Group Info
Amanda Sell
Amanda Sell
For our Lancaster and Surrounding Counties: Our time is finally here! Don Beishl, our Regional Director, along with our Campaign Sidekick guru Josh, will be with us for a Volunteer Training Meeting T... View More
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Americanist Gary
What Colonel Macgregor says in this interview almost completely covers the war in Ukraine between Russia and Ukraine from a strategic military and historical perspective. In a few places he discusses the political complications but does not really mention or address the... View More
March 6, 2023
Amanda Sell
If you are in need of a yard sign, please contact your regional coordinator and you shall soon have one in your possession!
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Americanist Gary
It's GOTV time PATRIOTS! It's "4th & goal"! Time for the hard push for four days! Don't let up! Don't back off! We have a country to save! #VoteOutAllDEMS , #RINOsAreNEXT
November 5, 2022
Amanda Sell
We asked him to stand against lockdowns. He did. We asked him to stand against the hypocrisy of our Governor. He did. We asked him to lead the fight for a constitutional amendment to limit the Governo... View More
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Michael Conforti
I love how that complete moron Josh Shapiro is running what he thinks is an attack ad against Doug. Calls him pro-life, anti mail-in voting, and a supporter of Trump’s agenda. No shit asshole, that’s why we’re going to elect him!!
May 9, 2022
Amanda Sell
Help change Senator Doug Mastriano's title to Governor! This Friday, March 25th, join us for 24 Hours of Giving! Our purpose is to raise funds for Doug's Campaign related expenses as he continues to ... View More
Amanda Sell
If a man is to govern, he must first listen. When he listens, he hears the heart of the people. When he hears, he is moved to action.... View More
Amanda Sell
🇺🇸Come join us in York County! Doug Mastriano will be at a Meet & Greet Fundraiser! Wisehaven Event Center 2985 East Prospect Road York, PA 17402... View More
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