
3 members
Bushcraft is the use and practice of skills, thereby acquiring and developing knowledge and understanding, in order to survive and thrive in a natural environment.
(Keep your posts ON-TOPIC. Anything unrelated will be deleted and the poster blocked from the group!)
Bushcraft skills provide for the basic physiological necessities for human life: food (through foraging, tracking, hunting, trapping, fishing), water sourcing and purification, shelter-building, and firecraft. These may be supplemented with expertise in twine-making, knots and lashings, wood-carving, campcraft, medicine/health, natural navigation, and tool and weapon making.
Bushcraft includes the knowledge to handle certain tools such as bushcraft knives and axes. A bushcrafter can use these tools to create many different types of constructions, from dugout canoes to a-frame shelters. There are various types of shelters to construct or use in the wilderness. The first is a purpose-built shelter like a tent. Another example is an improvised shelter, like using a large tarp or blanket as a tent. Indigenous shelters include a snow cave or bark lean-to. Lastly, natural shelters include caves, underneath a tree, or within thickets

137 members
Family friendly group, oasis away from the drama. Tiny homes, bus conversions, camping, recipes/food, music, pets, light spirituality(no preaching), freebies, some work from home, lots of love, light, and laughter.
1 member
This group is for ladies interested in prepping. Sharing ideas and information that can affect prepping.
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