Right to Protect
Visit our website at Right to Protect exists to be an all-encompassing, one stop shop organization. Our Mission: Provide supportive services and resources to victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking, and stalking. Our Vision: Assisting those whom we serve with everything from escaping their situation to living a healthy and productive life thereafter. Right to Protect was inspired by the founders personal experience escaping their own abusive situation. Since its founding she has become: * Certified Domestic Violence Advocate * Certified Anger Management Specialist - II * Certified Batterer Intervention Facilitator * Certified Court Advocate * Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor * Certified Human Trafficking Advocate * Certified Firearms Instructor. We are also a Great Nonprofits Top Rated Nonprofit for 2020.
Queen Sugar Cube
Chris Swafford
Jessica Riley Weaver