The credit card companies have decided to be part of the Gestopo and are using our past and current credit card purchases to build a gun owner database to share with the deep state government. This is... View MoreThe credit card companies have decided to be part of the Gestopo and are using our past and current credit card purchases to build a gun owner database to share with the deep state government. This is an illegal database! Since they think they have the right to abuse my purchase data, then I have a right to not pay them. I stopped paying all my credit cards this month. I will not pay a corporation that is using its power to subvert and destroy my freedoms and my personal GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!!! So they can go fuck themselves. I recommend that all gun owners and people that support the 2nd Ammendment also stop paying your credit cards until the these elitist bankers get the message. The only thing they care about is money and power. If we all stop paying they loose both!! Fuck a bank today, don't pay!! FREEDOM! FIGHT BACK OR LOOSE IT@!@!
The goose stepping FBI is on the march confiscating electronic devices containing lawyer client privileged information illegally using warrants obtained from political left judges with the destroy Tru... View MoreThe goose stepping FBI is on the march confiscating electronic devices containing lawyer client privileged information illegally using warrants obtained from political left judges with the destroy Trump at any cost agenda. The fascist NAZIS Democrats are using the politicized FBI as their personal gestopo to go after Trump and anyone in his inner circle. The Democrat Party leadership, FBI, CIA, and NSA are now officially the enemy of the American people. Wake up Americans! It is time to stop being sheep and become the lions. Time to take action to rid ourselves of these tyrants that abuse their power. If they will do it to Trump. They will do it to YOU!!!!! Biden is trying to purge his political rivals and end the two party system. He has declared the Republican Party to be terrorists, anti constitutionists, and a threat to Democracy. That is the justification he is using to come after them. The fake news propaganda outlets are supporting these lies and propagating them. The liberal mainstream media has become the enemy of all true Americans. WAKE UP AMERICANS, TAKE A STAND, BE PATRIOTS AND TAKE BACK AMERICA FROM THESE USURPERS THAT HATE AMERICA AND REAL AMERICANS. IT IS TIME TO RISE UP AGAINST THIS TREASON BEING COMMITED BY THE FAKE PRESIDENT AND THE DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP! RISE UP, RISE UP NOW, STOP STANDING IDLE BY WHILE AMERICA IS BEING DESTROYED!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA, GOD BLESS DONALD J. TRUMP, GOD SAVE THE COUNTRY!!!
Representative Adam Kinzinger finally let slip his true thoughts on democracy during the Morning Joe Show on MSNBC. He said " my Democrat friends, if they truely believe democracy is a threat the... View MoreRepresentative Adam Kinzinger finally let slip his true thoughts on democracy during the Morning Joe Show on MSNBC. He said " my Democrat friends, if they truely believe democracy is a threat then we have to come together. If you truely beleive democracy is a threat then wea threat to need uncomfortable alliances..." The people on the show did not bother to question if that was what he really meant to say. Just shows what the elitetists left, Rhinos, and the deep state really think about democracy, freedom, and the average American. It is all about their control over us and their power. Trump was a threat to their status quo of things in the DC swamp. Time to take them into custody, try them for corruption, theift of tax payers money, malfeasance, most of all TREASON, AND HANG THEM FROM THE DC CHERRYand TREES. Then leave them hanging until their body separates from their heads on their own as a warning to future leaders that corruption and treason will not be tolerated by people any longer and that punishment is inevitable and severe. Time to purge congress, senate, the executive branch, FBI, CIA, NSA and the restoration the deep state. Fire every supervisor in the federal government an hire outsiders, shut down the 100% OF THE EPA and leave to state regulatory agencies, shut down 100% of the ATF and let the states regulte themselves (since the ATF is not enforcing its regulations in many states already pot is alliwed in many states even though it is illegal). Shutdown 100% of the FBI since it is a corrupt political agency interfering with our "free elections" to change the outcome, selectively prosecutes its political enemies, an lets its guilty political allies go free unprosecuted. Fire 90% OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT since it is way overstaffed and full of way overpaid bureaucratic marplots that have their own agenda that is not nessarily in the interests of the American people or the president that is in office at any given time. These marplots fought Trumps agenda every step of the way often times ignoring orders and directives from the president. It is not their job to make foreign or domestic policy. It is their job to carry out the presidents policies an agenda, he was elected to do just that, not those elitist piss ants. Also, close the department of education. Education is the pervue of the states and it communities, not the bureaucratic federal government. Shut it down completely and let the states run their own education system. Education is a local issue to be addressed by the local communities where they can ensure that their values are being taught to the children. These actions will reduce the budget by billions and billions of dollars. The federal government should not be the largest employer in the country, we need too cut government agencies and reduce the size of those we do keep. The CIA and NSA need to have everyone in supervisory positions fired and their jobs given people from outside DC, outside the agencies, outside politics. The agencies also need to be reduced by 50%. They are way overstuffed bloated agencies that have been politicize for a number of years.
Fire the freeloading deep state bums!
They want you to eat bugs!
