FEN Free Eagle Network™®©
5 members Writing (Authors)
FEN Free Eagle Network, LLC ™®© FEN: Free Eagle News Posting Daily News and Blogs, and other important information. ALL LINKS: https://libertylinks.io/KLC77 FEN Family Telegram Folder: https://t.me/addlist/SwqYRqefMBdhZjlh
K L  Cobb Jr
annette flynn
Crystal Henrichs
Fantasy and Science Fiction Authors, tips and assistance
20 members Writing (Authors)
I started with group with the intention of sharing tips with young authors, addressing the highly political and rather stifling scene on BookTube. They have so many rules! "Never use this word, don't use descriptions, make sure your writing is inclusive...." and so on and so forth. You will not find that here, though it is true that sometimes cutting words from your sentence makes your scene more vivid by not bedevilling your readers with useless words. Old school writers might not have always been as well polished as university literature students, but they certainly had more life. As a fantasy or sci-fi author, your job is to bring the world and characters of your imagination to life. There are no hard and fast rules, save for those dictated by English grammar, and even they must sometimes be bent. Feel free to ask questions, answer them, or simply start discussions, and meet other fantasy and sci-fi writers! image credit: mysticartdesign on Pixabay
James L Vaughan
Bob Crawford
40 members Writing (Authors)
Come and join the group that will expose one to great books; feel free to post and comment on all the books and post books that you may believe to be of interest and sharing of knowledge.
Toni Williams
Alejendro M Gael
9 members Writing (Authors)
I'm resurrecting and old friend from years ago whom I call Rotten Raoul. RR, the shortened version of his name, was notorious for knowing how to push buttons and pissing off people with stark reality based in truth. His famous saying was 'now let's see how many people I can piss off today'. This blog is dedicated to that philosophy because when people get pissed off sometimes, on rare occasions, they might wake up and start thinking for themselves. Nothing will be off limits - politics, religion, human behavior, race or gender issues, et. all - Everything is on the table folks! You're invited to come along for the ride,
Raoul deMarest
Ashley Garza