Radio Station
Tired of the same old music you have heard thousands of times? Check out SnoJoRadio.com for the best music you have never heard! Music for your head!
Since 2008 my music podcast is blowing minds across the country and around the world, but I bet you are still listening to commercial top 40 crap arent you!? I mean really, how many times can you hear Stairway To Heaven or Free Bird anyway? Come to the edge and expand your auditory horizons! Be different I DARE YOU TO! Listen to highly eclectic and complex music that each time you listen, youll hear something new and exciting. Many of the tracks I have played have shown up in commercials and TV shows as music beds and bumpers, but I played them first!! Music supervisorsI love you coming here for ideas, but cut my show a little credit if you would please! So have a listen and if you like what you hear, tell a friend! Thanks for listening!
If you produce music and would like your tracks played here on the Sno Jo Radio Podcast, then contact me at snoqualmiejoe@gmail.com and provide a link or send me files of your music that I can add to future shows. Please stay within the genres and styles I play to be considered! I am ALWAYS looking for new music!
Finally, I NEED MORE INTROS!!!!! If I have played your music, are in the music industry, or just a fan and would like to record an intro for me to play at the beginning of the show, please send them to me. Say who you are, plug your band or whatever, and plug my show, but keep them brief. Thanks for all my listener support and those artists who have sent me music, and intros!