steven Macon Greer . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . Conspiracy Documentary RENEGADE (2019) the life story of David Icke . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . !¡! GRAY STATE !¡! (2017) . . . . . . The FULL DOCUMENTARY Of The Making Of The Police State - Movie When the filmmaker David Crowley & his daughter & his wife Where ASSASSINATED in there own home (in order to stop the process of making of the film) Of The Police State #Vtv . . . . . . THE ZEITGEIST DOCUMENTARY TRILOGY IN ORDER 1.) Zeitgeist - The Movie 1 of 3 release date June 18, 2007 . . . . . . 2.) Zeitgeist - Addendum 2 of 3 release date October 2008 . . . . . . 3.) Zeitgeist - Moving Forward 3 of 3 release date January 15, 2011 . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . THE VENUS PROJECT The Choice Is Ours (2016) Official full documentary . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . (THEY DON'T NEED US Anymore) Humans Need Not Apply Full Official Grey Documentary (13th of Aug 2014) . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . BILL MAHER RELIGULOUS FULL MOVIE (2008) . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . Our 32nd U.S. President & Commander in Chief who won WWII Defeating Hitler sitting in a wheelchair Franklin Delano Roosevelt FDR's Second Bill Of Rights That where never put in play After FDR mysteriously died of the flu The night after he gave this speech (January 11, 1944) . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . The CIA sells the Drug's The DEA bust's the Drug's & The FBI prosecutes the criminal's No Drug War No Crime No Job Quite the racket #Vtv . . . . . . No Drug War No Crime no job #Vtv . . . . . . SHIT WHO THE FUCK YOU ALL THINK YOUR FOOLING YOUR ALL A BUNCH OF PEDOPHILES 18 IS STILL A TEEN can't drink, can't smoke weed, Hell you can't even buy cigarettes anymore But You better be ready for the draft & war & More power to ya if you wanna do porn (Use it while you still got it) & By the time your 30 years young your too old for all that shit . Let's face it Where all just a bunch of kid's Trying to raise kid's Like the god damn lord of the fly's Lord knows The only goddamn thing I know for a flying fact Is Jack shit nothing . God forbid You try to get the 40 year old virgin laid Rather then letting them Watch blurred out porn thinking sex is like Minecraft . Na Let's Just let the sexually frustrated build up to the point of rape Then you can get laid in prison No wonder nobody can decide if there female or male Or straight or gay or bi . To hell with a prostitute But If there's a camera in the room So we can all watch then Everything is fine . . . ( STATISTICS PROVE ) That there is no rape near nude beaches But yet Without nude beaches We're all ashamed to look at our own human body . I say Save the teen's & Legalize sex Give the working girl full health benefits & Put a stop to STD's & Full scholarship to the stripper goddamn it They earned it . But I'm sure that you will get rid of the world's oldest profession Right after your done getting rid of all the world's drugs plants & chemicals . Right to the pursuit of happiness My Ass [ no pun intended ] . But What the fuck does a Just getting started 30yo kid like i know?¿‽ Compared to all you full grown adult's Jacking off to 18 year old BDSM DP DA Bondage Gangbang's You chomos . Because As Far As I'm Concerned DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME !¡! #Vtv . FORGET THE MODEL & GRAB A BOTTLE . . . . . . Friends (140) I see all your likes & comments & The people who don't know any better I still send a friend request to . . . I have written & recorded Over 6 published albums . I have been baptized Catholic christian & Mormon . I was P.F.C. V.t.v. in the United States Buckley field Young Marines at the age of 8 & I was rejected by the United States Marine Corps Because I was damaged goods by 18 & I will sleep better without fighting in that war for oil IS WHAT ALL MY MILITARY FRIENDS TELL ME . & Yet I still hang no other flag then the red white & blue . I dug ditches during the summer Worked subway during the winter & Went to Pickens technical college for electrician Just In order to live in my car at the age of 16 . Only to lose everything Including the suicide of my middle school sweet heart With in 2 weeks in the mental hospital of my first mental breakdown . I Failed all the written test In high school community college & Over $300 for every G.E.D. do to being Severely dyslexic . I've been mulested & beaten By everybody I've ever trusted . I've been jumped by every wet back & nigger For being the only white boy in the ghetto & They learn to respect this gringo Because This white boy got Heart . I've been roofied & sold to The human trafficking cartel for a month straight Before I was even 21 yo . I've got cigarette burns all over my arm's I've got a knife wond on the top of my head I've been shot at threatened & mean mugged By every two bit wanna be gangsters that ever see's me & I still haven't left my home town While they all left the state . I've had The Aurora Police Department Laughing on the other side of the door Of A Trap House While saying: "Oh hahaha looks like no one's home hehehe¿ When my mother asks: "why won't you do anything he's been in there for week's ?¿‽" ONLY FOR ME TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF GANG'S CARTEL'S & DIRTY PIG'S WITH MY OWN 2 BEAR HAND WHILE ROOFIED & WALK MY OWN ASS HOME Only For The Aurora S.W.A.T. Team To bust down my walls When I finally got home LIKE A FUCKING ZOMBIE HORDE SENDING THE DOG'S AFTER ME & TAKING ME TO THE FORT LOGAN MENTAL HOSPITAL Over me making a "BOMB THREAT" on my own house & Without even a gun in my home. . I've spent 2 years in jail ON 24/7 LOCK DOWN I've spent 2 years in state mental hospitals BEING STRAPPED DOWN & SHOT UP . I've been in every jail & mental hospital In the state of Colorado But Yet I've never been to prison & Never gotten a charge larger than a misdemeanor Facebook Harassment . So don't you dear call me a criminal When the criminal's flee from me more then they do the police As I hand out psilocybin mushrooms for Free As I watch the most addicted Get job's & live normal lives . I have 2 dead girlfriends & At least one of my loved ones have died every year of my life . I have lived Going from motel to one bedroom apartment To the streets My whole life With nothing but $700 U.S. Dollars of S.S.I. a month Before taxes & bill's Since I was 17 years old & I STILL GIVE CASH TO THE HOMELESS While you all spend a grand in a week on shit to throw away . "Oh boo hoo hoo you get SSI your a mooch & a leech on the government." Bitch Everybody pays taxes There is the price tag Then there is the taxes On everything everybody ever buys In the world EXCEPT I DON'T GET TAX RETURNS &0r/ TAX REFUNDS AT THE END OF EVERY YEAR It's not my fault That you don't keep the receipts & make tax claims . & I KNOW YOU BETTER THEN ALL YOUR SO CALLED FRIENDS AS YOU PISS YOUR PANTIES BY JUST BEING IN MY PRESENCE . I Have Trauma-Based PTSD While you take pills for depression . & I'm only 30 years young Boy I'm just getting started . THIS IS MY TOWN THIS IS YOUR STATE THIS IS OUR COUNTRY WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD ORDER . #Vtv . . . . . . MAYBE JUST MAYBE THIS IS "HEAVEN" What If We've Already Seen "Paradise" I wonder if we've been to "Nirvana" I QUESTION IF WE'VE FORGOTTEN "ENLIGHTENMENT" I Can't Imagine A Better "Valhalla" & who needs "72 virgin" when you have grandchildren BECAUSE I THINK WE ALL TURNED IT ALL INTO HELL Because We All Thought That We weren't good enough but I believe nothing is too good for us . . . THE DEFINITION FOR HEAVEN IN JEW IS ZOO & They Say: "in heaven there is no pain" BUT NOT EVEN HEAVEN Can take my pain away from me I EARNED MY PAIN As So Did You & I don't know about you But MY PAIN MADE ME Like A Sword Forged in the fires of hell & Like a sword needs its handle I know I need all my people Even in heaven #Vtv . . . . . . Just because you believe your own self-made delusions More then all the people around you who fell victim to all your egotistic delusions WHILE ONLY I'M SPECTACLE DOESN'T MEAN I'M DELUSIONAL #Vtv . . . . . . I AM A boy RAISED BY WOMEN A Lion Cub Raised By Wolves & I know women are more fragile then me & I know women don't fear me & I know women know more pain then me & I know I am man #Vtv . . . . . . I am a hypocrite I contradict myself I guess I am human after all & As far as your religion goes I AM THE FUCKING ANTICHRIST I am Gilgamesh to the Sumerians I am the infidel to Muhammad I Am The Loki to the Norse I am the kratos to the Greeks I am Ra to the Egyptians I am the sand man to the Persians I am Shiva to the Indians I am the brown bear to the tribes I am the papa Legba to the voodoo I am the joker to the jesters I am not your devil anymore I AM WHO I AM SET MY PEOPLE FREE & FUCK YOUR ALL OF YOUR POLITICS & RELIGIONS Fuck You government & fuck your god SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO LIVE THERE OWN LIVES IN THIS UNIVERSE & I Am sovereign #Vtv Jesus said: "I said in your own law that you are all god's." Jesus said: "Woe to you teachers of the law & Pharisees you hypocrites." The Bible says: "If I am led by the spirit I am not under the law." Jesus said: "Do not worship me but worship god." Jesus is a Jew Jesus is not a Roman Catholic / Christian & Jews believe Do not worship false idols & Your all running around with the thing that killed your savior around your neck . . . . . . The whitest kids you know Cult . . . . . . . . . . . . "Jesus died for our sins" Well if he rose from the dead does it still count?