Proud Filipino American Conservatives
This group exist for patriotic Filipino Americans that love their country and fighting for freedom. We support President Donald J. trump 100%! We believe he is the true winner of the 2020 elections and we contend to see this election redeemed for the 74-80 million that voted for him including us. We made this group to abort from platforms that persistently work towards censoring us. And we are looking for a new place to gather, support and share info related to true patriotism and anti globalism.
James Alan Jimenez
Benji Medina
Chris Swafford
Conservatives against Marxism.
Rule 1 report all liberal trolls immediately. Rule 2 make sure Google Translate understands your comment. We are an international group and everybody needs to be able to understand. Rule 3 Marxism around the world needs to be crushed. If you're not on board with that leave now. Rule 4 do not smart off to the admins we will bounce your ass. Sign in by commenting the country you live in on this post