
Organization shares our story. This page is where we help share the people's.

The USBBF acts as a registry for Martial Artists from all disciplines and lineages.
The Board of Directors and members are some of the Martial Arts Pioneers.
Proudly Old School since 1969.

Constitutional page!! We back our Constitution!

This page is for ONLY Bravo Company 2/325 AIR soldiers that served from 1989-1992. Mostly Veterans from Desert Shield/Desert Storm.

Mississippi Paranormal Group based out of the Jackson Mississippi area. This group is owned by Deborah Broadus who is the founder of SIG. We offer investigations of residential and commercial properties. We also have a cleansing and blessing team that can help if so needed. All our services are free of charge. We service the Southern Part of the United States and are a part of the PAST Family Network. Our team has been around for many years and has members from all walks of life on board. Please feel free to contact or

About PrepperNet
PrepperNet (formerly known as the Carolina Preppers Network) is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms, and preparing for disasters of all origins. This group is aimed at individuals that have interest in gaining knowledge, acquiring new skills and networking with like-minded individuals that are preppers and survivalists.
Goals of PrepperNet:
Provide a venue for preppers to meet other preppers in their local area in hopes of members creating MAG/Survival Groups. 90% networking – 10% training/fun.
Connect Preppers in the USA with our Opt-in/Opt-out real-time directory while providing OPSEC for all.
With our partnership with AmRRON, PrepperNet will help create a nationwide prepper communications plan.
Provide an Expert Panel of industry leaders to help train, motive and unite preppers nationwide.
To Unite Preppers at a local level by providing group leaders with the training and tools needed to run a successful group.
Create a nationwide network of local prepping groups.
Ever wonder why the “P” word seems to have a negative connotation when brought up in a conversation with non-preppers? It wasn’t that long ago that everyone was a prepper. In today’s fast paced world, most people cannot think back to what happened on their social media accounts last week let alone think about how difficult life would’ve been like just 100 years ago. It is completely foreign for some to think that hard times could befall them in today’s modern age. We that consider ourselves “Preppers” know and understand that it is stark possibility. Not because we live in a fantasy world or are hopeful something like and EMP will happen. Those that want an EMP to occur are literally crazy! There are enough fiction books out there that paint just how terrible an EMP would be for us all, even Preppers. There are also enough real-world events to prove why it is imperative that we all must have some level of self-sufficiency and preparedness.
Ever hear knowledge is power? Well, knowledge is so much more than that. Knowledge can save your life, the lives of your family, friends, neighbors, community and quite possibly our country. In striving to get my wife on board with prepping, we started watching the series Alone. After watching people do some remarkable bush crafting, she asked out loud how they even know to do that stuff, where do they learn that. I told her that we can buy all the fancy gadgets, water purification systems, solar systems, bug out bags, firearms that money can buy, but without core knowledge of survival and self-reliance, all that stuff is useless without training and learning.
So, the call for Preppers of the world to unite does not mean we all jump into a mutual assistance group at some off-grid retreat together. What it means is that we share knowledge, learn from each other, help others understand that the term Prepper IS NOT what some television show’s idea was of preppers. The Preppernet movement is an opportunity for us all to share our knowledge on preparedness! Join us and help Unite Preppers in America.
Join Now!!!
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