¿‽ & No he didn't He was crucified for heresy The world's first martyr Like Gandhi Or Martin Luther King Jr You all turned something that was supposed to be revolutionary Into just another enslavement Jesus was trying to end religion Not start a new one #Vtv . . . . . . Jesus didn't turn water into wine He gave all the test spit wine back to the drunks Jesus didn't walk on water He made a raft to cross the river because his disciples ditched him at the shore Jesus cut his hand & used his blood to attract the fish that the fisherman caught in the net Jesus put his blood & wine in the holy grail at the last supper the yeast from the bread helps activate the adrenaline in the blood & it gets you high Jesus didn't turn 2 loaves and two fish into enough food to feed the masses He stole all the food from the masses as him and his disciples ate as much as they could and fed the masses the scraps JESUS WAS A PIMP & A GANGSTER A street rat The king of thieves . . . Jesus didn't rise from the dead He pulled a Romeo and Juliet on ya In the sponge that Jesus drank from held a puffer fish poison that can lower your heart rate and breathing almost to the point of death & after you take the Anti-Venom your back with the living That's why they where so quick on taking him down from the cross & put him in his tomb So they could hurry to nurse him back to life ALSO JESUS WAS NOT 33 AT HIS CRUCIFIXION YESHUA BEN-HUR ELIJAH OF THE PEOPLE OF ELOHIM WAS 13 DURING HIS CRUCIFIXION THAT'S WHY HE WAS SINLESS after Jesus survived the crucifixion Jesus went to live with his prostitute wife Mary Magdalene & his 2 son's & one daughter As jesus's whole bloodline went into hiding from all the Roman persecution Jesus latter died at 33 which was practically old age at the time . . . America did the same thing with Hitler after World War II under Operation paperclip & USA also did the same thing with Osama bin laden who was a rogue ex- FBI agent THE FBI DOES THE EXACT SAME THING WITH EVERY SINGLE CRIMINAL THEY PUT IN THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM They stage your death change your identity and send you and your whole family to live in hiding As you give them all the information they need to lock up all your criminal friends But In reality The FBI is just going to use all the information they get from you to steal your throne from you & Take over your businesses As you and your family live in exile . . . Celebrities that are sick of their Fame The powerful that are sick of their power People that want to disappear and start over Are all in the witness protection program Which is highly classified . . . Jesus is the rat Not Judas #Vtv . . . . . . You know what the definition of insanity is: Doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result. You clean to the old ways like a tick on a dog's ass And look where that has gotten us #Vtv . . . . . . What if Now humor me on this What if Everything could not be easily explained by all the fictional fairy tales you tell your children at night What if You know less about your own religion Then you do about the world you live in What if ?¿‽ #Vtv . . . . . . who says I'm being selfish I'm saying forget your religion and live in the real world I'm saying fuck your government laws and rules And be free with the United States Constitution that are founding fathers gave us and brave men and women fight and die for every day I'M SAYING THAT SANTA CLAUS ISN'T REAL What part of that makes me selfish What part of me looking out for the best interests of all of my people Including the non-christians The infidels & The gentiles Now How Dose that Make me selfish #Vtv . . . . . . That Soldier Is a better Christ then Jesus could ever be At least the soldiers fight for you Before they die for you #Vtv . . . . . . konda astrata montos conda Shu-font-tey-yay Affa-Ray-morinto #Vtv . . . . . . Very few fuck's given It's one notch above no fuck's given & I'm running out of fuck's to give #Vtv . . . . . . If I threaten you You may get a little angry If I threaten your family You will be sure to return the threat But when I threaten your God You act like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum Why Can your God not defend himself . What are you going to do about it Better yet What is your all powerful god going to do about it . Well Tell your god That I'm coming for his head And tell me what he says & If your God doesn't like it Then may your God smite me where I stand But I won't hold my breath #Vtv . . . . . . Look I have been baptized Catholic Christian and Mormon I have studied everything about every religion I can possibly study Especially the hidden occultic and evil parts of all the religions & Trust me religion is just another string to the puppet Master I JUST WANT YOU PERSONALLY TO BE FREE OF ALL LIMITATIONS You all deserve better than this asshole God that never does anything for you You're more powerful than this bullshit government who told you about this God in the first place JUST THINK FOR YOURSELF FOR ONCE But In the end You're the one that makes all your own choices to begin with #Vtv . . . . . . You know what I love to study religion Tell me more about your religion Who knows maybe we can teach each other My religious identification is sovrent & My political identification is sovereign What are yours I am wholeheartedly interested . . . Let me start the conversation for you With two questions Religiously What is the meaning of life & Politically Could your government exist without War ?¿‽ For example: My personal answers would be For the religious question "What is the meaning of life" (Religiously speaking) Love & family & (Politically speaking) To live life & As for The political question "Could your government exist without War" My answer would be (Religiously speaking) No & (Politically speaking) No What would you say. . . #Vtv . . . . . . I HAVE DEDICATED MY ENTIRE EXISTENCE To Destroying The Human Concept Of Currency From Existence there is nothing I hate more than a follower & I HOPE TO ONE DAY WIPEOUT EVERY SINGLE GOD, KING, LORD, & LEADER FROM THE HISTORY BOOK'S. #Vtv . . . . . . ( Religion ) Whatever The things to come will take care of that nuisance #Vtv . . . . . . ( Politics ) The United States Constitution solved that problem long ago But Yet These clowns of the jungle still want to walk backwards Whatever #Vtv . . . . . . THE DEFINITION OF INSANITY: is repeating the same things & expecting a different result You cleaned the old ways like a tick on a dog's ass And look where that has gotten us WHATEVER Let the willfully ignorant enjoy their abyss while it lasts It is their own demise The things to come will set things straight for all of these backwards walking clowns of the concrete jungle Once & for all #Vtv . . . . . . This place these "people" Make me ashamed to be human #Vtv . . . . . . You know people call me "crazy" But your all insane Constantly Repeating the same mistakes as your ancestors & Everybody call's me "a killer" Even though everybody's always trying to kill me & I wish you would kill me & Everybody says I'm a "freak" But I rather be a freak then be anything like any of you "Let your freak flag fly, high" & Everybody interrupts me talks over me or completely ignores me & With any word I can get in edgewise I'm the "asshole" Well I rather be an asshole then be somebody's bitch & $0 I have this to say: . . . Fuck your money Fuck your system & Fuck your power Fuck your god Fuck your savior & Fuck your devil Fuck your enslavement Fuck your conviction Fuck your manipulation & Fuck you . . . WE'RE ALL AT WAR HERE & WE'RE ALL DYING Until the end of time #Vtv . . . . . . I'm not racist I hate all people equally #Vtv . . . . . . THAT'S A REAL DEMON OF AN IDEA demons are solely created by mankind Demons are evil human concepts ideas & thoughts Demons are Bad behaviors and habits Demons are mental illnesses Like: The 7 deadly sins greed, lust, Wrath, pride, gluttony, sloth jealousy & envy. Or Like: Lo the demon of suicide Or The 4 horseman of the apocalypse War, famine, pestilence and death. PEOPLE'S EVIL MIND'S ARE THE DEMONS You don't see animals acting like this #Vtv . . . . . . Jesus on the cross said: "forgive them father, for they know not what they do" But It doesn't matter You see a snot nose kid acting like a little spoiled brat You spank them If you know what's good for them #Vtv . . . . . . "I thought the cops would help" Well You learned your first lesson today Cops don't help - Ash vs the evil dead #Vtv . . . . . . Australia The land down under Was Atlantis in the old world . Africa In the old world was Egypt . Russia In the old world Was the home of the Viking's OR THE NORSE GOD LOKI VLAD DRACULA THE IMPALER Vlad Castle in transylvania europe & Was known as the bat-man to the Mayan & the native American . Iraq / Iran In the old world Was where the sandman prince of persia was born . The United States of America Colorado's garden of the gods Was the garden of Eden In the old world . Italy In the old world Was Rome . Asia In the old world Use to be China . Greece In the old world Use to be Greece Believe it or not . & The world is actually flat & On the back of a giant sea turtle carried on the back of a Greek titan god named atlas . There is a giant hole On the top of the earth Were you can enter hollow earth Where the Greek god hades resides With the dragon satan beelzebub Lucifer . Just a lil Vtv FYI for ya . #Vtv . . . . . . marijuana THC Weed is the burning bush That Moses used to talked to God With all the samaritan woman by the well . Psilocybin magic mushrooms are the tree of life The forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil "For the substance is of God." . Jesus would be considered an alcoholic by today's standards "Do not only drink water but drink a little wine." . Just saying: The United States Constitutional Bill of right's Right to the pursuit of happiness you can not declare war with intangible enemies Because prohibition will never work #Vtv . . . . . . Everybody joins a religion or the military or groups or gangs Inorder to be apart of something bigger than themselves But There ain't nothing bigger Then the normal everyday hard working people of the world Who keep this planet running There ain't nothing more important Then a mother & father To a kid & Children are the future. $0 Don't ever worry about money Money comes & goes Go to school Get a career A humble Home A vehicle that gets you from point A to point B Get safe and comfortable Live the easy life & Love your family Retire late & Die of old age with your grandchildren around you That's all anybody will ever need Like mama always says: "Be a simple man" Because Some people will never even get the choice of such luxuries So don't through it away Okay ?¿‽ #Vtv . . . . . . 911 DID 9/11 No pity for the piggy Pigs deserve as much sympathy & Mercy As they have shown everyone else As for the rest of the "judicial" system We obviously don't need the judge's The lawyers are just a second district attorney Because all there is are plea deals We don't even need the court rooms anymore Court is done on little TV 's now & No Drug War No Crime No job So fuck them all The rich & the pig's have caused every single Conflict world wide since the beginning of time . Matthew 23 "Woe to you teachers of the Law & Pharisees you hypocrites." . Galatians 5:18 "If I am led by the spirit I am not under the law." . But Don't worry piggy Tears dry up in hell #Vtv . . . . . . The Whitest Kids U'Know Trevor Moore High in Church Time For Guillotines . