Nano Construct Substantiation Documents
The science research documents stating how the nano tech constructs and builds complex networks on and in the body. Invisibly, while morphing the human biology into a nano tech morphology with and AI neural interface and thought and body control input that overrides all other awareness and inputs that were deemed normal and natural. Frequency Disruption and Bio System Hacking Vimeo Short Explanatory Videos. Flicker Picture Albums. Legal Notice and Declaration of Soul Ownership. The Nano Tech Trans Human Morphology Process, Encapsulating, Documents. CONNECTING DOTS! ... QUANTUM DOTS! Dimensional Portals, Vortexes, Frequency Fractals, Nano Technology, Inter Dimensional Portals and Black Holes. Zero Point Energy ... Understanding Creation Chemtarils and Nano Tech Glands and Breast Document Detox Protocol Testimonials Glands and Belly Bandings Bio Film and Banding Release Directions, Information and Explanations. Ion Products Application Instructions and Methods Ionic Detox, Devotee’s Prerequisites and Commitment Requirements, for The Bryan396 Ionic Formulas and Effective Nano Tech Detox Protocols. --- Dear Bryan, The name “Bryan 396 and My Key NanoTech Discoveries” was mentioned in 19 papers uploaded to Academia, including one by someone in Fréjus, France. --- In Their OWN RESEARCH PAPERS AND WITH THEIR OWN DIRE AND APOCALYPTIC WARNINGS. Crystals and Fibre Optic Cable Builds. Paradigm shift from self-assembly to commanded assembly of functional materials: Recent examples in porphyrin/fullerene supramolecular systems. (PDF) Optical Nano-Antennas for Energy (Life Force Loosh) Harvesting [Search domain] › publication › 312001553_Optical_Nano-Antennas_for_Energy_Harvesting Nano-antennas based on surface plasmons can be used for many applications, such as antennas for nano scale imaging and spectroscopy (Hartschuh, 2004) and for improving solar cells efficiency... What is the world's first programmable carbon nanotube chip?'s-first-programmable-carbon-nanotube-chip.html Hydrogels as Potential Nano-, Micro- and Macro-Scale ... [Search domain] › pmc › articles › PMC6981598 2. Types of Hydrogels. A gel is a liquid treated with gelling substances, including natural polymers (e.g., agar, alginates, and dextran), semi-synthetic polymers (cellulose derivatives) or synthetic polymers (acrylic and methacrylic acid derivatives) [].Lipophilic gels (oleogels) are obtained using oil as the dispersing phase. US9639797B2 - NANO RFID method and device - Google Patents [Search domain] › patent › US9639797B2 › en A nano RFID device or tag and method for using same is disclosed. The nano RFID device may be less than about 150 nanometers in size. The nano RFID device may be a passive, active or semi-passive... science based - How do you power all the nanobots ... [Search domain] › questions › 35975 › how-do-you-power-all-the-nanobots By using a Fractal Rectenna EM energy can be harvested from ambient RF fields and even possibly at nano scales, IR light (which is very good as living things tend to be warm) or even the WiFi system. It could be built into the structure of the nanobots themselves or a larger 'command' nanobot could be used as a recharging station and ... Programmable Molecular Robots and Nanobots · GitHub [Search domain] › jbui1 › 59bd6b7d60030ef7c5d0 What are Nanobots? Nanobots are small robots that appear invisible to the naked eye. Nanobots run on a different kind of coding compared to computer programming. While using nanobots, it is important to know how the human body works. The study of biotechnology provides both the natural aspect to coding as well as the technical side. Self-Assembling Graphene Oxide Nanobots Seen? | Principia ... [Search domain] › self-assembling-graphene-oxide-nanobots-seen in bombshell news pointing to the much-speculated-on presence of nanobots in vaccines, an american medical researcher reports that moving, shifting, self-assembling nano-particulates of possibly graphene oxide and/or forming synthetic biology polymers were seen under an optical microscope in a few drops of moderna vaccine from a freshly-opened … Xenobots — Living Programmable NanoRobots | by Joey Mach ... [Search domain] › xenobots-living-programmable-nanorobots-5896313f78f5 What are nanorobots made of? Metal? Software? Micro-camera? Capacitor? Nope — that's no the case for Xenobots, the world's first living programmable nanorobots are made of live frog ( Xeno pus Laevis) stem cells (hence the name Xeno bots). Aka: the only robots in the world that is both life and machine. Core-shell nanowire antennas boost absorption for solar cells... 'Living' Bio Robots: What Are Xenobots And What They Can Do? [Search domain] › innovation › what-is-xenobot-and-why-is-it-so-special.html After toiling for many hours, the assembly of cells was complete, and a novel organism was created! Modeled xenobot (left), real xenobot (right), (Photo Credit : Sam Kriegman/Wikimedia Commons) What can xenobots do? These newly created xenobots could propel themselves, travel in a straight line, or simply move in circles. Nano functional neural interfaces | SpringerLink [Search domain] › article › 10.1007 › s12274-018-2127-4 These nano fNIs are promising in offering a high spatial resolution, high target specificity, and high communication bandwidth by allowing for a high density and count of signal channels with minimum material volume and area to dramatically improve the chronic integration of the fNI to the target neural tissue. Are there Optogenetics, nano biology and blue light health problems? An atlas of nano-enabled neural interfaces Video – What is Neuralink? Neural Lace Explained Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s, Nanobots In Our Brains Will ... [Search domain ] › entry › ray-kurzweil-nanobots-brain-godlike_n_560555a0e4b0af3706dbe1e2 Kurzweil predicts that in the 2030s, human brains will be able to connect to the cloud, allowing us to send emails and photos directly to the brain and to back up our thoughts and memories. This will be possible, he says, via nanobots -- tiny robots from DNA strands -- swimming around in the capillaries of our brain. Nano-Tech Interface Links Humans to Quantum Computer [Search domain] › nano-tech-mind-control-interface-links-humans-to-quantum-computer Nano-Tech Mind Control Interface Links Humans to Quantum Computer. May 20, 2021 Posted in MIND MATTERS, VIDEO 0 Likes. Share: Twitter Facebook Pinterest Linkedin Reddit VK Digg Mix. ( SixthSense) Supercomputers were 'made' sentient, or reached a processing capacity and neural complexity that allowed for sentient experience. When this was ... Nano-implants, KTH and Medtronics Nano-Neural-Chip… start ... An implant. It is an independent processor linked to the neurocomputer built to house an AI (artificial intelligence) The AI program has access to the sensory data and information in the neurocomputer, and can “read” surface thoughts of the owner (of course, access controls can be set if needed, both in the implant and the AI). Having a Daemon (or several) as advisor/secretary/partner is becoming more and more common, although most people rely on an external AI system and a wireless neural connection. It is not uncommon for users to get a motoric shunt to give the AI the ability to control the body. Daemon chips with monitoring AIs are sometimes used for punishment or behaviour correction in Landfall. Neural connections, neural network, electrical impulses in brain Are there Optogenetics, nano biology and blue light health problems?
