Higher Consciousness Intuitive Guidance
15 members Education
Hello friends. Welcome to the group! I offer Intuitive Guidance, Mentoring and Readings in exchange for donations of any amount. Just leave a message or a comment when you are ready. Thank you. - Michael Logue Here is the link to use for donation: https://checkout.square.site/buy/7DVHT6EA64YH53KD2CRDGYZM
2 members Education
This group is for Barton Tutors to connect and collaborate.  Rules:  1. Only Barton/OG related information allowed.  2. No Swearing, Rudeness, or Crudeness 3. No spamming 4. No publically shaming your parents, students, or other tutors. If you need advice, please reach out individually to other tutors.  What is Wanted: 1. Encouragement 2. Great ideas 3. Supporting for one another 4. Questions about curriculum Thanks for making a difference in the lives of each of your students.  HUGS! Sue Bridgman    
Sue Bridgman
Jessica Riley Weaver
3 members Education
CrystOils are crystal infused essential oils which are handcrafted to bring out the best within You... to empower the best outcomes in Your Life... This group is our committment to educating our fans on the uses, benefits, care of crystals.. essential oils.. and aromatherapy. We thank you for stopping by, and hope you'll join us!
John Tanner
Jessica Riley Weaver
1 member Education
Private classical Christian hybrid education on the NW side of Indy. #classical #charlottemason #outdoors #interactivelearning #hybridmodel #Christianschool #privateschool #whitestown #zionsville #brownsburg #indianapolis #carmel
S ReyRein