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In a world of anger, injustice, lies, and immorality, enjoy a spark of wholesome, fun, and encouragement in the Love Family Blog at (and other various Social Media Platforms). Read about the geeky daily adventures and life racks of a Christian family with five kids in Indiana.
Melany Love
Ann Monroe
Carrie Chamberlain
Ronnell Beaty: Author of Poetry
5 likes Author
Ronnell Beaty is a writer, and author of poetry. One of his current goals is to continue to always write poetry. Because that's something he really likes doing. Especially when he really feels it; and that's when his imagination, and energy through writing kicks in. That's what he really loves about himself. He believes his most impressive achievement in his life right now is: being an author for the first time with his published poetry book called: (It Is What It Is, Because It Never Was, And What Never Was, Can Never Be). His second achievement in his life is: based on his second new published poetry book called: (What A Dream). He hopes these poetry books challenge you, uplift you, make you really think, and encourages you to do what you know is right. So he leaves you with this note; thank you kindly... And nothing but peace...
Ronnell Beaty
Carrie Chamberlain
Michael Dima