The anger we see directed at Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Republicans, Jews, women athletes and others is an outcome of intellectual hubris formed from an underlying belief of moral and intellectual super... View MoreThe anger we see directed at Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Republicans, Jews, women athletes and others is an outcome of intellectual hubris formed from an underlying belief of moral and intellectual superiority. For those firebombing Tesla dealerships, Musk saving the country money or bringing stranded astronauts home is irrelevant. Though Musk is richer than all of them combined, he does not hold their intellectual positions. Could you scratch up someone else’s car? Could you damage the property of someone whom you don’t even know? Of course not. But when you are smugly certain that you are superior to the person owning that car, simply “keying” the car is the least that this person deserves. Muslims hold Jews in contempt out of religious supremacism: only Islam is right. Their friends on the left checked their victim/victimizer charts, and lo and behold, the Jews are on the bad side of the equation. When one is convinced that he is morally superior or intellectually better than another, outrage is the product. “How dare you!” screamed Greta before she dropped the green scam for a pro-Palestinian anti-Israel scam. The anger we see at all things Trump is due to a self-appointed belief in moral superiority. “How dare they think differently! Of course I must be right! I went to a College or University and have a degree in advanced fist pumping and shouting repetitive slogans, and calling anyone who disagrees with me Nazi, Fascist, Racist!”
True intellectual greatness involves the recognition that one might be wrong. There are so many sides to an issue, that an honest person will look at them all as he formulates his position. The fake “elite” or “intellectual” holds on to an opinion that is convenient even if factually wrong. The New York Times of late cried that “we were deceived” as to the origin of the Covid virus. No, honey, you were one of the most prominent deceivers. Anyone who suggested that the virus fell out of the Wuhan lab was attacked by your scribblers as a lunatic and conspiracy nut.
The left is intellectually empty and stands for values and opinions that are not in the best interest of the United States or its people. Rather than look at its open borders and trans support as being wrongheaded and frankly insane, it would rather scream and angrily attack those who think that a closed border and women-only sports are better and safer for Americans. Their globalist views make pro-American ideas unacceptable. Liberals and conservatives could talk and disagree. Leftists accept no opinion other than their own. And when they don’t get their way, their vocal chords take over, and reason flies out the window.
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