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . WKUK BE A COP . . . . . . #Vtv . . . . . . 3 Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed. 3 Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.†4 So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!†And he said, “Here I am.†5 Then He said, “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.â€Â 6 Moreover He said, “I am the God of your father—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.†And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God. 7 And the Lord said: “I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their [a]sorrows. 8 So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites. 9 Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel has come to Me, and I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. 10 Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.†11 But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?†12 So He said, “I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.†13 Then Moses said to God, “Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?†14 And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.†And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ â€Â 15 Moreover God said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: ‘The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.’ 16 Go and gather the elders of Israel together, and say to them, ‘The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared to me, saying, “I have surely visited you and seen what is done to you in Egypt; 17 and I have said I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, to a land flowing with milk and honey.†’ 18 Then they will heed your voice; and you shall come, you and the elders of Israel, to the king of Egypt; and you shall say to him, ‘The Lord God of the Hebrews has met with us; and now, please, let us go three days’ journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the Lord our God.’ 19 But I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go, no, not even by a mighty hand. 20 So I will stretch out My hand and strike Egypt with all My wonders which I will do in its midst; and after that he will let you go. 21 And I will give this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall be, when you go, that you shall not go empty-handed. 22 But every woman shall ask of her neighbor, namely, of her who dwells near her house, articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing; and you shall put them on your sons and on your daughters. So you shall plunder the Egyptians Amen . . . . . . Yeshua Ben-hur Elijah Of the people of Elohim Jesus Christ of Nazareth Said: (& I quote) "I said: in your own law, that you are all gods." #Vtv . . . . . . WE HAVE ALL BEEN IN THE MIDDLE OF A HOLY WAR this is not about me This Is Not About You THIS IS ABOUT US ALL so get off your pedestal #Vtv . . . . . . God made the devil lord of this world to prove him wrong once & for all THAT'S WHY THIS WORLD IS SO STUPID Even Jesus him self said the devil is Lord of this world But Not for long GET BEHIND ME SATAN #Vtv . . . . . . & WELCOME TO THE END & In The Beginning he said let there be light & It was alright Lol jk jk good tweet good tweet Eat the CRACKER drink the punch it is not blood The never ending joke without a punchline As @bove $0 Below Don't eat from the apple tree Go work for your food I AM WHO I AM SENT ME SET MY PEOPLE FREE $0 let's play monopoly Set up the house of cards We will need 5 ladder's to heaven this time ;@)WhoH@hAwhoopH3hEwhoopHoh0'oh)@; K33P L@UGH!NG & $t@y S¢Ar3D &forever'N'everof8 In Yeshua Ben-hur Elijah Of the people of Elohim Jesus Christ of Nazareth's Name I Vincente Tyler Vernagallo V.t.v. Of the people of America The Antichrist of A-town (303) C@LL A R@t Yo Us of A!! Pray May God Jehovah Elijah Of the people of Elohim's Will be done In the name of the father The son & The Holy Ghost #WTF #Vtv #FTW Amen . . . . . . D¢$0 INMATE 21-37467 R.I.P. Dezzy D@ B.B. Gun Kill@ # IIII - \ HORSEMAN FELON I'll $hoot Y@ Eye Out Pig Bu$t A Pellet In Y@ S.S.A. You've lost your Nut$ $quirrel You yellow-bellied snake in the grass $uper $port Zombie FE6 CIA6 DEA6 CDC-19 beast of the statue's Nee Buckleying spinning wanna be reach for the Stars you red coat wearing Hi ho Caesar down to the pharaoh Ump pa dump pa dupady doo Can't skate Can I parkour Follow the rabbit Perfect circle AGAIN Again again Weeeeeeeee weee bluuuu . D¢$0 INMATE 10-37467 R.I.P. Bree I'm the Facebook TROLLER TRYING TO CATCH ME TROLL'N' DIRTY U Mad¿ ;@)WhoH@hAwhoopH3hEwhoopHoh0'oh)@; A-town (303) ¢@!! A r@t Yo Us of A!! K33P L@ugh!ng & $t@y S¢@r3D #WTF #Vtv #FTW Aman ?¿‽ Fool me once. . .. . . . . . . . . The deadline was 2012 Judgment day was 2020 & So far the vote has been unanimous Are you guy's sure you don't wanna go to the party ?¿‽ You really just wanna stay here & Run around in your lil bouncy house & Play monopoly Are you sure Fun land Doesn't look fun Ok I guess give them what they want Your all sure Okay Non interference policy Your world Your life Your choice Enjoy See ya in another 1,000 years or so Give or take a couple thousand years The train leaves the station in 2 to 3 & Don't think I won't leave because this place sucks Alright See ya Buy #Vtv . . . . THE "UN" Is US WHO'S World DO YOU THINK THIS IS Like a moth to the flame every fucking time ?¿‽ #Vtv . . THERE IS NOTHING OUT THERE Because Of Us #Vtv LOOKS LIKE WE All do win After all . . . . . . THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT COVERING UP EXTRATERRESTRIALS The extra-terrestrials are covering up extra-terrestrials They don't want to be attacked by us Because They know they'll kick our ass #Vtv . . . . . . Now I've posted this subject before But I usually delete it Because It causes conflict But . JUST LIKE PLANET EARTH HAS AN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT With An United Nations Form of Government Above That Well the Milky Way galaxy has a Galactic Federation With a interplanetary democracy An interplanetary congress (so to speak) An interplanetary military & Interplanetary society / civilization . Believe it or not . THE GALACTIC FEDERATION HAS A UNIVERSAL CODE CALLED: THE LAW OF ONE The Universal Goal: is to spread and protect all life throughout the universe by any means necessary along With a "Non interference policy" Meaning: Your planet your rules Your law's Your life's Your choice AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T AFFECT &0r/ Harm / threaten the peace OF ANY OTHER PLANETS . Which can lead to Solar lockdown Planetary lockdown Planetary War & Can even mean Planetary extermination if need be . In order to stop planetary War From spreading to a solar War To a Galactic war or Universal War Because War sucks for everybody & You guys set off atom bombs like pop rocks on the 4th of July All over the planet earth for decades & affected the entire Universal web (Used for interstellar travel) The "The universe's highways" If you will . PEOPLE ARE GONE FOREVER & NOBODY WILL EVER KNOW WHERE THEY WENT they could have been thrown out of existence itself . Mother's father's brother sisters family soldiers etc Just gone forever never to be found . That's fucked up Wether you knew what you were doing or not . Like Go ahead Kill each other Act like child Who cares But Effecting the whole universe Usually calls for the annihilation & extermination of your entire species from existence itself . & The whole universes fuse, is all burnt up when it comes to "planet dirt" . You are a 4 billion Earth year old species And you're still playing early development games Acting like you don't know no better Granted that is a young species But you sure as hell ain't babies . the atom bomb is a split atom Meaning that atom will never be able to be whole again & Then you agitate the split atom Making an explosion That will split all the other atoms in the whole universe THEN AN IMPLODE BACK IN ONTO ITSELF The implosion is much much worse than the explosion & You cannot physically see the effects Fallout & After effects of an atom bomb implosion . a split atom STARTS TO UNFRAIL THE VERY FABRIC OF THE UNIVERSE Like a loose thread to a woolen sweater It hasn't happened yet But You assholes Slowly but surely Killed The eternal universe The entire universe is now dying & There's no way to put the split atoms back together There just going to keep splitting until they don't exist anymore You guys might not give a fuck about yourselves Or care about your planet But Some people were trying to live in this universe . You destroyed the whole universe So ya Fuck your stupid little blue ball of dirt But we're not going to destroy your planet We're going to make damn sure you're here during the entire end of the universe SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT YOU FUCKING DID & Don't hold your breath This is going to take a while #Vtv . . . . . . $0ooo . . . Tried to play a joke on the joker eh & How'd that work out for you K33P L@ughing & $tAy S¢@r3d ;@)WhoH@hAwhoopH3hEwhoopHoh0'oh)@; #Vtv$0ooo . . . Tried to play a joke on the joker eh & How'd that work out for you K33P L@ughing & $tAy S¢@r3d ;@)WhoH@hAwhoopH3hEwhoopHoh0'oh)@; #Vtv . . . . . . If you think that there is no extraterrestrial life Then your dumber than I thought If you honestly think there are no other planets out there full of life Then you're stupider than they all thought If you honestly wholeheartedly believe That life can't find a way And you are a unique special little snowflake Then Think again #VtvIf you think that there is no extraterrestrial life Then your dumber than I thought If you honestly think there are no other planets out there full of life Then you're stupider than they all thought If you honestly wholeheartedly believe That life can't find a way And you are a unique special little snowflake Then Think again #Vtv . . . . . . I understand that you guys don't know what your doing I understand that you're all the children of the universe Well (Teenagers technically) But All you guys had to do was live your lives Like normal everyday human beings Really not asking for much There is No reason to be at war since the beginning No reason to enslave yourselves No reason to to corrupt the system No reason to set the only world your all ever going to get on fire You're never going to get rich no matter how many billions of pieces of paper shiny rocks and plastic you maintain $0 stop trying You're never going to take over the world & Your never going to be powerful JUST GO HOME AND BE WITH YOUR FAMILIES If you guys would just stop setting your world on fire The planet would be able to take care of you all better than any grocery store without any maintenance & If you would all chill out long enough The rest of the universe would come down and give you technologies to make your lives even easier But YOU ALL WANT TO BE GODS OF WAR AND KINGS & SLAVES #Vtv . . . . . . Here's A lil Vtv FYI for ya: DID YOU KNOW IF A COP EVER TELLS A LIE EVEN IF IT'S JUST A LITTLE WHITE LIE THE POLICE WILL INSTANTLY SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST ?