939 members
Welcome! We are an Extension of the Real Fall of The Cabal group that was banned from Facebook. We are glad to have you join us and hope that we can help enlighten each other. Please read through the group rules. If you are unable to adhere to any of them then, this may not be the group for you. We want this group to be beneficial to all members and a place where we can share our thoughts without the censorship that we were getting from Facebook. We also want to be known as a credible source of information so, please, make every attempt to make sure that information that you post is accurate. All in all we just want to have fun, learn new things, discuss already known things and EXPOSE THE CABAL!
Group Rules:
1. We do not support Antifa or BLM
2. We will not allow discrimination against ANY race, religion, national origin, gender, age or sexual orientation (failure to follow this rule WILL result in IMMEDIATE removal from the group)
3. No pornographic images (even for educational purposes)
4. In this group, we are Proud Supporters of President Donald Trump. We will not allow ANY bashing of our president. (this too will result in removal from the group)
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Politics and Elections