Water From the Colorado River
The climate has not changed significantly in the west over the last 200 years. There have been extended droughts many times in the last 200-years. The significant change... View MoreWater From the Colorado River
The climate has not changed significantly in the west over the last 200 years. There have been extended droughts many times in the last 200-years. The significant change is the massive population increase over the last 200-years, and especially in the last 50-years. Just look at the population increase since 2010 and its impact on water usage in the Colorado River Basin, and this data does not include California.
Since 2010 there has been a 3,680,000,000 gal/day increase in water consumption based on the increase in the Colorado River Basin population of of 23,000,000 since 2010. Population went from 13-million to 40-million people living in the Colorado River Basin. Regardless of the climate, the desert region can not support the current population or the rate of population increase with just the Colorado River providing the primary water supply. The water shortages in the west are not because of climate change, it is because of extreme over population of a desert climate region. The 5-million people illegally crossing our OPEN BORDER is only going to exacerbate the water shortage by excellarating the population increase in this region. In addition, the farming of California and other desert regions, especially high water consumption crops, has contributed to this problem. Farmers in desert areas combined with over population of these regions are also sucking the aquifers dry too!
The western United States is doom to a severe water crisis!! The water crisis will not only hurt people in the west, but also the food chain for people in the east an west, since America has become overly dependent on California and other desert states for many fruits and vegetables. The food shortages will only get worse. So instead of blaming climate change and doing all the stupid things the Biden administration is doing to screw up our economy in the name of climate, they should be working on water replacement and augmentation for the western United States before it totally screws us. They won't, they will just screw up our country more so they have more excuses to control an medel in your life.