¿‽ I hope your happy D-evil Officer Lucifer Puscifer wearing satin FE6'$ CIA6'$ DEA6'$ CDC-19 & S.S.P. # of the beast Pig's Squirrels & backwards walking SSA'$ DICK'$ P.P.'$ Double Anal'$ Liar'$ & Sinners Judging sinners father of lie's inventor of sin Pyramid scheme builders & slave traders Yellow bellied snake's in the grass Teachers of the law & Pharisees Redcoat wearing knee buckling reaching for the Stars Hi ho Caesar teachers pet Glorified Hall monitors with a lead gold star on your left tit Shooting Fish in a barrel with your gun control YOU KNOW THE DEVIL IS LORD I GUESS YOU CAN HAVE ALL YOUR PRISONERS BACK Satan was right You guys suck I hope your all happy You proved the devil right . I'm sure Jesus is on his way He probably just got pulled over & got a speeding ticket for coming so quickly . WAR IS HELL & WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER #Vtv . . . . . . Haha So I open my facebook for the first time in months & posted all the evidence of the police case For the felony BB gun case open on me & immediately get red flagged for my facebook post But yet This shit has been all over the internet for weeks & Nobody cared like What? you don't like your own evidence for your own case piggy If I’m so wrong Wouldn’t you want everybody to see me for the monster I am Because If facebook doesn’t like it Then How do you think a court and jury are going to like it? #Vtv . . . . . . THE UNITED STATES PRESIDENT & COMMANDER IN CHIEF HAS THE POWER OF SUGGESTION AT BEST THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF IS NOT A DICTATOR And we all want the president to abuse that power By suggesting as many things as possible But The President also needs to learn how to compromise & Not focus on one suggestion SUGGESTIONS That THE PEOPLE want the Commander in Chief to suggest TO THE GOVERNMENT The president is nothing but a mediary A bridge between the people and the government That's why the president get's only a four to eight year term Because If they can't do their job then we will find someone else who will We got a lot of people with a lot of shit to say & The government better listen BECAUSE WE THE PEOPLE THAT DO EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY WILL ALWAYS HAVE FINAL DECISION ON WHAT HAPPENS ON OUR PLANET . We outnumber your bullets & You wouldn't even have any bullets to begin with if it wasn't for us Those are all our bullets & They all belong to us $0 we will tell you who to shoot our bullets at Or we will shoot our own bullets ourselves semper fi oorah Everything here flies through the air But nothing will ever fly like the people fly & Your own tiny little world don't fly in our world $0 fly or die Sink or swim But remember sharks were born swimming & I'll forgive you you must be a Pisces But Mess with the bull you get the horns Because Your golden calf is missing horns wings and gills #Vtv . . . . . . Haha Hey man Fuck the explosive Greek Fire automobile Walk like a normal human being Haha Or Should I say climb & Before you even ask "What is Greek Fire idiot" Ask the all-knowing being Google It's an ancient Greek Secret How else could the ancient Greeks breathe fire from their ships like a dragon and set water on fire That's probably why the sand nigger was so pissed off about you being a dick about vehicles You set his whole country on fire over oil #Vtv . . . . . . Haha Hey man Fuck the explosive Greek Fire automobile Walk like a normal human being Haha Or Should I say climb & Before you even ask "What is Greek Fire idiot" Ask the all-knowing being Google It's an ancient Greek Secret How else could the ancient Greeks breathe fire from their ships like a dragon and set water on fire That's probably why the sand nigger was so pissed off about you being a dick about vehicles You set his whole country on fire over oil While they walked on the desert floor You White devil American Praise Allah Infidel The same God you praise Only in a different language Yet You don't even know your own God's real name in your own language Because Allah means god in English A lil Vtv FYI for ya All of our one true god Real full name Is Jehovah Yahweh Elijah Of the people of Elohim To the Jew Now Who is your god to you & "Heaven" Means zoo In jew You gentile & Our God Is spanking the Jew just like the rest of us And the Jew are his chosen children Surrounded by enemies Imagine what he's about to do to you When he's done with his Jew For God is merciful He is only spanking you like a good father Be thankful For God's own personal lesson specifically for you & For the love of God Learn from it So you don't continue the same mistake of insanity Lord knows I need to I AM NOT AFRAID TO ADMIT THAT I AM THE ANTICHRIST & I am not afraid to question your own sins That you judge me for Demons Are nothing more or less Then human concepts and ideas & If we all deserve to burn in hell Then so do you For you created us So sweep that under your rug of holy war and hell After all No man gets left behind In love & war The Norse Viking god Odin Devoured his children to stay in power The Greek mythological God Kronos Devoured his children in order to stand power Your God crucified his one and only begotten son In order to stay in power & I for one will not accept it Or Simply dismiss it The young will always eat the old whether or not you let it So accept it As I do I am more than willing to fight and die for my people Are you honestly too selfish to do the same Divided we fall & Together we stand BUT I'M NOT AFRAID TO STAND ALONE For Us All Even if that means I have to stand up to God himself Because My insanity over all my people Isn't going anywhere It is all or nothing for me until the end I will kill any leader I see without hesitation Slay the shepherd and the sheep will scatter & There is nothing I hate more than a follower I choose to be a private Even though they call me PFC Vtv & You're "Jesus Christ" Is a fallen archangel Named Michael Jesus Christ of Nazareth His real name Was Yeshua Ben-hur Elijah Of the people of Elohim In jew & We all go to hell sooner rather than later Only difference is This Hell is where I was born This Hell is where I was raised This hell is where I'm from & This hell is where I'll stay #Vtv . . . . . . The fact of the matter is I get blocked edited & deleted &0r/ Interrupted talked over or completely ignored Because Your own little world can't handle me & I only see it as an advantage Jealousy and envy are one of the seven deadly sins after all $0 Until my haters never go away #Vtv . . . . . . Drake The winner . . . . . . . Drake Forever . . . . . . . NOW AS FOR DC$0 WE HAVE THIS JUDICIAL SYSTEM SO THAT WE DON'T HAVE TO GO TO WAR IN OUR OWN COUNTRY . "WAR IS HELL & WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER." - FOUR STAR GENERAL PATTON . & I AIN'T MAD AT THE DEPUTIES TRYING TO GET CONTROL OF THE SITUATION I Ain't Mad At The Judge For Not Being Biased I ain't mad at the DA for protecting the alleged victims and State by any means necessary I AIN'T MAD AT MY FAMILY FOR PANICKING & CALLING 9-11 9-11 IS NOT A LUXURY 9-11 IS NOT A PRIVILEGE & 9-11 IS NOT A TOY & I Wish I Had More Neighbors Like The One's Protected My lil sis brit the brat I'm mad at the public pretenders & liars For holding everything up for no reason THE DEPUTIES ARE DOWNSTAIRS WONDERING WHY EVERYTHING'S TAKEN SO LONG UPSTAIRS The judges are wondering what the hell's going on in their own courtroom & The DA is just doing there job The pee pees & double penetration Is making innocent people look like criminals & SOMEONE NEEDED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT 10 YEARS AGO STOP KIDNAPPING MY PEOPLE ALL OF YOU We got your asses to wipe now All of these people can easily dismiss the case EVEN THE MURDERERS under right to a FAST AND SPEEDY TRIAL Which is a 6 month deadline. !¡!Starting the second of the arrest!¡! We are going to have to IMMEDIATELY appeal all of these cases Straight to Superior courts In order to ever straighten out who's guilty and who's not & A United States government investigation MUST BE DONE ON DCSO 10 YEARS AGO This has become a threat to national security Our main missile defense system is in Colorado & They're filling up the streets with a homeless army of innocent people that have been all convicted of felonies without even a trial (that ruin their lives forever) for crimes that they didn't even commit & Whether they are found guilty or not Those felonies never go away Unlike all of my misdemeanors & DCSO IS NOT A PRIVATELY OWNED FACILITY ANYMORE I don't know why any of them ever were What gives you the right to lock up our own people IN OUR OWN COUNTRY without any United States government authority SO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER BEFORE WE SEND IN THE MILITARY . . . DC$0 CHECKS YOUR MILITARY STATUS BEFORE THEY EVEN BOOK YOU VETERANS HAVE BEEN LYING ABOUT THEIR MILITARY STATUS JUST TO GET A LOOK AT THIS P.O.W. CAMP Innocent veterans that haven't even gone to trial yet are being treated like criminals by deputies (that aren't even cops yet) claiming to be soldiers with ranks of Sergeant & Above (Yet they can't even tell me what rank comes before sergeant) PEOPLE HAVE TO EARN THAT FUCKING RANK WITH WAR TRAINING Not peace officer training . We still got a chance With hope There's a chance . Da BB Gun Killa & Just because I'm white I can do something about it KILL A WHITE BOY FOR A BB GUN PIGGY I DEAR YA I DIBBLE DOG DEAR YA I WISH SOMEONE WOULD Try & KILL ME Your right I "don't need a gun" BECAUSE GUNS ARE EVERYWHERE "DC$0" (Green light on dat bitch) Oorah OORHA Don't fuck with my people & DO NOT FUCK WITH MY FAMILY Because You will have to go through me first & Maybe just maybe I don't need to kill you Maybe You ain't worth saving I have no pity for the piggy I will admit there is no method to my madness But I have learned how to improvise #Vtv . . . . . . . #Vtv DO NOT Pull the thread . . . #Vtv #Vtv . . #Vtv . Da BB Gun Killa . . . . . . . Drake God's plan . . . . . . . Rob Wave No Deal . . . . . . .
