
1 member
Spirituality or Religion
Ruckman Knights is a King James Bible believing group for such things as doctrinal Bible studies, missionary activity, prayer requests, and also for more general posts and some fellowship. The members of the list generally support the doctrinal positions of Dr. Peter Ruckman (aka Ruckmanites), most importantly a belief that the King James Bible is "scripture ... given by inspiration of God". We also are literal creationists and we are conservative fundamentalists.
Though we support Dr. Ruckman, we do not parrot him. You need not agree with Dr. Ruckman on everything, neither is he above criticism. We believe in individual liberty. You will find a variety of beliefs among the members (within the parameters above), but if you are hostile toward Dr. Ruckman, this is not the place for you.

32 members
Spirituality or Religion
As Shaman, we are both teacher & student. With Great Spirits power, there is nothing we can't do. Heal yourself, heal the world. Standard community rules apply
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