180 members Outreach/Activism
There is a legislative war being waged against the 2nd Amendment that Biden is calling to make go kinetic with HR127, and every American gun owner needs to stand now and join this battle to win it! This group will organize all 75 million+ American gun owners and our 400 million+ guns and 12 trillion+ rounds of ammo to circle the wagons and win this war for defending and reclaiming all our freedoms to keep and bear any and all arms, ammo and armor without any infringements everywhere all the time! Under Natural Law our rights are individual, absolute and unalienable as they derive from God. Our rights do not derive from the constitution. They are merely enumerated in the Constitution. They existed before the constitution and will continue to exist even after the constitution expires or becomes amended to exclude any given right. Under constitutional rule of law of the sovereign Civilian Authority of We the People, we certainly have the uninfringed right to keep and bear arms to secure freedom in our county, state and republic until they repeal the 2nd Amendment. Under the United States Government rule of law in US Code or under state or county rule of law there are numerous unconstitutional statutes infringing the 2nd Amendment that clearly violate the US Constitution and are as such unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has ruled that all unconstitutional laws are null and void and are not to be followed or enforced. All infringements against the 2nd Amendment in US Code are clearly unconstitutional and every US citizen, juror and law enforcement officer has the individual discretionary power to make that determination and nullify those laws by not following or complying with them, not indicting or convicting those who rightly refuse to follow them, and not enforcing or arresting persons who violate them. Group Rules 1. Do not advocate for anything violent or illegal in this group. We advocate a defensive NAP Non Aggression Principle. Nothing posted on this site shall be construed to incite unlawful violence or criminal acts. 2. Nothing posted on this site is offered as legal, medical or financial advice. Use your independent God given power of good discretion and self determination and do not violate any constitutional laws and do not follow or enforce any unconstitutional laws. 3. Be respectful of fellow American gun owners. Check your partisanship and black pills of fear of guns and gun owners at the door. 4. Be truthful. Check your Mockingbird fake news psyops at the door. 5. Be relevant. Focus on what's important. Check your circus clowns at the door. We are not here to debate left right politics or argue religion or interpret bread crumbs. We are here for one reason - to take decisive action to defend American gun rights and win the war being waged against us! We will give full due process of law to bring these treasonous bastards to justice! Trust the plan? YES! The American plan! The plan has always been for We the People to come together and *make a plan* to secure our rights against tyrants like Election Thief Joe Biden who wants to rule over, divide, create fear and destroy our rights! Welcome to Defend the 2nd Amendment! That is our mission. You have joined this group for 1 of 7 possible reasons: Group 1. You are totally hostile against the 2nd Amendment and want it repealed and removed from the US Constitution and you want all firearms and ammo confiscated from the American people and outlawed. You can learn here why repealing the 2nd Amendment is not a good idea. Group 2. You are partially hostile towards this mission and want to maintain or increase infringement, or decrease some infringements against the 2nd Amendment but still maintain some reasonable and responsible level of infringement. You can learn here why infringing the 2nd Amendment is not a good idea. Group 3. You have no idea what the 2nd Amendment is all about and are open to learn more about it. Group 4. You are not sure where you stand and are confused or conflicted and have doubts about the 2nd Amendment. You can get your doubts about the value of the 2nd Amendment cleared here. Email c911@pm.me to ask us any question. Group 5. You are neutral about this mission and are curious to learn more for personal, political or public education (media). Feel free to monitor this group to learn more about it. For media interviews or public policy advice email c911@pm.me Group 6. You are friendly towards this mission and now ready to stand up boots online or boots on the ground to defend it for the first time. Welcome aboard! Email c911@pm.me to get the orientation briefing and get assigned to a volunteer team on the US Civil Defense Grid! Group 7. You are already deployed to achieving this mission and want to join and help build a massive coalition of defensive civilian forces (local/state/national) to secure our rights! Email c911@pm.me to link your group. These are all acceptable reasons for being here and all of you are welcome! Here is what we need to do to accomplish our mission objectives: 1) Be safe 2) Be legal and 3) Be effective BE SAFE: Communicate securely and privately over the Internet anonymously by not using Facebook, Google or Apple products, services, browsers, apps or devices. Instead use Wimkin, Protonmail.com, Signal Private Messenger, Tor Browser and Proton VPN. BE LEGAL: Do not propose or do anything illegal. Everyone has the right to due process of law - even treasonous bastards. BE EFFECTIVE: Learn and share the best innovative methods for advancing the freedom mission: 1) Work as an individual and avoid insurrection, sedition and treason charges. 2) Do not join any group and avoid RICO Act charges. 3) Work locally with your neighbors. 4) Work and meet face to face off the network and away from your internet devices. 5) Invest in secure encrypted sovereign mesh networking tools like meshtastic.org 6) Use true peer 2 peer (serverless) encrypted apps like Briar if you must communicate over the network (text only no voice or video). 7) Work on a non aggression policy NAP basis and avoid conspiracy charges. Just circle the wagons when attacked. Do not turn in your guns. Do not let them take anyone's guns. Stand together. Be fearless. 8) Keep the mission and message simple and focused (just share the meme below everywhere repeatedly) RESEARCH TO KNOW THYSELF The Declaration of Independence The United States Constitution The Bill of Rights The 2nd Amendment RESEARCH TO KNOW THY ENEMIES HR127 "The Final Gun Grab Bill" www.joebiden.com/gunsafety UN Small Arms Reduction Treaty UN Agendas MDGs, 21, 2030 & 2050
The Texas Party
29 members Outreach/Activism
This group is for freedom loving Texans and wanna be Texans disgusted with the Neomarxist takeover of America. We will be laser focused on Texas issues, candidates and Texas Independence with the goal of preserving all that was once good about American exceptionalism. The only rule is be respectful and not profane while limiting topics to those of Texas interests only.
