Texas Constitutional Enforcement
Welcome to the Texas Constitutional Enforcement group. Our purpose is to share information about efforts in Texas to enforce the Constitution against unconstitutional acts by both the federal, state, county, and local governments in Texas. We believe that the federal government has repeatedly violated the Constitution and no one is stopping them. This has happened primarily because of the notion -- nowhere to be found in the Constitution - that the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of constitutional meaning. We recognize that since the Constitution does not delegate to the feds the power to be the final arbiter of constitutional meaning, under the very text of the Tenth Amendment, that power is reserved to the states respectively (i.e., individually). This means that we in Texas are duty bound by our oaths to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, to exercise our independent judgment about constitutional meaning, and to stop federal agents who persist in attempts to enforce unconstitutional acts in Texas. Since the beginning of the COVID tyranny perpetrated by the governor, county judges, and mayors in Texas, we have been seeking ways to resit the edicts done by them in the name of COVID.
United Citizens of the U.S.A
PATRIOTS: Do you Love this Country? Does The Constitution of the United States mean something to you? If your answer is yes, will you get off the couch? It is time to stop waiting for this to pass. The situation has only gotten more and more grim. WE CAN NO LONGER WAIT FOR THIS TO PASS. Wake Up Patriots! If you live by our Constitution it is time to stand and Die for our Constitution if need be. Just as our ancestors who built this great nation did. WE CAN NO LONGER FEAR THE CONSEQUENCES OF TAKING ACTION. You Must Fear the Consequences of Talking No Action. We are and will lose the lives we love and our children will only know stories of the nation that once stood as The Greatest Nation on Earth. Will you let that happen? We are being lied to, CV19 is no more dangerous than a flu but they expect compliance with mask and locking yourself in your home while Antifa, BLM, and this joke called NFAC gather in mass numbers. Patriots are slandered for arming themselves, called racist, but Clownmaster Jay of the NFAC can arm 500 people and march in Louisville, KY preaching racism, hate, and making threats to the US and the white population. Find your local Militia, Join III% United Patriots and find your local group. Talk to your neighbors, store clerks and the people in your community. Tear down division every chance you can to unite us all for the cause. We are all Americans no matter what race, religion or creed. If you love our Constitution and the American way of life, if the Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness means anything to us, The TIme is NOW! Stand tall My Fellow Countrymen and Women.
Jay Beil
Amy adams
Anthony Guadamuz
Buy / Sell / Trade Firearms - United States Users are responsible for complying with all commerce regulations. Staff, admins, and Wimkin are NOT responsible for your ignorance.
RL Williams
Angela Biasca
Anthony Guadamuz