The Cairo Curmudgeoness
It is beginning to dawn on me......I admit, sometimes I can be really slow and dense. I Thought "they" hated women and we're trying to reduce our place in civil society. Now, it is beginning to dawn o... View More
The Cairo Curmudgeoness
I have never been good at being TOLD what to do or how to think. I was far better at complying IF I was told the consequences of my action (or inaction). I am sick and tired of enforced compli... View More
The Cairo Curmudgeoness
I don't claim to have all the answers, heck, I don't even know all the questions. I do believe that it is past time that parents reclaim their children! Many of our ancestors educated their children... View More
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James Groepler
Admin Jim posting for her. looks like the FB "things" have again determined that my alter ego (The Cairo Curmudgeoness) and myself are somehow or another a "bad" influence. As yo... View More
The Cairo Curmudgeoness
I can't believe I am saying this RIGHT OUT LOUD! It is one of those that I am sure "they" will say I am way off track about. I will preface it with, "makes you wonder and question"........ When... View More
The Cairo Curmudgeoness
Ok, ok, I admit I might be a bit stubborn. Lord knows, my mama TRIED to turn me into a demure lady. You know, pinky finger raised, ballet class, soft spoken.... Oops, it didn't exactly stick. My fat... View More
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