AMERICA 2020 - UNDER ATTACKAmerica is currently under attack by at least 6 different insurgencies, w... View MoreAMERICA 2020 - UNDER ATTACKAmerica is currently under attack by at least 6 different insurgencies, who are mostly hiding within our urban democrat high population cities and their aim is to destroy our republic:1) Global Establishment - Big Banker Satanic Pedophiles running the UN, central banks, IMF, World Bank, BIS, Google, FB, Twitter, Youtube, Hollywood, Academia, MSM Media, Military Industrial Complex, both political parties and the Deep State who have trapped the world in debt slavery and who want to establish a One World Government and achieve 100% urbanization of America by 2050 to fulfill a documented depopulation agenda2) Radical Islam - Jihadists trying to establish a caliphate under sharia law by forced conversion or annhilation of non muslims like: Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Al Queda, Hezbollah, Hamas, Nation of Islam, Muslims of America, CAIR, etc3) Socialist Marxist Communists - like Black Lives Matter who want to end capitalism and expand the welfare state in the name of social justice4) Anarchists - like Antifa and others who want to destroy the American government altogether5) Black Separatists - Wanting to establish a black only ethno state in the South Eastern United States: like New Black Panthers, NFAC, Nation of Islam etc6) Latino Separatists - like La Raza (the race) wanting to capture states in the American South West and return them to Mexico to create a latino ethno state.These insurgent groups have recently banded together to divide, deride, deplatform, demoralize, disarm and attack the American way of life and conservative Americans, especially white Christian gun owners.They have declared war on our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, and are marginalizing us politically through unchecked legal and illegal immigration (because 75% of all immigrants vote democrat), and through blatant documented election fraud.As a result, traditionally red states like Virginia, Georgia, Texas and Florida are flipping blue, or on the verge and flashing purple, and those on the political right are waking up to their increasing inability to elect a republican president, to control the US House of Representatives, the US Senate or the Supreme Court of the United States.If something doesn't drastically change, then within this decade we are likely to see all three branches of the federal and even state and local governments fall to total democrat control, which could potentially give them the numbers they need to repeal the 2nd Amendment or anything else they desire legislatively.Welcome to the dystopia of the "Post Democracy Era" when the votes of right wing Americans will no longer count and the left wields totalitarian political power to disarm and conduct purges of white genocide and Christian genocide following the recent examples of the Islamic State, Pakistan, South Africa, Haiti, and historic examples of Nazi Germany, Stalin Russia, Mao's Communist China and Pol Pot's Cambodia.The War on America and the 1st and 2nd Amendments will likely be decided within this decade, as more and more Americans on the political right wake up and stand up together to circle the wagons and defend American Freedom and our God given rights with the nearly 500 million guns and 12 trillion rounds of ammunition currently in civilian hands.
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AMERICA 2020 - UNDER ATTACKAmerica is currently under attack by at least 6 different insurgencies, w... View More
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The sleazy left and swamp creatures in the Department of Education are proposing rule making to adopt critical race theory in public education systems. We are one nation under God indivisible with lib... View More
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