Representative Adam Kinzinger finally let slip his true thoughts on democracy during the Morning Joe Show on MSNBC. He said " my Democrat friends, if they truely believe democracy is a threat the... View MoreRepresentative Adam Kinzinger finally let slip his true thoughts on democracy during the Morning Joe Show on MSNBC. He said " my Democrat friends, if they truely believe democracy is a threat then we have to come together. If you truely beleive democracy is a threat then wea threat to need uncomfortable alliances..." The people on the show did not bother to question if that was what he really meant to say. Just shows what the elitetists left, Rhinos, and the deep state really think about democracy, freedom, and the average American. It is all about their control over us and their power. Trump was a threat to their status quo of things in the DC swamp. Time to take them into custody, try them for corruption, theift of tax payers money, malfeasance, most of all TREASON, AND HANG THEM FROM THE DC CHERRYand TREES. Then leave them hanging until their body separates from their heads on their own as a warning to future leaders that corruption and treason will not be tolerated by people any longer and that punishment is inevitable and severe. Time to purge congress, senate, the executive branch, FBI, CIA, NSA and the restoration the deep state. Fire every supervisor in the federal government an hire outsiders, shut down the 100% OF THE EPA and leave to state regulatory agencies, shut down 100% of the ATF and let the states regulte themselves (since the ATF is not enforcing its regulations in many states already pot is alliwed in many states even though it is illegal). Shutdown 100% of the FBI since it is a corrupt political agency interfering with our "free elections" to change the outcome, selectively prosecutes its political enemies, an lets its guilty political allies go free unprosecuted. Fire 90% OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT since it is way overstaffed and full of way overpaid bureaucratic marplots that have their own agenda that is not nessarily in the interests of the American people or the president that is in office at any given time. These marplots fought Trumps agenda every step of the way often times ignoring orders and directives from the president. It is not their job to make foreign or domestic policy. It is their job to carry out the presidents policies an agenda, he was elected to do just that, not those elitist piss ants. Also, close the department of education. Education is the pervue of the states and it communities, not the bureaucratic federal government. Shut it down completely and let the states run their own education system. Education is a local issue to be addressed by the local communities where they can ensure that their values are being taught to the children. These actions will reduce the budget by billions and billions of dollars. The federal government should not be the largest employer in the country, we need too cut government agencies and reduce the size of those we do keep. The CIA and NSA need to have everyone in supervisory positions fired and their jobs given people from outside DC, outside the agencies, outside politics. The agencies also need to be reduced by 50%. They are way overstuffed bloated agencies that have been politicize for a number of years.
Fire the freeloading deep state bums!