Donna McClure
Adrienne White
Al crable
Oklahoma Patriots
31 members Outreach/Activism
I started this group so we could start getting organized to promote, defend and accelerate the Patriot Party.. More will come, More will join until our Great state stands as one.... Patriots..
Brian Baker
Allison emily
Human Trafficking Prevention & Awareness
69 members Outreach/Activism
Human trafficking is the fastest-growing industry in the world. It generates 150 billion dollars each year and has 40 million people enslaved in it. Organ harvesting, sex trafficking and forced labour are all different ways a human being can be trafficked. This group is dedicated to eradicating human trafficking by learning ways to prevent it and also spreading awareness around us because we know those are 2 big key factors in ending it. If we all work together and do our part, big or small, we WILL eradicate human trafficking!
E ora basta! Italia
4 members Outreach/Activism
PRESENTAZIONE INIZIATIVA LEGALE Facebook: E ora basta! Italia Email: eorabastaitalia@gmail.com Il Comitato Operativo Trasversale "E ora basta! Italia" un gruppo informale di cittadini liberi formatosi a seguito dellimportante manifestazione di protesta e di proposta Marcia della Liberazione, svoltasi a Roma il 10 ottobre 2020, ed in questo momento attivo anche nellorganizzazione e co-organizzazione di manifestazioni a carattere locale e regionale, insieme a portavoce e rappresentanti di gruppi spontanei di cittadini, lavoratori e partite IVA, specie delle categorie maggiormente colpite dagli ultimi DPCM. Il Comitato si avvale della collaborazione di professionisti, comitati e realt associative da tempo presenti sul territorio, nonch del supporto di unimportante associazione consumatori accreditata a livello nazionale: ACU Marche (Associazione Consumatori Utenti). La referente del Comitato Beatrice Marinelli, che ha anche recentemente ricevuto la delega da ACU Marche per le problematiche inerenti le partite IVA, i professionisti ed i lavoratori autonomi in genere, attivit dimpresa ed esercenti. Liniziativa legale che il Comitato, in collaborazione con ACU Marche, sta portando avanti si fonda su alcune considerazioni fondamentali di seguito sintetizzate: - le forze di polizia e le autorit istituzionali (sindaci, prefetti, funzionari pubblici) in base ai dettami costituzionali, non sono tenuti alla mera e cieca esecuzione delle disposizioni del governo, ma allapplicazione delle leggi vigenti nel rispetto della Costituzione e del principio fondamentale della fedelt alla Repubblica; - sin dallinizio, le misure restrittive delle libert fondamentali, a partire dalle limitazioni alle libert personali ed allattivit dimpresa e di iniziativa economica, sono state introdotte con Decreti del Presidente del Consiglio, cio con atti amministrativi NON aventi forza di legge, che non sono idonei e sufficienti ad intervenire in materia coperte da riserva di legge e tutela di rango costituzionale; - tutti i funzionari pubblici hanno la facolt di disapplicare in autotutela (cio a tutela di s stessi) gli atti amministrativi con profili di illegittimit e/o illegalit formale e sostanziale. Pertanto, il Comitato ha redatto e presentato una richiesta di disapplicazione in autotutela dei suddetti DPCM rivolta alle pubbliche autorit competenti al fine di evitare a loro stessi le conseguenze civili e penali di azioni che essi dovessero svolgere nellesercizio del proprio ruolo. Nel caso in cui le pubbliche autorit volessero continuare ad applicare i DPCM, i singoli individui coinvolti in questa applicazione potranno essere querelati penalmente dai cittadini che vedono i propri diritti violati.
Domenico Bevilacqua
Barbara Ursini
Jessica Riley Weaver
Vini Tyler Vernagallo Vtv
Oregonians For Oregon
8 members Outreach/Activism
Oregonians For Oregon migration group. Here we will remain connected and continue to network despite the facebook deletion and censorship. Please share this group on Facebook as much as possible to effectively move everyone over. I am an admin on our Facebook group and I've been banned.
Alison XJ Rhoads
Dan Betschart
Eric miller