The credit card companies have decided to be part of the Gestopo and are using our past and current credit card purchases to build a gun owner database to share with the deep state government. This is... View MoreThe credit card companies have decided to be part of the Gestopo and are using our past and current credit card purchases to build a gun owner database to share with the deep state government. This is an illegal database! Since they think they have the right to abuse my purchase data, then I have a right to not pay them. I stopped paying all my credit cards this month. I will not pay a corporation that is using its power to subvert and destroy my freedoms and my personal GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!!! So they can go fuck themselves. I recommend that all gun owners and people that support the 2nd Ammendment also stop paying your credit cards until the these elitist bankers get the message. The only thing they care about is money and power. If we all stop paying they loose both!! Fuck a bank today, don't pay!! FREEDOM! FIGHT BACK OR LOOSE IT@!@!
From what I've been reading the CC companies are fighting this. It's the whack'co leftist congress that are pushing this. It would be best to cut your cards and cancel them and pay what you owe. If you just stop paying what you owe you'll just be hurting yourself. We got to take back both houses thi... View MoreFrom what I've been reading the CC companies are fighting this. It's the whack'co leftist congress that are pushing this. It would be best to cut your cards and cancel them and pay what you owe. If you just stop paying what you owe you'll just be hurting yourself. We got to take back both houses this November!!!!
I think the Supreme Court would agree you stop payment for any purchases from gun stores, but not the rest of your purchases. Someone needs to sue the credit card companies.