They want you to eat bugs!
Billionares like Bill Gates and others that meet at Davos are buying up huge swaths of prime farm land nation wide. They are shutting down any activity associated with meat... View MoreThey want you to eat bugs!
Billionares like Bill Gates and others that meet at Davos are buying up huge swaths of prime farm land nation wide. They are shutting down any activity associated with meat production on those purchased lands. They will soon control our food supply and be able to dictate how we live and what we eat. The idea is to increase the price of all meats to a level that the average person can not afford to eat meats. Basically force you to eat bugs. This is supported by the billionares that meet at Davos each year.
Bill Gates has been advocating that we should all give up beef, pork, lamb, chicken and eat insects instead. This is being pushed on his Microsoft websites. It is also being pushed by the Hollywood elite who are eating bugs for the news cameras and saying there pretty tasty. They are not all as good at acting as they think. Watch their faces as they eat the bugs, there eyes say it all, yuck. They tell you many cultures around the world use insects as a source of protein. What hey do not point put is that tvey eat bugs because it is that or starve. You put a steak in front of those people and a plate of bugs you watch which one they chow down on. It is not going to be the bugs!
I am sure that the rich bastards will still be eating wagu steak, king crab, and Buluga caviar. In addition, drinking $500.00 a bottle wines too. Jeting around in their private jets while we are expected to take mass transit or ride share to go to the store. We need to confiscate all of Bill Gates money and property and those of anyone that attends Davos. Better yet, just hang all of the elitist pigs.
They are so worried about climate change, but they still jett around the world, have their mansions that use the energy of a town, have their yachts that burn more fuel in an hour than your car burns in a week, but they want you to be the one to make all the sacrifices to protect the environment. If we want to reduce the carbon foot print of man, the easiest and quickest way to have an impact on climate would be to just kill the richest 3% of the people in the world.
However the ultra rich, they want us to reduce our carbon foot prints and consume bugs while they consume far more than their share of earth's resources. Fuck the Bill Gates of this world and anyone that attends Davos, they should be considered a target of opportunity by all the normal people. All the people that wait on or take care of these rich scum should do the world a favor....