The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on June 17, 2022
It is beginning to dawn on me......I admit, sometimes I can be really slow and dense. I Thought "they" hated women and we're trying to reduce our place in civil society. Now, it is beginning to dawn on me, it is really about the men.
Over the past week I read a couple of news items. Miss Universe Nevada is a transgender, Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition had a couple of transgender models, now Playboy is considering a transgender for the cover. In the past we have watched movies like Some Like it Hot (1959), tv programs like Bosom Buddies, The Drew Carey Show, Nash Bridges as well as others that all had cross-dressing characters. The characters were either trying to get closer to women or run from the bad guys or just stand out. Sometimes it was described as a life choice.
I see our possible future as the utopia envisioned in Demolition Man. Sex was all "virtual", no touching, no fluid transfer. IF you wanted children, it had to be state approved and impregnation was done in the medical setting. Doesn't that sound like fun? I don't see a logical reason to emasculate men or turn women into males. Let us acknowledge and celebrate the truth. God gave each of us a sex for a reason!
Just pay attention to what is being presented as the norm. You are not the weirdo, reactionary, neanderthal that "they" are claiming you to be. Speak up, take care of your family!
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