**Farmasi info: Farmasi is an international multi-level marketing company that sells beauty, personal care, household, wellness and accessories products. To order you can go directly to my link on the Farmasi website or Message Sharon Williams and she will order for you. We try to be stocked on our best selling products. Payment options for now are Cash on Delivery or Facebook pay through Messenger to Sharon Williams.
Sharon S Williams
6 members Health and Fitness
This group is about more than just the selling of the #1 premium hair care in the US and now skincare and wellness products; it is about encouragement, inspiration, empowerment and support.  Not only will you be able to learn information and tips about Monat, hair, skin and wellness products, but you will also experience the family culture as you experience interaction with others and hear from a variety of people who have a lot of great information to share!   Participate - Ask questions, interact, respond, share great things that you're reading or learning about hair, skin, wellness and all the ingredients that go with them.  The more you give to this group, the more that you will receive. Spread the love - Add any friends that you know that would love and/or benefit from this information, community and tips.   What if I'm interested in using these products?  Please reach out to the Market Partner, VIP or Retail customer that added you or informed you about this group.
Mary Heitkamp
Bithi Apa
Jessica Riley Weaver
Mindfully Thriving
8 members Health and Fitness
Toxin free living and education is so crucial in a world that has grown so dependent on convenience, pharmaceuticals and allopathic medical care. Let's get back to basics! This group is all about information. I believe knowledge is key in making better choices for you and your family. Are you #mindfullythriving?   
Stephanie Jones