- Appliances
- Baby Goods/Kids Goods
- Bags/Luggage
- Building Materials
- Camera/Photo
- Cars
- Clothing
- Commercial Equipment
- Computers
- Drugs
- Electronics
- Food/Beverages
- Furniture
- Games/Toys
- Health/Beauty
- Home Decor
- Household Supplies
- Jewelry/Watches
- Kitchen/Cooking
- Movies/Music
- Musical Instrument
- Office Supplies
- Outdoor Gear/Sporting Goods
- Patio/Garden
- Pet Supplies
- Product/Service
- Software
- Tools/Equipment
- Vitamins/Supplements
- Website
- Wine/Spirits
- Airport
- Arts/Entertainment/Nightlife
- Attractions/Things to Do
- Automotive
- Bank/Financial Services
- Bar
- Book Store
- Business Services
- Church/Religious Organization
- Club
- Community/Government
- Concert Venue
- Education
- Event Planning/Event Services
- Food/Grocery
- Health/Medical/Pharmacy
- Home Improvement
- Hospital/Clinic
- Hotel
- Landmark
- Library
- Local Business
- Movie Theater
- Museum/Art Gallery
- Pet Services
- Professional Services
- Public Places
- Real Estate
- Restaurant/Cafe
- School
- Shopping/Retail
- Spas/Beauty/Personal Care
- Sports Venue
- Sports/Recreation/Activities
- Tours/Sightseeing
- Transit Stop
- Transportation
- University
- Aerospace/Defense
- Automobiles and Parts
- Bank/Financial Institution
- Biotechnology
- Cause
- Chemicals
- Church/Religious Organization
- Community Organization
- Company
- Computers/Technology
- Consulting/Business Services
- Education
- Energy/Utility
- Engineering/Construction
- Farming/Agriculture
- Food/Beverages
- Government Organization
- Health/Beauty
- Health/Medical/Pharmaceuticals
- Industrials
- Insurance Company
- Internet/Software
- Legal/Law
- Media/News/Publishing
- Mining/Materials
- Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
- Non-Profit Organization
- Organization
- Political Organization
- Political Party
- Retail and Consumer Merchandise
- School
- Small Business
- Telecommunication
- Transport/Freight
- Travel/Leisure
- University
- Album
- Amateur Sports Team
- Book
- Book Store
- Concert Tour
- Concert Venue
- Fictional Character
- Library
- Magazine
- Movie
- Movie Theater
- Music Award
- Music Chart
- Music Video
- Musical Instrument
- Playlist
- Professional Sports Team
- Radio Station
- Record Label
- School Sports Team
- Song
- Sports League
- Sports Venue
- Studio
- TV Channel
- TV Network
- TV Show
- TV/Movie Award

Musical Instrument
Are you ready to get down with, as the cool kids used to say, with your bad self? Here's your chance to jam with DJ Dadovate, a professional mobile DJ who has 30+ years as a professional musician and 11+ years as a DJ. Come party with us and experience a fresh new mix every time. The DJ sets are filled with EDM, House, Techno and old school Rave classics! We take requests and shout-outs from the community, hang out, dance, shout out, and get your party on! Tune in LIVE most Friday nights at 7:30 PM Mountain / 10:30 PM Eastern for a fresh EDM set that will light up your Friday night. Get ready to kick off your weekend with an awesome party exclusively on WIMKIN!
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