Small Business
Prior to the middle 1800's health care was practiced by Indigenous people, Phytotherapists and Herbalists (People with knowledge of plants). Herbs are still the predominent method of healing throughout the world. Conventional medicine began it's takeover in the middle 1800's, when they started to realize what people for thousands of years before them, already knew. They started to extract a specific component from a plant and add chemicals to it, so that they could patent it. The problem is that, herbalism is not a "take this for that" practice; and removing a constituent defeats the synergy of all of the other constituents from the plant that make it work.
We are Holistic Health Practioners, Nutritionists and more; helping people retain or restore their vitality and wellness. Our Nurtured Mom~Nurtured Baby Program-Programa de Mamanutrida El Bebe specializes in healthy pregnancies and birth. We offer virtual services in Wisconsin; in English and Spanish.