
5 members
Spirituality or Religion
Christian content, News updates and various vlogs on topical subjects.

5 members
Spirituality or Religion
Primal, elemental forces of creation and destruction, are the eternal gods of our ancient ancestors! At the same time, they are coherent beings we can connect with for guidance and teaching in the ways of power. Join this group only if you are strong enough to handle the balance of light and darkness. All those who can be destroyed by either, deserve to be.
I'm not going to bother with rules. Just act like a rational human being, and you will remain welcome. Spammers, bots, envious worm-tongues, porn posters, bible thumpers, stalkers, and illegal crap will be removed.

3 members
Spirituality or Religion
#chaosnation χάος was the first being to exist, and she created herself through unstoppable divine will. χάος (Chaos) existed first as a WILL, a spark of desire to BE, before she willed herself, and the universe, into existence in a literal sense. From Chaos (Void, or Abyss) came life, from darkness, light. One cannot exist without the other. Think of the modern life, so hectic, full of movement, hitting you in the face with light and energy at every turn. This has come to be called chaos, but in reality, the original etymology of Chaos is the complete opposite, in that sense (Chaos is chaotic in that it was a bubbling, spitting, infernal abyss, that, however, is not what I mean by the bedlam of modern life). Consider how meaningless modern life is, absent time to reunite with the abyss. And we all reach for the abyss, regardless of what name you give it. Their can be no life without the deathly abyss from which it sprang. The Luciferian spark of inspiration only comes in the quiet of darkness and night, the endless Void who gave birth to us all. This is what we base our political philosophy on; Chaos, the right of every man and woman to have space and silence enough to think a thing through, come to a meaningful decision, and then, WILL followed by ACTION. We are all her children, and, as our mother did before us, we must, in regards to our own lives, follow our divine will, free of government force or coercion. The governments of today's world stand in direct opposition to GOD by denying everything She stands for, the very process through which she created. They stand in direct affront to the Spark of Chaos within us, to force us against our WILL. But we want a form of government that respects the dignity of all men who have broken no reasonable law, a form of government that respects our divine will as individuals to live our lives as we see fit.
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