9 members
The Deplorable Patriot
They want to shut us up. Don’t they? They don’t want us gathering together. Do they? They don’t want us to communicate in any way. Do they? They want full control of our lives. Don’t they? Patriots have always peaceably lived by the “law of the landâ€. But when it comes to “REGULATIONâ€, we will NOT be dominated by the same form of tyranny we fought when we put the Brits out. A poll from the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics found that 28% of U.S. voters think that they will have to take up arms against the government of the United States. Broken down by party 45% of Republicans, 21% of Democrats, and 35% of Independent voters agree. 73% of strong Republicans and among rural voters that number is 68%. No wonder. The priorities of the left are transgenders and illegal immigrants and on the right, the priority is Americans. The one thing that used to bind both Democrats and Republicans together was the love of country, but no more. The Republicans still love it, but the Democrats despise it. The funny thing is what the Democrats say makes them hate the country, slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, and the KKK are all the policies of Democrats. In regards to trusting elections, only 33% say they are honest and fair. 51% of Independents think elections are honest and 78% of Democrats say they are fair and honest. Of course, the majority of Democrats like the way the elections are run. Every discrepancy favors the Democrats. Not the majority, not most, but every single one. What are the odds that would happen in honest elections? According to the poll, 73% of Republicans say that “Democrats are generally bullies who want to impose their political beliefs on those who disagree.†At nearly the same percentage (74%), Democrats view Republicans as bullies who want to impose their political beliefs on others. There were 49% of poll participants who “avoided political discussions with others because I don’t know where they stand.†Politics has caused a quarter of Americans to lose friends and avoid friends or relatives for their political beliefs, according to the poll. There were 38% who “unfriended or stopped following someone on social media because of their political views.†The survey found that 26% of people stopped doing business with a company or brand because of their politics. “While we’ve documented for years the partisan polarization in the country, these poll results are perhaps the starkest evidence of the deep divisions in partisan attitudes rippling through the country,†said Republican pollster Neil Newhouse – who helped conduct the poll. So gather. Talk. Meet together. Initiate your constitutional rights right here and locally where you live. Attend organized events! And do so without globalist censorship. We have a huge task ahead.
The Original Three Percenters of Missouri
This is the home of the Original Three Percenters of Missouri on Wimkin. Born from the ashes of The Three Percenters - Original, the first and largest III% organization, members who weren’t going to cave to political pressure and outright lies by the media surrounding the D.C. Rally on Jan 6, 2021 decided to reform our group. Believing that change on a federal level is almost impossible in this climate, we turned our attention to the individual state governments to fight oppression from the federal apparatus. 

WHO WE ARE Purpose: To cultivate and secure Liberty 

Mission statement: To foster within ourselves and our fellow Americans the skills and responsibilities necessary for a free society. 

Our 4 pillars of focus: 
1. Personal and Community Security 
2. Political Activism 
3. Community Outreach 
4. Recruiting 

Our beliefs: We hold true that ALL mankind is created equal, with certain inalienable rights, among which are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The only natural limit to one’s freedom to exercise these rights is when it reasonably interferes with another human’s right to do the same. We recognize the gift we have been given, to live in an era where liberty is possible. Throughout history, totalitarianism has been the norm, and history teaches us that it always results in human indignities. We reject totalitarianism in all its forms, as it is contrary to the Natural Order, and pledge to resist it at all costs, yet with the minimal response to achieve the desired effect. We also recognize that with the gift of liberty comes the responsibility of self, family, and neighbor. The members of this organization strive to identify solutions to these responsibilities, employ them in our lives, and help others to achieve them. Personal and Community Security The responsibility for the security of you and your family is a burden of liberty. We work, plan, and train together to ensure our safety and security in the event of any crisis.
Education, Knowledge, Preparedness for WHEN, Not IF Practical Preparedness is to build preparedness through the assimilation of self-reliant survival skills, tested through practice, creating a stable self-reliant way of thinking and living that then extends itself into creating and inspiring others around you to build community and in turn strengthen our towns, states and nation as a strong group of individuals standing shoulder to shoulder to better serve themselves and others around them. This is our belief in the way to preserve the gift of liberty, happiness and our great nation. There is No Disaster when YOU are Prepared Survival is Every Day, Training and Practice! DISCLAIMER for MEMBERS - I do NOT KNOW You & Vice Versa Wanting to JOIN? Rule#1 ... No profile pic? Delete. End of story. Rule#2 ... Private profile? Delete. At least have enough available to determine if you are "real" with ideals of your own. Rule#3 ... No "substantial" posts on your page? Delete. Have some posts that indicates you are real person with a real thought process. Rule#4 ... Lewd or suggestive pics? Delete. I am happily married to a wife that can wear a mop as a wig & put on a potato sack for a dress and I still find HER sexy after all of these years! I do not care about your boobies or coochie! Rule#5 ... Crude, rude and uncouth? Delete. Self explanatory! Rule#6 ... Trying to get money from me? NOT GONNA HAPPEN! Delete. Rule#7 ... No accepting until I see some responses to my posts. I will not have a list of "lurker", "govt agents or wannabe's", "criminally insane" members.
4 members
****This group is currently a place-holder and is not active at this time.**** Are you READY? We all know that the world is an uncertain place and increasingly polarized and violent. We want to form a support group made up of a community of people trying to live their highest and best lives and help others to do the same. Were interested in helping each other thrive in a time of climate upheaval, environmental change, economic change, technological change, social change and sharing ways to meet all these head on and come out the better for it. Together we are stronger! We get that it isnt always easy to love your neighbor but we believe that it is not only worth the effort but is indeed a survival necessity for a true community. At this very moment, if your life depended on it, do you know if theres air in your spare? Do you know - for sure - that you even have a spare? Do you know where it is, or how to get to it? Do you have a jack? Do you know how to use one? This one? Because sometimes AAA is busy! Or it takes more time than you have. Or your phone is dead. Or theres no reception.... This group isnt about cars - - although you can learn a lot about them here. This group is about Every Part of our lives, making sure that we have a spare and we know what to do with it. Simply put, this group is about forming a community of people who can help each other be ready for Virtually Anything life can throw our way. We believe in sharing our knowledge, paying it forward, showing up for each other in times of need or, better still keeping most of those times of need from happening in the first place! We also believe that if your emergency plans dont involve a community, you need a better plan. Together, WE ARE the better plan!! Topics for exploration (not limited to this list): Preparedness Emergency Procedures Health, Wellness & Fitness (You need to be healthy and fit for survival!) Body/Mind/Spirit (You need a sound mind to stay frosty in stressful situations, etc.) First Aid, and Natural remedies Food Forests & Permaculture Foraging Group Living (Explore different types of Groupings / living situations.) Relationships & Interpersonal Dynamics Home & Car Maintenance Money Management Shopping & Meal Planning Food Storage & Preservation Organization Minimalism Budgeting (Time & Money) Getting Debt-Free (and in charge of your finances) Preparing for Retirement Preparing for Disaster (Natural or Man-made) Ecological Footprint Recycling Sustainability Grounding/Earthing Hope, Eagerness, Vibrancy, Verve, Happiness, Fun and Love *All of these things are meant to be SHARED Rules: This group is open to anyone who desires to move in the direction of becoming more prepared, self-sufficient, and who wants to be part of a community that believes in supporting all of its members. We have just a few rules, and most of them fall under the umbrella of RESPECT. As long as you abide by the rules, you are welcome to be here! We want this to be a positive sharing and learning space so we will not tolerate judging by those who are more experienced or who know better. We are here to help each other to live better lives, plain and simple. Be KIND (and polite)! No spam, drama, inflammatory remarks, trolls, or engaging in attacks. You never know others' circumstances. Please ASSUME GOODWILL. No selling without permission of admin, GoFundMe, or promotion of other groups. Please do not post links to other groups that we are uninformed about. If youd like to share information with someone who has asked, you may do so via messaging. Respect Everyone's Privacy. Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What's shared in the group should stay in the group. THANK YOU AND WELCOME! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!! ?
