Rude, Crude & Socially Unacceptable
***WARNING***WARNING***WARNING*** THIS IS NOT THE PAGE FOR EASILY OFFENDED PEOPLE, TURN AROUND NOW, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED **JUST BECAUSE WE FIND TERRIBLE THINGS FUNNY, DOESN'T MEAN WE'RE TERRIBLE PEOPLE!! Leave your drama at the door, we're here for fun! *** **If you find something you don't like/agree with, KEEP SCROLLING, no need to get into an internet "sword fight" with each other. You have your opinion, and they have theirs. Let each other live their lives how they choose!** As Elbert Hubbard once said ... "Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive!" There will eventually be enough content here to offend EVERYONE ....I've got a dark & twisted sense of humor. I find some of the most awful things funny, doesn't mean I AGREE with them, but hell, IT'S FUNNY. If we can't laugh about all of the awful things in life, we may as well just get the hell out now. Please bear with me and give me some time to figure out how this whole thing works.
Jessica Gray
Affnity galloway
Anna Wilson