Brian Gray
Judy Hake
End to End Software Development When you are looking for a software development service, it is important to find one that can take your project from start to finish. This includes writing code, testing the application, and ensuring the quality of the finished product. Embrace the collaborative model To produce quality software, software teams must be able to collaborate with other departments. This can be challenging. For example, you might have developers in northell design who are familiar with Agile but not with DevOps. Moreover, your developers may not be skilled enough in your DevOps tools to get the most out of them. But with the right mix of skills, you can thrive in a new environment. Having a cross-functional team is a great way to enhance collaboration and problem-solving. It also helps to streamline coordination. Cross-functional teams are aligned by shared business goals and can minimize communication hiccups. In addition, they can help you keep projects focused on the right business objectives. If your company is still working with a traditional command-and-control approach to software development, it might be time to switch to a more collaborative model. By implementing a unified development methodology, you can streamline the process and improve visibility and traceability. One of the most effective ways to implement a collaborative project management strategy is to use a unified tool like GitLab. The integrated dataset allows you to share knowledge with your teams, making it easier to track the progress of your software projects. You can also integrate your VCS with your PM tool, allowing you to identify commit hashes for features you're working on. These changes can then be merged together and automatically run on automated tests. Another way to maximize the power of your software engineering tool is to incorporate a code review into the project. This will help catch errors and ensure your software is stable. Code reviews can be a challenging task, but they are critical to the success of a software development project.
David Mapes
AT EASE! Veterans Magazine
AT EASE! VETERANS MAGAZINE is an independent national, subscription-based, quarterly magazine focusing on what matters to Veterans. 100% Written by Veterans, for Veterans, our stories and content are honest, uncensored, unfiltered, but most of all, REAL!
Christine Walker
Cathy Howat
Warriors for life (WFL) FREE Online Peer Group Support
Warriors for Life (WFL) FREE Online Peer Support Group We created the Warriors for Life (WFL) Online Peer Support Group to provide a simple Veteran to Veteran solution to a number of issues many of us deal with. They include PTSD, TBI, MST, and other Invisible Disabilities, Addictions, and Wounds. For thousands of years, as long as war has existed, warriors come home changed. For years it was called the thousand yard stare or shell shock. Today it is referred to as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or just Post-Traumatice Stress (PTS). The reality is once we are out of the military we lose the camaraderie we had in the military. It is difficult to talk to people that are not like us or that have similar issues with PTSD, TBI, MST or other Invisible Disabilities, Addictions, and Wounds. Many times just being around people 'that know' words are not needed. When you combine this with loss of purpose many of us feel once we are out and just going to work each day, many can become depressed and detached. We created WFL to provide a community of like-minded Veterans, First Responders, Caregivers, Active Service Members, and Civilian Supporters that can get each other's six. We do not provide medical support, psychiatric counseling or similar VA oriented programs. We simply meet and help each other work through it. We call it "Sharing is Caring!" For obvious reasons we review and approve each member we invite to our community. We meet regularly in Online Peer Support Group session 6-days a week, on a closed and private Facebook group and in person when we can. If you are struggling to connect, we invite you to send us a note by emailing COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs at: or connecting with us here on our private Facebook page: You can connect with us at our website as well by using the button at the bottom of that page: Remember your situation is only unique to you, many of us were where you are many years ago and found ways through it. Sometimes it is as simple as finding a new purpose and some hope and having brothers and sisters behind you. Make sure you explore our blog as well. We regularly post on these topics. "Building a community of friendship, acceptance, and support for veterans, service members, and their families, where there is no judgment, stigma, or negativity ― That is what "Warriors for Life" is all about and our testimony!" ― COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs Warriors for Life (WFL) Group Support is restoring Hope among Veterans, First Responders. Active Service Members, and Caregivers, on life’s edge and without hope! This is paramount to the WFL Group Support Mission.
Mikel Burroughs
annette flynn
Chrissy Reamer
Victory for Veterans, Inc
Our Mission - Restoring Hope Our mission is to reduce suicide among our warriors: our Veterans, First Responders, Active Service Members (all Branches), and Caregivers! Like us all, Veterans, First Responders and Caregivers need a helping hand now and then and we help these men and women through Healing and Support. Get Involved - Do Something “When you see a brother or sister suffering, you must not stay silent. Do not remain still, go to their aide and help them.” The Red Sea Diving Resort.
Mikel Burroughs
Christine Walker
Douglas TD Lawson
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Rahman Shah