Our mission is to empower all people with information, facts and opinion from all viewpoints, that when combined with DailyClout’s proprietary platform, enables them to be well-informed and to exercise their rights to directly weigh-in on issues and legislation so that their voices are heard at the local, state or federal level.
Gail Hendricks
John Thomas
AT EASE! Veterans Magazine
AT EASE! VETERANS MAGAZINE is an independent national, subscription-based, quarterly magazine focusing on what matters to Veterans. 100% Written by Veterans, for Veterans, our stories and content are honest, uncensored, unfiltered, but most of all, REAL!
Christine Walker
Cathy Howat
What’s Up Canada?
Freedom Depends On Your Right To Access Information What’s Up Canada’s mission is to bring forward the truths most outlets ignore, or are afraid to touch. We are not politically reliable, we are truthful. We work with a skeleton crew of volunteers dedicated to making truth in media a reality again.