The Paso Fino Experience
5 members Animals
Welcome fellow Paso Fino Horse lovers! Come on in and share your experiences with your Paso Fino Horse(s). Keep it fun and respectful. Horsemanship is a journey. #thepasofinoexperience
E L Blacketer
Becky Flowers
Jessica Riley Weaver
Texas Longhorns
12 members Animals
A place to share pictures, sell, trade or discuss Texas longhorn from standards to mini and all 7 families. 
JA n Sarah Thomas
Adrienne White
Aldrin tejada
25 members Animals
Hello, we are a small in home hubby breeder of AKC Basset Hound and Soon to be AKC Bloodhounds. Out Law Hounds is ran by myself Jenielle Myers, and Ron and Terri White. We breed frist and formost breed for Health, and Temperament.
Jenielle Myers
Angela Shotwell
Bernie Richard
Eastern Iowa Horses and Tack For Sale
8 members Animals
Horses and tack for sale in Eastern Iowa. No boots or clothing. Please post PRICE AND LOCATION! Dont waste other peoples time and yours by asking people to message you for the price. This isnt Facebook, prices are allowed!
Lori Pratt
Lynn Tumpack
Mary Davidsmeier