The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on June 13, 2022
I can't believe I am saying this RIGHT OUT LOUD! It is one of those that I am sure "they" will say I am way off track about. I will preface it with, "makes you wonder and question"........
When are we women going to get our collective dander up? I question the "suburban housewife" and her ability to make informed decisions. Look folks, "they" are gutting Title 9, allowed the Taliban to waltz back in and strip away any progress of Afghanistan's women, caused skyrocketing prices of the basics, reduced our schools to little more than daycare and inclusivity centers. We are now experiencing shortages of baby formula, food, feminine hygiene products etc. I really wonder if those elected representatives have a clue what we, the average people, really believe and desire. The song used to be "I am Woman Hear me Roar", it now sounds like "I self identify as a female who may or may not whimper".
Sometimes all of us need to stick our head up above the fray. Take the time to think beyond the current talking point. What is really going on and how will it affect you and your family? As for me, I continue to speak my mind and pray. FERVENTLY!
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