I was sittin' around yesterday, mostly thinking. Yeah, never good, but in my defense, it was raining most of the day. I was trying to come up with the perfect analogy to reach at least one person by c... View MoreI was sittin' around yesterday, mostly thinking. Yeah, never good, but in my defense, it was raining most of the day. I was trying to come up with the perfect analogy to reach at least one person by comparing the circus in D.C. to the admission price we're being charged even if we don't attend. Yeah, there's a plethora of animals, not just donkeys and elephants. Hyenas, snakes, rats, wolves in sheep's clothing, ferrets, and mixed species. The ringmaster is mostly unknown, but a lot of us know who it is. The sideshows aren't funny, and the monkeys are just monkeys. The rides aren't fun, and the pickpockets rule their society. The howler monkeys are irritating, to be sure, but after awhile you get deaf enough to ignore them. There's charges for everything, including new ones by the minute. There's even an exit charge if they haven't already gotten all your money. We won't even talk about the clowns and their lack of humor. At least we understand why all the fencing and concertina wire now.
While I was thinking about an analogy with the circus, I got head smacked with the perfect one. Your neighborhood is about to go into a homeowners association ! You'll lose control of your freedoms to them, and "enjoy" the annual fees to capitulate to their mandates/dictates subject to their own "association courts". Fines and penalties abound, and you'll do what you're told or else. Yes, there's people who love being controlled with the possibility of controlling others to achieve power. The "boards" enjoy a community that complies with their personal definition of bliss and desires. That's not where it ends, though. These people are establishing their credentials for entry into the heavenly "condo association" heirarchy upon their retirement. THEN, there's not only dues, but fees, common area fees, upkeep fees, landscaping fees, ad nauseum. Personal freedoms must be surrendered before membership by ironclad contracts. The district judges live there, too. Now, they're joining forces with states to annex the rest of us into their madness without due process.
Megalomania abhors a vacuum. Our Founding Fathers knew this, and established documents to prevent it's happening here. It's time to uphold and defend those documents, or take your flag down because it's not approved. Your choice? Farm or Condo?
I've tried to keep my mouth shut. I really did. All last week. Then, I watched the posts across the social media spectrum, and heard politicians calling for violence and inciting to riot. The plural o... View MoreI've tried to keep my mouth shut. I really did. All last week. Then, I watched the posts across the social media spectrum, and heard politicians calling for violence and inciting to riot. The plural of ignoramus is either ignoramuses or ignorami, both are correct. Anyway, search the word and read all the synonyms. Sure puts things into perspective. Everybody out there cuttin' the fool, and showing a total lack of knowledge about civics. Y'all know my abhorrence towards abortion, but that doesn't even apply to my support for abolishing Roe. Roe was an unconstitutional power grab. When it was enacted, the SCOTUS usurped OUR rights under the 10th Amendment and created law where there was none. Should you decide I'm wrong, please direct me to the Amendment that mentions abortion and I'll gladly defer. The only thing overturning Roe did was getting the Federal Government out of women's crotches. It abolished nothing. At all. Yet, people on both sides are losing their minds over it.
Now, the power's returned to the states and the people, where it should have always been. Creating a Federal law only permitted politicians to hide behind it, who now have to answer to their constituents for their positions. The most violent demonstrations to date are in California, where they've already passed legislation in support of abortion. Why riot there? New York, too. Why? Why are pallets of bricks abandoned on the streets in D.C.? The answer's obvious. When they couldn't pass a law in CONgress or an amendment during an election, they always had the SCOTUS to make one. Roe's dismissal precludes that now, and I expect several other rulings may be visited for the exact same reasons. The first ten Amendments are called The Bill of Rights for a reason. They're OUR rights, not to be encroached upon by an oppressive tyrant. Learn these, and study the Federalist Papers on them. The words were chosen carefully.
While you're searching for the word abortion, be on the lookout for "right to bear arms". THAT one's in there. It's #2. Ignoramuses !