
9 members
We are 100% about the Truth of Our Creators Word. If what I say offends you, that is between you and your Creator. Yahoshoa said many would be offended because of His Word. His Word does not preach "feel good, laugh it up, enjoy lives of sin," His Word teaches discipline, skill, knowledge and understanding on warfare, how to properly war against our enemies, the armies of darkness of "this world." Millions that followed Yahwshwa on His walk, were possessed by demons, and foul spirits. Dont think for one moment, that you arent. Our job is to fill you with His Word, to drive those spirits out. We do not follow scholars, nor the wise of this world, but we follow the Most High before Whom we stand.
We do not subscribe to Black Liberation Theology, so do not post comments pertaining to it. WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY MOVEMENTS, GROUPS, RELIGIONS, DENOMINATIONS, ETC. We are Disciples and Servants of the Most High Yahweh.
Behind The Vail® is an Apostolic teaching group, NOT A MESSIANIC GROUP! We teach Discipleship, and the Melek Tsedeq Priesthood. We are not affiliated with any religion, or religious groups, we are merely Disciples trying to pattern ourselves in the Footsteps of our Master and King, Yahwshwa/Yahoshoa Mashyach.
The only rules in this group, are that you do not "add to" or "take anything away from Yahwehs Word" that you be not "blotted out of His Book of Life." What He has said, shall He not do it?
Admin reserves ALL rights to remove anyone/anything that is unscriptural, that is not factual, or that intentionally stirs up debates and fighting, this is NOT a debate group, this is a teaching group.

15 members
This is a group for moms to come together, without judgment, and support each other. Let's share our struggles and rejoice in our successes with these amazing kids we've been given!
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