Billionares like Bill Gates and others that meet at Davos are buying up huge swaths of prime farm land nation wide. They are shutting down any activity associated with meat... View MoreThey want you to eat bugs!
Billionares like Bill Gates and others that meet at Davos are buying up huge swaths of prime farm land nation wide. They are shutting down any activity associated with meat production on those purchased lands. They will soon control our food supply and be able to dictate how we live and what we eat. The idea is to increase the price of all meats to a level that the average person can not afford to eat meats. Basically force you to eat bugs. This is supported by the billionares that meet at Davos each year.
Bill Gates has been advocating that we should all give up beef, pork, lamb, chicken and eat insects instead. This is being pushed on his Microsoft websites. It is also being pushed by the Hollywood elite who are eating bugs for the news cameras and saying there pretty tasty. They are not all as good at acting as they think. Watch their faces as they eat the bugs, there eyes say it all, yuck. They tell you many cultures around the world use insects as a source of protein. What hey do not point put is that tvey eat bugs because it is that or starve. You put a steak in front of those people and a plate of bugs you watch which one they chow down on. It is not going to be the bugs!
I am sure that the rich bastards will still be eating wagu steak, king crab, and Buluga caviar. In addition, drinking $500.00 a bottle wines too. Jeting around in their private jets while we are expected to take mass transit or ride share to go to the store. We need to confiscate all of Bill Gates money and property and those of anyone that attends Davos. Better yet, just hang all of the elitist pigs.
They are so worried about climate change, but they still jett around the world, have their mansions that use the energy of a town, have their yachts that burn more fuel in an hour than your car burns in a week, but they want you to be the one to make all the sacrifices to protect the environment. If we want to reduce the carbon foot print of man, the easiest and quickest way to have an impact on climate would be to just kill the richest 3% of the people in the world.
However the ultra rich, they want us to reduce our carbon foot prints and consume bugs while they consume far more than their share of earth's resources. Fuck the Bill Gates of this world and anyone that attends Davos, they should be considered a target of opportunity by all the normal people. All the people that wait on or take care of these rich scum should do the world a favor....
Water From the Colorado River
The climate has not changed significantly in the west over the last 200 years. There have been extended droughts many times in the last 200-years. The significant change... View MoreWater From the Colorado River
The climate has not changed significantly in the west over the last 200 years. There have been extended droughts many times in the last 200-years. The significant change is the massive population increase over the last 200-years, and especially in the last 50-years. Just look at the population increase since 2010 and its impact on water usage in the Colorado River Basin, and this data does not include California.
Since 2010 there has been a 3,680,000,000 gal/day increase in water consumption based on the increase in the Colorado River Basin population of of 23,000,000 since 2010. Population went from 13-million to 40-million people living in the Colorado River Basin. Regardless of the climate, the desert region can not support the current population or the rate of population increase with just the Colorado River providing the primary water supply. The water shortages in the west are not because of climate change, it is because of extreme over population of a desert climate region. The 5-million people illegally crossing our OPEN BORDER is only going to exacerbate the water shortage by excellarating the population increase in this region. In addition, the farming of California and other desert regions, especially high water consumption crops, has contributed to this problem. Farmers in desert areas combined with over population of these regions are also sucking the aquifers dry too!
The western United States is doom to a severe water crisis!! The water crisis will not only hurt people in the west, but also the food chain for people in the east an west, since America has become overly dependent on California and other desert states for many fruits and vegetables. The food shortages will only get worse. So instead of blaming climate change and doing all the stupid things the Biden administration is doing to screw up our economy in the name of climate, they should be working on water replacement and augmentation for the western United States before it totally screws us. They won't, they will just screw up our country more so they have more excuses to control an medel in your life.
If I see an FBI AGENT drowning I will throw him an anchor.
The FBI NEEDS TO PUT ON THEIR SWASTIKA ARM BANDS AND THEIR SS LAPEL PINS, THEY ARE THE GESTOPO. MERRIC GARLAND IS THE ENEMY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, A TRAITOR. The FBI and the Justice Department are political terrorists and the enemy of the people. I have no respect for them and no longer recognize them as legitimate law enforcement. They did not prosecute crooked Hillary that obstructed justice by destroying supeaned documents. They did not prosecute Hunter Biden for felony gun violations, or all the money he received and shared with his dad for selling daddy's influence to the COMMUNIST CHINEESE, THE EMEMIES AMERICA (TREASON), OR HIS CROOKED DEALINGS IN UKRAINE, THE LIST GOES ON AND ON!! BUT YOU WANT TO GO AFTER TRUMP. WHEN TRUMP IS ARRESTED BY YOU THUGS THE CIVIL WAR BEGINS. THERE ARE OVER 40 MILLION HARD CORE TRUMP SUPPORTERS WILLING TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH TO PROTECT Trump and America. Trump is best president in the last 100 years. Biden is the worst president in the history of these United States of America. Biden as done more to destroy America in his first 18-months than all our nemesis combined in the last 200 years. The quicker that bastard drops dead the better for America. He is the first person in my 70 years of life I wished to die immediately. May he burn on hell for eternity.
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