Gathering, discussion and socialization. Paganism is not an organized religious system. The use of the word dates back to the times of the roman empire when its meaning appears to have been originally akin to countryman or citizen. This was prior to the advent of Christianity. With its arrival, the word took on a derogatory and religious connotation to refer to non Christians or followers of religious systems other than Christianity. Today, in an attempt to self identify and differenciate from abrahamic religious ideologies, many subscribe to the term pagan, either as a way to mean other than the aforementioned, or to imply a return to the old gods and religious systems of pre-Christian cultures. There exist a great ideological diversity among adherents of paganism. There is no generalized consensus or centralization and therefore ideas and practices may and often deffer greatly from individual to individual and from group to group. Not one individual or group defines what paganism is, nor should any individual or group become the basis for stereotype, judgement or reputation for the rest, as every individual and group operates independently from each other. Many will not subscribe to the pagan label stating that the giving of names to a religious system does not appear to have been a thing in ancient times, while other won't because they feel a label cannot effectively define all the complexity and variation there is in human thought, and yet others will not subscribe to it because they don't want to be associated with what they consider negative traits they feel have taken over main stream paganism. Paganism is just a wide umbrella term for a diverse group of modern systems, ideologies, philosophies and attitudes that may or may not be religious in nature, and that ranges from those who seek to reconstruct specific cultures from the past, to those who are more open to modern reinvented expressions of these, or something else entirely different. Heathenry, Celtic paganism, Druidry or Druidism, Wicca, traditional witchcraft, and other forms that may or may not subscribe to shamanism and animism are examples of different expressions within this huge umbrella. Even among these specific branches exists a lack of general consensus. Different forms of theism within a religious context may be also present such as polytheism, pantheism, panentheism, henotheism, monolatrism, monism or even monotheism. Some may even subscribe to agnosticism and atheism whether openly or implied.
1 member
The Be THAT Mom Movement: Digital safety for kids
Welcome welcome welcome to the Be THAT Mom Movement Community!! ??This is YOUR safe space to be THAT mom that is proactive for yourself and your family while raising kids in our digital world. ??As moms, we are facing a new realm of parenting that cannot be ignored and is not easy. ??Whether your kid is younger or older, its never too soon or too late to be THAT mom, from a place of love, so if you are a mom, youre in the right place!??My mission is to create a judgment-free space for YOU to be 100 % yourself, share your story, and get genuine support within a caring environment of other moms just like you! ??Im Dolly, the founder of the Be THAT Mom Movement and the host of the Be THAT Mom Movement Podcast. ??I am also a mom x 3, a nurse practitioner, a nutrition and fitness enthusiast and wellness coach. ??It was in the really difficult moments of raising my kids in this digital world, that I realized I needed to be proactive, but didnt know where to start. ??Now Im here to create that space I so desperately needed, so together, we can be the moms that our children need in this realm of parenting.???Learn More- resources for digital parenting: With Me: ??* ?* ?* ?* ?* ??DOLLY I HAVE QUESTIONS/CONCERNS??Email or msg me (Im here to help!) ??* ?* ???RULES??Please Understand The Following????This group is a safe space for all to share. ???Absolutely no mean comments will be accepted.???No shaming, no judgement, no promotions.????Now... PLEASE add all of the THAT Moms(or want to be THAT Moms) that you know!! Our childrens future depends on being THAT mom strong... together!!?
Void, Will, Freedom. The Legions of Chaos
#chaosnation χάος was the first being to exist, and she created herself through unstoppable divine will. χάος (Chaos) existed first as a WILL, a spark of desire to BE, before she willed herself, and the universe, into existence in a literal sense. From Chaos (Void, or Abyss) came life, from darkness, light. One cannot exist without the other. Think of the modern life, so hectic, full of movement, hitting you in the face with light and energy at every turn. This has come to be called chaos, but in reality, the original etymology of Chaos is the complete opposite, in that sense (Chaos is chaotic in that it was a bubbling, spitting, infernal abyss, that, however, is not what I mean by the bedlam of modern life). Consider how meaningless modern life is, absent time to reunite with the abyss. And we all reach for the abyss, regardless of what name you give it. Their can be no life without the deathly abyss from which it sprang. The Luciferian spark of inspiration only comes in the quiet of darkness and night, the endless Void who gave birth to us all. This is what we base our political philosophy on; Chaos, the right of every man and woman to have space and silence enough to think a thing through, come to a meaningful decision, and then, WILL followed by ACTION. We are all her children, and, as our mother did before us, we must, in regards to our own lives, follow our divine will, free of government force or coercion. The governments of today's world stand in direct opposition to GOD by denying everything She stands for, the very process through which she created. They stand in direct affront to the Spark of Chaos within us, to force us against our WILL. But we want a form of government that respects the dignity of all men who have broken no reasonable law, a form of government that respects our divine will as individuals to live our lives as we see fit.
Forgiveness, Growth & Transformation: small group power
I organise (not run) power of Eight groups - which means a small group of people committed to getting together on a regular basis to hold a loving intention for another person (could be one member of the group or could be completely a third party) and for 10 minutes to hold that person in their hearts & minds for healing, abundance & prosperity (emotionally, mentally, creatively, physically & even financially). Let's be intentional in 2021 about making the world a better place for others! But I also practice Ho'oponopono - a forgiveness meditation. While I grew up in a Christian family, forgiveness was forced upon us. "You will forgive him now or you get punished." So, you said "I'm sorry" and they said "I forgive you" - and they said "I forgive you" because if they didn't THEY would be punished. Great changes of heart. Or not. So, as an adult - finding a meditative practise which allowed me to really discover forgiveness was essential in healing. But I believe it has the power to transform and create miracles when we practice it also in a small group setting. So, I also use it regularly in small groups. It is my intention that this group be interfaith. And I mean that widely - I am happy to sit in silence with a person of any other faith with love in their hearts for themselves and others and hold healing intentions for third parties (or situations). For me, I will sit just as happy with a Sufi as with a Buddhist or a Christian: holding peace and compassion in my heart and practising forgiveness. Please note that this is not prayer: I believe that we have the power within us to create the best possible outcome. We are active participants in the process of co-creation - not spectators of a miracle. If we did not participate, the miracles would not occur. (I will try not to spout Quantum Physics or get into the Observer). I believe that science is finally beginning to understand what spiritual practices have been telling us for millennia. Initially, I have set this group up as public - so that people can see it and see what types of things we post. However, as soon as it grows, we will change the privacy settings to ensure the privacy of members. If you are interested in active participation (getting together on Zoom) in groups of 6-10 - ideally 8... but could be as small as 3-4 - I would love to coordinate times for this to happen.
"RJK" IS A PRE-TRIB RAPTURE BIBLE-PROPHECY WATCHMEN'S GROUP Israel's re-birth with sovereignty over Jerusalem, is KEY TO THE PROPHETIC TIMELINE! "It gives meaning and urgency to all the other signs." (Luke 21:24) ~ Hal Lindsey "If the watchman sees the sword coming & doesn't blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned..I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood." WELCOME to our humble Eschatology Group! (Eschatology: means study of the End times. We look to ESCAPE the Wrath of God, the Tribulation: "PRE-TRIB") Happy you're here! We are an OPEN/PUBLIC group to welcome many on FB. If you are a sincere answer-seeker, we'll try to help...AND not just the several Admins here, but mature believers, please feel free to share in pointing folks to Jesus and His soon "Catching up" of His Church!!! GUIDELINES for peaceful visits here: *We are a PRE-TRIB group....this is NOT open for public discussion. But if you sincerely seek to figure this out: PRIVATE message an Admin. *We are also: JESUS first, Pro-Israel, Pro-Life, One woman/One man marriage. So these topics are also not up for discussion. *We love the King James Version but not as the only "holy" version... *We believe Obama is the worst president ever, BUT do not believe he 'is THE AC', yet rather a forerunner, living the "spirit of antichrist" of the end times; we should pray for his salvation. *We are taking Christmas and Easter for JESUS! Using these days as opportunities to share about Christ's first coming and His Resurrection! POSTS WE DELETE (which may have you deleted from this group): ~NO sales, porn, profanity, rudeness, arguing etc. posts are tolerated!!! ~Date setting of any kind is wrong and has hurt many a person... (we believe in the imminent "Catching up" of the Church...any day now... because ONLY the Father knows the day and hour...) this could very well include the 2-3 day Feast of Trumpets, IF the Rapture is a Feast event, BUT again... NO ONE but the Father knows the year He, The Son, will return! ~As far as Rapture dreams and prophetic words, if they don't line up with the BIBLE they will be deleted... these DO NOT TRUMP THE BIBLE... Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets...there are NO Prophets of God today! None...Jesus was it! (But yes there are still words of prophecy.) A WORD ABOUT "EXTRA BIBLICAL" POSTS: ***We are encouraged by interesting things going on that seem to point to the church being caught up soon or a soon Trib period...these include: +THE BLOOD MOON TRETADS +THE PROPHECY OF MALACHY +THE PROPHECY OF RABBI KADURI Again, these are extra Biblical, and yet very interesting in this generation. IF we all abide in Christian love and sound Bible teaching, our group can be salt and light to a dying world... which needs the "Blessed Hope" of a soon coming Savior....Jesus Christ / Yeshua Maranatha!!!
