Thunder Hermits is currently writing material for an upcoming album. Our sound ranges from folk to heavy progressive rock and conceptual arrangements. Many influences from all genres, new and old bands and artists, too many to list. Thanks for checking us out.
freya harvey
Kevin Kelly
10 likes Author
In a world of anger, injustice, lies, and immorality, enjoy a spark of wholesome, fun, and encouragement in the Love Family Blog at (and other various Social Media Platforms). Read about the geeky daily adventures and life racks of a Christian family with five kids in Indiana.
Melany Love
Ann Monroe
Carrie Chamberlain
Ronnell Beaty: Author of Poetry
5 likes Author
Ronnell Beaty is a writer, and author of poetry. One of his current goals is to continue to always write poetry. Because that's something he really likes doing. Especially when he really feels it; and that's when his imagination, and energy through writing kicks in. That's what he really loves about himself. He believes his most impressive achievement in his life right now is: being an author for the first time with his published poetry book called: (It Is What It Is, Because It Never Was, And What Never Was, Can Never Be). His second achievement in his life is: based on his second new published poetry book called: (What A Dream). He hopes these poetry books challenge you, uplift you, make you really think, and encourages you to do what you know is right. So he leaves you with this note; thank you kindly... And nothing but peace...
Ronnell Beaty
Carrie Chamberlain
Michael Dima