We are a group dedicated on encouraging others to empower themselves and stand up for their freedoms and their rights here in Canada. We welcome everyone. Tall, short, heavy, light, old, young, black, white, indigenous, asian, middle eastern, gay, straight, bi, trans......everyone EXCEPT pedophiles. We promote positive, peaceful, actions that we can collectively take together. We also promote unity between a variety of different advocacy groups and try to coordinate our events across the country. United we stand, divided we fall! Please join the group, message us, and offer to volunteer! We are always looking for helpers. Warm regards, Celebrate Rights Team See Less
scott stiglitlz
Billie Jo Wickman
Carrie Koehler
We are a NATIONWIDE CARAVAN GROUP in 46 STATES. Our Mission: American patriots from all corners of the Country will gather together and organize into rolling flag parade caravans within their States. They will circle their highways and byways, ending in a glorious flurry of red, white, and blue--and a big ol heap of old-fashioned American patriotism. In all states across the Country participants will begin in several major cities from areas around their state to form local caravans that will eventually combine into a single, large rolling parade that will route through their roadways and spread a message of hope, unity, and patriotism.
Sabrina Jane
Alan Moquin
Angela Hooper
We The People, have had enough.
Welcome back PATRIOTS. We had some hiccups, but now, we are here again for you to INVITE ALL YOUR REAL PATRIOT FRIENDS, to join and feel right at home like we did before. Please help us rebuild the fine community we had before, we were strong and growing by the minute. We did it twice, WE CAN DO IT AGAIN. God bless America and God bless our Commander in Chief, Donald J Trump. INVITE! INVITE! INVITE!
Richie Skaggs
A Conrad
Alfred F Rose