Ecuador Expats
'Ecuador Expats' is for Expats in Ecuador, or those thinking about moving here. The mission of the group is about sharing our experiences living in Ecuador, the challenges, worries, victories, and questions. And for people not yet here but contemplating a life changing move, to listen to their questions and concerns and give them answers and help. Keep discussions focused on Ecuador. Any posts or comments (threads) that start out not being about Ecuador will be removed. Members who make such posts will be sent a message reminding them of the group rules. If they continue to start threads not about Ecuador, they will be removed from the group. No personal attacks - While debating and discussion is fine, rudeness and insulting or inflammatory posts will not be tolerated and will be removed without notice by an administrator. ?? ? of course Covid tests and vax are a major part of Global Air Travel affecting us all, and needs to be debated indepth, as it is ever changing and fluid situation. Many topics and subject matter can tie back into EC Travel and EC Expat Life, but if it doesn't plz take it to another more appropriate group. Lets do try to stay on focus and on topic of EC Expats. ? Thanks, Admin 'Ecuador Expats' group on MeWe: 'Ecuador Expats' on Telegram Group: 'Ecuador Expats' on GAB: Thank You, Jack Abercrombie, Cumbaya, Quito- ECUADOR S.A. Relocation Ecuador: Ecuador Real Estate: Call Toll free from U.S. & Canada: Mnts & Coast: 770-828-7913, EC. Off: 02-380-4088, Ec. Cel Claro: 098-828-8953, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Element: +593-98-828-8953, Talk free on "skype" user name: "Jack.Abercrombie" Blog: You Tube: twitter: Linked in: My photos 2008 EC Arrival Google+ / Picasa web albums: My 'JJinEc' google maps saved places I frequent in EC: RELOCATION SERVICES TO ECUADOR - INTRO TOURS TO ECUADOR - JOURNEYMAN JACK: {Comprehensive Introductory / Exploratory Tours Custom Fitted to your Relocation wants and needs with Pre-Trip Planning, Reservations, Expats & Locals Meet Ups, Rentals / Realty, Survival Spanish, Intro to EC Customs & Culture, Translator, Shopping, Vip Transport.... (the following would come later if you decide EC is for you)> Immigration, Residency Visas, Import / Export- Pets, Air Cargo, Vehicle & Home Inspections, Marriage Registration, Dual Citizenship, Dual Passports, Document Translations, Insurance, Healthcare, Law / Tax, Banking, Farm Land, Property & Site Management, Sea Container Shipping & Logistics, Security & Safety Measures, Finding Missing Persons In EC., Skype Video Or Toll Free Tel. Consultations}
14 members
HIS CALLING mMm Patriot - God and Country.
Welcome to HIS CALLING MMM Established 2017 ™ HC is a God Given Ministry that stand with and on Gods Law only. No Man-made laws Rules By laws or Regulations .. No Annual or Monthly Dues Run your chapter as God Guides you. We ask you Believe that the Father Son Holy Spirit are all three one in the same. for more info www.HISCALLINGMOTORCYCLE.COM FAQ's Can I join both the Motorcycle and Hot Rod Ministry? Answer is YES..... you may join all ministries and represent all. That way you can represent with the PURPLE or Khaki Motorcycle Ambassador Road Patch while riding or attending motorcycle events, the BURGUNDY while driving your hot rod or attending car events and the GOLD while participating in or attending any events as it represents Freedom. All Ministries have the same mission to help the homeless, needy, veterans, support law enforcement and first responders and to reach out to people that want to know our Christian God. This ministry is providing two different avenues for people with similar interests to share the word. Can I join the ministry if I'm not a Christian or serve another faith? Answer is NO..... you may not join unless you are a Christian that follows Jesus Christ and truly BELIEVES that the Father , Son, and Holy Spirit are ONE. You cannot serve 2 masters. Can I return the patches for a refund? Answer is YES..... you have 72 hours after receiving your patches to request a return or refund IF AND ONLY IF the patches have NOT been sewn or affixed to clothing. Personalized items such as Road name patches ARE NOT RETURNABLE OR REFUNDABLE. Can women join the ministry? Answer is YES..... women may join the ministry and wear a patch. We offer back patches in both 15 x 15 and 12 x 12. You may choose which size fits you best. We recommend women wear the 12 x 12 size but the choice is yours. We are ALL children of God and Jesus wants everyone to spread HIS word. Are there laws, bylaws. rules, or regulations? Answer is NO..... Our only law is God's Law. We do have a few common sense guidelines. Do not commit a crime, do anything you know is against God or misrepresent His Calling Ministry while waring the patch. Is this ministry run like a 1% MC? Answer is NO..... This ministry is ran FOR, OF, and BY GOD. We DO however love and give the utmost respect to our 1% brothers. We must remember that a large majority of them fought ,were wounded, or died for this nation. How long has this ministry been around? Answer is..... The Ministry was created in 2017. It actually started by a band previously known as April Calling. Due to the founders strong belief in Jesus most of the members became saved and we changed focus from secular music to Christian music and changed our name to His Calling. Since 2020 we have continued to grow rapidly. Why was this Ministry created? Answer is..... God spoke to the founder's heart regarding starting a motorcycle ministry. He spent 2 week's battling against what God was asking of him. He was a lone rider with no interest in starting or joining any type of motorcycle ministry. With a lot of praying about it he still felt lead by God to follow HIS voice and set forth on the mission set upon him. How big are your plans for His Calling Ministry? Answer is..... Letting God lead the way. Does His Calling Ministry believe in tithing? Answer is YES..... We believe in giving 10% as often as possible to help others for God. How has His Calling Ministry helped people? Answer is..... His Calling Ministry, has donated time, counseling, physical aide and monetary donations towards victims of natural disasters, children's foundations, and even members within the ministry that had struggles come against them, as well as spreading the word of God. What does MMM stand for? Motorcycle Music Ministry (To now include Hot Rod and Patriot Freedom Trucker as well.) Do I have to have a Motorcycle, Hot Rod car, or Big Rig Truck to join the ministry? Answer is NO..... You DO NOT have to have a motorcycle, hot rod or big rig truck to be a part of this ministry. We are ALL God's calling. Does my motorcycle have to be a certain brand, style, or size? Answer is NO..... you may have any size, brand, style, or size motorcycle you prefer. Does the ministry do background checks? Answer is NO..... His Calling does NOT do background checks. We do vet people that want to join just to ensure that they are true Christians. Your past is your past as we DO NOT PASS JUDGEMENT . God made clear HE is the ONLY JUDGE! Do I have to use a specific Bible? Answer is NO..... We prefer that you use the King James Bible based on the WORD OF GOD stating that the Bible would be 7 times purified with the King James Bible being the 7th Holy translation of HIS word. God specifically instructed us not to add or take away from HIS word. Why should I wear a Back Patch? Answer is..... Wearing the back patch and or any patch representing His Calling Ministry is a billboard showing others that you know the Christian God Jesus Christ. Can I request a different color for my patch? Answer is NO..... The colors for the patches are part of the trademark and may not be changed. What material can I put my patches on? Answer is..... You may affix your patch to any material you prefer, we recommend Denim or Leather. We have provided links at the bottom of the website as suggestion places to purchase those. Is there a particular placement guide for my patches? Answer is YES.....At the top of this website is a patch placement guide, or you can see check out photos of other members for the placement of patches. We do this to remain uniform. Can I make my own His Calling Ministry patches? Answer is NO.....You may NOT make, create or produce ANY His Calling Ministry patches. The patches are trademarked and will lead to legal action if you do so. Can I make my own His Calling Ministry merchandise? Answer is YES & NO..... You may make merchandise other than patches using the His Calling logo but you MUST get approval from administration first. If you want to make merchandise to raise money for your chapter using the His Calling logo please contact us through either our Facebook Clubhouse or use the CONTACT US section on this page. Can I advertise or sell my motorcycle and/or merchandise within the ministry? Answer is YES..... upon approval from the administration you may advertise and sell your merchandise in any of our Facebook groups. (Christian Biker, Come As You Are, American Biker, His Calling Hot Rod Clubhouse, His Calling Motorcycle Clubhouse, His Calling Patriot Trucker Clubhouse) Do I have to start or belong to a chapter? Answer is NO..... you may be a lone rider or start or join a chapter. The choice is yours. If I choose to start a chapter is there a certain format or criteria for running it? Answer is YES & NO..... You are free to run your chapter as you feel God is leading you to do so. You DO NOT HAVE to have officers or prospect people but you can if you choose. In order for someone to wear the back and front patches they must be a Christian and believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ONE. However if a person is NOT Christian but wants to be a supporter of your chapter and His Calling Ministry they can wear the supporter patches. Because His Calling Ministry does not have man made laws or bylaws, we recommend that each chapter be ran the same way. However the choice is yours. Does my chapter have to have meetings? Answer is NO..... You are NOT required to have meetings. If you want to have meetings or get togethers you are free to do so, but it is not a requirement. You may run your chapter as you feel God is leading you to. The choice is yours. Can I do prison outreach while representing HIs Calling Ministry? Answer is YES..... There are already chapters doing just that. Can women be officers in a chapter? Answer is YES..... Any patched member may be an officer in a chapter if your chapter has officers. Officers are NOT REQUIRED in any chapter. The choice is yours. Can my chapter sponsor organizations or have fundraisers? Answer is YES..... This ministry is about helping people. Feel free to sponsor or donate to any charities or organizations that you feel are upstanding pillars of your communities. Can chapters ride together? Answer is YES..... There is power in numbers and when 2 or more are gathered in the name of Jesus he is there as well. We welcome chapters and/or individuals to ride together, to include riding together with those in the Hot Rod and Patriot Freedom portion of the ministry as well. Do I have to be in a certain state or country to be a part of this ministry? Answer is NO..... You may join His Calling Ministry regardless of where you live. As of April 2022 we have chapters in 35 of the 50 states with multiple chapters in certain states, as well as Australia and Canada. If I move out of state or country can I still be a part of His Calling Ministry? Answer is YES..... You will ALWAYS be HIS CALLING regardless of your location. Do