
4 members
Western and Action Movies from the days when movie directors actually had talent. No politics allowed.

3 members
Zero politics allowed. This group is intended for my friends from the defunct Friendser. Any politics will be immediately banned, as you have an entire platform for that. Hope to see you there.

5 members
Archive of Gab reposts I've either copied or saved screenshots of over the years. Will link to the original post when possible.

12 members
A group dedicated for those that were forced to leave Gab because of their new paid requirement (PRO), horrible ownership, and being betrayed by Torba.

65 members
A group to connect the Wimkin / Patriot Switch Team Members on Wimkin. Discuss strategy, motivation and all things related to the Wimkin & Patriot Switch partnership.

13 members
Welcome Wimkin Fam! This group is not affiliated with the owner Jase or his team. They are already busy building the greatest 'Freedom of Speech' platform! This group is designed to help the Wimkin members learn and become better at using the Wimkin platform and all of its amazing features.
Got a question about live streaming, uploading a video, or picture, modifying a post etc. etc. etc.? Ask for it here. This is a member-supported Q&A, not a Direct line to Jase and the Wimkin staff. (BTW, I do not work for Wimkin)
We're here to teach and help each other.

2 members
The primary focus of this group is for Decision Makers in the Minnesota Snow and Ice Management industry to share ideas, business knowlege, equipment knowledge and reviews, service and assistance vendors, keep abreast of governmental regulations and to help promote and preserve our industry and build eachother. Vendor partners are allowed to join and post modestly and professionally with complete transparency.
Additionally this page is intended to help members report and track winter weather system conditions and snowfall events as they are occuring throughout each snow season. This is done using individual daily posts for each event. This valuable data can be referenced for system timing, measured snowfall observations, billing, reporting, and many other applicable scenarios.
Absolutely no spamming
Admins have full rights to delete any and all posts as they see fit.
Members are expected to be congenial and professional to eachother and any conflicts or business issues will not be vetted or contested between members on this page.
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