14 members Preparedness
This group was created for people in Kentucky to share information about prepping. Feel free to share anything that would affect how you prep, ways to prep, questions about prepping and anything that ties in. Rules are simple: 1. Teen appropriate. No nudity. 2. Treat others with respect. We can all have different opinions and voice them but we must not insult others in the process. 3. Everything you see here can not be guaranteed as accurate, safe, approved or recommended by governing agencies. Please do your own research and determine what you feel is safe and appropriate for your values, situation, and family.
Blanca P
COS Michelle
54 members Preparedness
This group was created for people to share information about prepping. Feel free to share anything that would affect how you prep, ways to prep, questions about prepping and anything that ties in. Rules are simple: 1. Teen appropriate. No nudity. 2. Treat others with respect. We can all have different opinions and voice them but we must not insult others in the process. 3. Everything you see here can not be guaranteed as accurate, safe, approved or recommended by governing agencies. Please do your own research and determine what you feel is safe and appropriate for your values, situation, and family.
AE Lagoa
Anita Tine
The light of the North
11 members Preparedness
Jutun juoni on ett halusitte tai ette niin jokainen teist tuo omia AIKALINJOJANNE (huom monikko) univesumeita ja niiden tietouksia iti maan ja Sophian planeetta kristalli/kristusvalo verkkoon joka sijaitsee paikassa nimell Maa. ? Pyrimme kaikki yhdess hakemaan tst giganttisen valtavasta kosmisesta tapahtumasta ymmrryst ja auttamaan iti maata ja Sophiaa irrottautumaan niden energia muotojen artifiktaalisesta taajudesta joka tunnetaan kosmisessa tietoudessa nimell Archon-tajuus. Jokainen teist ja jokainen ihminen on valtava valosielu Luoja yhteydess ja toimii niden aikalinjjojen tuojana ja ns puhdistajana ns unitilassa. Autamme tosiamme ymmrtmn nm useissa ulottuvuuksissa pyrivt ja yhteen liittyvt energiat mit teist jokainen edustaa. Mit enempi te tuotte omaa nkemyst sielt miss liikutte ja mit tunnette energioissa sen enempi me kaikki yhdess voimme auttaa toisiamme. Pyrin vastaamaan kysymyksiin valostani suoraan mahd paljon. Pyytk rohkeasti apua ja neuvoa koska sitten te voitte auttaa sit auttajaa kun ymmrrtte sit mit nette ja koette ja tunnette omassa valossanne. ? Tervetuloa pomppimaan kaikkeuteen ja eriulottuvuuksiin mink olette Luojana luoneet jokainen ja tuomaan ne teidn valonne kaikkien tietoisuuteen " ???
Raisa Uotila
Anni Hurmerinta
Knife Klub
17 members Preparedness
Trade , show, discussion: This group is for collectors, users, and makers of knives and outdoorsmen and all things camping ,preparedness and survival, but mostly its about the steel pointy polite and enjoy
Jon Adams
Dale Copeland
8 members Preparedness
Welcome, this is where we discuss anything that could bring about the end of the world as we know it or as we like to call it "TEOTWAWKI"  conspiracies, facts, current events, natural disasters etc. 
Sha Smith
Dawn Collyott
Denise Morrison
Apocalypse media discussions
9 members Preparedness
Welcome lovers of apocalypse preparedness movies, television shows and books.   Get comfy in your chair or couch, grab  a drink,some munchies and let's talk about our favorite apocalypse media!     
Sha Smith
Angela Crawford
Austin Chambers
Washington State Preppers
11 members Preparedness
Welcome to Washington State preppers. This group is only for people who currently physically reside in Washington state. When you request to join, please send me a private message, stating the city and county you live in Washington state. The goal of this group is to create a community, both online and in person, where we can network, learn, share and develop skills, while creating a community of like-minded.     
17 Monkys
18 members Preparedness
This is your one stop source for all your wildest theories,  True or False!     know something you wanna share, put it here.  know something we dont, put it here......wanna know somethings you dont, or you may have heard a little of........check here. ill try to get everything back up todate. everyone welcome!   Believe nothing, Research everything!   Also Trump Support Page!
? ? ? ? M?Ha? r? ? ? ?
Amanda Weaver
Antonio Tsosie