I have to go to the COC to wear the patch? Answer is YES & NO..... If you feel as though you need to go to the COC in your area you are free to do so but it is NOT required as we created the patch in such a way that it is not mandatory to do so. Remember this is a BAND logo and a 1-piece patch. How old do I have to be to join this ministry? Answer is..... You must be 18 yrs old to join the ministry on your own, unless accompanied by a parent. Even those over 18 sometimes need to be accompanied by a parent. LOL! Can children wear patches? Answer is YES..... Regardless of age we are all God's children. We offer back patches in both 15 x 15 and 12 x 12 . You may choose which size fits best for yourself or your children. We recommend women and children wear the 12 x 12 patch but the choice is yours. What methods of payment do you accept? Answer is..... See bottom of website or at checkout all payment options that we accept are listed. Can I use a check or money order? Answer is..... If you have to use a check or money order please contact HIS CALLING Ministry for more information in the CONTACT US section. Do you offer lay-a-way or a payment plan? Answer is YES..... We offer SHOP PAY where you can make 4 equal installments of your total. The first is on the day of ordering and the next 3 are every 2 weeks through SHOP PAY. More information is provided on the product pages. How long does it take to receive my patches? Answer is..... Most items will be received within 5 - 8 business days unless it is a special order item such as a personalized road name which will have to be made to your specifications. ( Those could take up to 12 weeks.) At times we may be delayed if we are out of stock on any particular items. In the event that we are out of stock on an item you will be notified via email to give you an estimated time frame of when we expect to have it to you. Please be patient as we are growing rapidly. How will I know that my patches are being shipped? Answer is..... You will receive a tracking number via email. Will there be more His Calling Ministry merchandise coming? Answer is..... Yes but it's all a surprise! Does His Calling Ministry have Administration? Answer is YES.... His Calling has gifted and voluntary brothers and sisters helping to further the mission set forth by God. If you would like to be a part of the administration you may reach out to us in the CONTACT US section. Is there an online chat group for His Calling Ministry? Answer is YES..... You can chat within Facebook Clubhouses,( at the top and bottom of this website click on the Facebook Icon for the Motorcycle Clubhouse or visit the Groups section. You will find HC Social Media (located at the top of this website) and we also have a Testimonies section (located at the top of the website) where you may share your experience with finding God. If I smoke, drink or do drugs may I join the ministry? Answer is YES..... Belief that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ONE is the only terms to joining this Ministry. We ALL sin and come short of the glory of God. There are over 1200 sin from the Old and New Testament in the Bible. Not even Preachers who we may look up to are sinless. God made it clear that no sin is greater than another except for Blasphemy which will not be forgiven. WE DO NOT JUDGE the individual, that is between you and God. All we ask is that you not misrepresent or disrespect the ministry while wearing the patch. Do I have to have certain political views to join this ministry? Answer is NO..... you are free to have whatever political views you prefer. However we ask that you respect each members views and if you disagree with a member, simply agree to disagree. This ministry is about God not government although we do understand that they do intersect and at times discussions regarding the world and the Bible will be prevalent. Are persons of any race, color, creed, or ethnicity welcome to join this ministry? Answer is YES..... His Calling Ministry welcomes anyone and everyone that believes that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ONE to join regardless of race, creed, color, or ethnicity. Does this Ministry support LGBTQ? Answer is..... Please refer to the Christian Bible I have medical and/or mental issues, can I join this ministry? Answer is YES..... Don't we all? LOL! If God brought you here then God needs you to be HIS CALLING. Do you have physical churches that I could attend? Answer is..... some chapters have started physical churches whether it be in a building , park, bus or members home. To find out if there is a church in your area feel free to contact us in the CONTACT US section. Who may join the ministry or attend a His Calling Church? Answer is..... We are a COME AS YOU ARE non denominational ministry. It does not matter if you are rich or poor, homeless, been in jail, struggle with addiction, used to be a satanist or atheist, everyone is welcome to join the ministry as long as you believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One. If you are seeking Jesus and looking for guidance and are not part of the ministry you are welcome to COME AS YOU ARE to ANY His Calling Church. His Calling churches will NOT turn people away that are looking for guidance and assistance regardless of their circumstances. What denomination is your ministry? Answer is..... We are a NON DENOMINATIONAL ministry. Does His Calling Ministry believe in War? Answer is NO..... We MUST LOVE our enemy and FORGIVE them. We do realize that at times circumstances arise and we may not ALWAYS be able to escape war. We firmly support our Military and Veterans. Are Events or Rides Mandatory? Answer is NO..... You have the choice to attend or not attend events as you feel God is directing you to. If you choose to attend events we would love for you to share photos of yourself and/or your chapter at those events in our Facebook Clubhouse. Do you believe satan is real? Answer is YES..... To believe in God is to believe in his adversary satan. God is the word and the word is God and he made it clear that satan is a god. Ephesians 2:2 — King James Version (KJV 1900) 2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Does the band charge for their music or shows? Answer is NO..... The band DOES NOT charge for their music or shows. They band gives away their music, its for God! Does His Calling Ministry support the police? Answer is YES..... His Calling Ministry supports law enforcement, military, veterans, and all first responders. God Bless them ALL!
Right Handers
We are Veterans, Marines, Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, Police Forces, and ALL other Patriots. We are Republicans who are coming together to Protect and support other Republican from the Antifa, Nazi Thugs. From those who wish to harm Republicans as they assemble. We love this country and believe in the Constitution. We are not color Supremist or racist. We denounce the Democrats Confederacy and the flag which came against the American Flag and the American Constitution and God himself and our Fore Fathers. For this is ONE nation under God and all people are created equal!!! We are assembling to stand in the Gap between them and our people. We are not a Militia but rather stand with our Military and believe in them. We are not protesters but rather Republican Defenders and Supporters. We call on ALL Patriots!!! Join Us Now!!! Join us Christians!!! Joins us Jewish People For these thugs want to take away our very rights to speak to assemble. Just like the SS Troops did in Germany. Just like they spread fear and violence. And the German people stood by and let it happen until they were too powerful to stop them We dont seek violence but rather stand between law abiding citizens and their God given right to assemble in freedom. And we have swore an oath to protect them. We need those who will stand the line. And those who will support our Cause.. Will you help. The time is Right now!!!! Help right now by spreading the word. Getting ready to go with us or even praying that we might have success. The whole world is crying why dont someone do something. Now we will. Please join us before it is too late.
34 members
Written Undead
We are The Written Undead and part of the Angry Eagle Publishing, LLC network of genre groups. Find out more We have a goal to engage the readers, showcase authors, and emerge as a central location to find out about these authors of the zombie apocalypse. This is the place where Readers and Authors can talk to each other. Who Are the members of the Crew? Javan Bonds * Angel Ramon * Joseph Zuko * David Simpson * James Dean * Baileigh Higgins* Derek Shupert * Scott M. Baker * S P Oldham * A.L.White * Courtney Konstantin * GJ Stevens * James Aquilone * Mike Robbins * W.J. Lundy * Allen Gamboa * D L Martone * Thomas . & Tina Watson * Joe Kelly * Ben Black * JS Patrick This is a group dedicated to authors and readers of "The Written Undead" and offers authors and readers of Post-apocalyptic/zompoc books a platform to connect. ____________________________ There are a few rules in this group. *Don't spam your books here! This is not a link drop group. We often have posts where you can share your books and drop a link to utilize these. *Readers, feel free to give an honest opinion on the books you have read. Please make it about the book and not the Author. (please do not “smear” a book here. We all have different tastes and it is ok to no like a book.) *It isn't a place to share your political, religious views or to preach. Anyone doing so will be warned and then banned *It isn’t a place to humiliate, harass, stalk, or bully. Anyone doing so will be warned and then banned. *All Ads, links, and other groups must be submitted for Admin approval, spam the group, and one warning before ban. Basically....NO SPAMMING!!! *Be nice, we all have different ideas, respect that. *Unfortunately, this is not a place for Romance, Erotica, or Wattpad. *Just have fun, we love writing, reading, and talking about books.
16 members
Written Apocalypse
We are The Written Apocalypse and part of the Angry Eagle Publishing, LLC network of genre groups. Find out more We have a goal to engage the readers, showcase authors, and emerge as a central location to find out about these authors of the Apocalyps books we all love. This is the place where Readers and Authors can talk to each other. Who Are the members of the Crew? DJ Cooper * Anissa Stringer * Heather Carson * NA Broadley * Jeff Motes * Derek Shupert * Marcus Richardson * Millie Copper * D. Stalter * DA Carey *Justin Bell This is a group dedicated to authors and readers of "The Written Apocalypse" and offers authors and readers of apocalyptic books a platform to connect. ____________________________ There are a few rules in this group: *Don't spam your books here! This is not a link drop group. We often have posts where you can share your books and drop a link to utilize these. *Readers, feel free to give an honest opinion on the books you have read. Please make it about the book and not the Author. (please do not “smear” a book here. We all have different tastes and it is ok to no like a book.) *It isn't a place to share your political, religious views or to preach. Anyone doing so will be warned and then banned. *It isn’t a place to humiliate, harass, stalk, or bully. Anyone doing so will be warned and then banned. *All Ads, links and other groups must be submitted for Admin approval, spam the group and one warning before ban. Basically....NO SPAMMING!!! *Be nice, we all have different ideas, respect that. See Less
32 members