Democrats have done pretty much just one thing well over recent years... sell lies to the American public. Some big, some small, and I've changed my thinking as to how long this has been their one pri... View MoreDemocrats have done pretty much just one thing well over recent years... sell lies to the American public. Some big, some small, and I've changed my thinking as to how long this has been their one prime expertise. My seminal thinking for this was that it's been 6 years, the last couple dominated by the dual-edged razor lie that Joe Biden is both a moderate and competent. Before that was the biggie that people are now finally actually getting arrested for, that Trump was colluding with Russia.
There are smaller ones that support those uber-lies, such as that Trump is a racist and that Joe is a nice, honest guy, but they're the supporting cast. Upon further review, as the NFL refs are fond of saying, I now know this dominant expertise of theirs took hold much earlier, though, kind of like a virus we might have thought first hit in early 2020 but we now have learned started in Wuhan back in summer or fall of 2019. This dominant Dem lie goes back about a decade, when Obama and his cronies sold a majority unsuspecting swath of the the country a hoax rooted in the sub-lie epitomized by "Hands up, don't shoot," the lie of pervasive, systemic white racism and police coming unjustly after blacks; the lie under which umbrella we can put BLM and Antifa "talking points," which certainly caused a lot more damage than merely talking the lie would have.
The current main lies about Biden being competent, honest, and a moderate are supported by sub-lies like CRT not being real and not being taught, and voter fraud not existing or being a significant problem, and the border crisis not being a real crisis, and a whole bunch of lies around covid.
But guess what? As most kids find out, especially ones who don't grow into being Democrats, you can only lie so long before you get caught and face punishment for it. Last Tuesday proved that we've hit a turning point, where finally a majority of the public has come to the realization that the lies are, in fact, lies. We got there briefly when the 2016 election produced its results, but the Dems got their falsehood purveying practice back in order immediately after Hillary lost. Now, though, it's gone past "fool me once... fool me twice..." to fool me (bigger number X) number of times... and a significant majority of the country now sees not only that the lies are lies, but the damage that they've done, and will continue to do if the liars continue to be believed.
One could even call this a renaissance of sorts, a new golden age of enlightenment. There is that thing about it taking a while to turn a battleship completely around, but the rudder is all the way to starboard, and we're getting close the leeward side of a strong wind.
I was thinking this morning how right Biden's old cabinet secretary mate Gates was when he said, after they had spent years working side by side on the same Obama team, that Joe has taken the wrong po... View MoreI was thinking this morning how right Biden's old cabinet secretary mate Gates was when he said, after they had spent years working side by side on the same Obama team, that Joe has taken the wrong position on every issue. I started thinking about all the current and recent issues he has completely screwed up. Border, economy, inflation, crime, covid, race, foreign policy.
Then the next one I came to was "unity," something he promised he would be all about but obviously has been, as his predecessor Obama, the great divider. Until I realized, helped by seeing some recent polls, that he finally HAS begun uniting us. AGAINST HIM! On many of those major issues, border, inflation, etc., he is now underwater with even the majority of Dems realizing how poorly he's done. Now THAT is a kind of unity that it truly takes a disaster of almost 9/11 proportion to muster, probably the last time we had it, and he's unwittingly bringing it on himself in a completely accidental way based on his stupidity, incompetence, and bad advice and control. But thank God he IS finally creating unity!
While in the shower this morning, I reflected on the censorship that many of us have known for a long time has poisoned the thought patterns of liberal, and recent revelations by various stings have m... View MoreWhile in the shower this morning, I reflected on the censorship that many of us have known for a long time has poisoned the thought patterns of liberal, and recent revelations by various stings have made indisputable to all, or at least to all who have not been cut off from the revelations by that very censorship.
What hit me like a ton of bricks: If Republicans had the same media control Dems do now back in the Nixon era, Watergate would have never seen the light of day. Tricky Dick might still be in office. Well, even in his current state, he'd be no more mentally deficient than the current Oval Office occupant. But seriously, Deep Throat's revelations and the whole Watergate discovery would have been censored from the mainstream media, only a few determined newshounds would ever have known, and those few whispers of it would have been dismissed by Walter Cronkite, Huntley & Brinkley as Russian disinformation. Seriously, and think about that in relation to where we are now.
I never really thought it was fair or accurate to say members of one party or the other are smarter than their counterparts. Great minds on both sides of the aisle. (Sometimes on one side, a preponder... View MoreI never really thought it was fair or accurate to say members of one party or the other are smarter than their counterparts. Great minds on both sides of the aisle. (Sometimes on one side, a preponderance of lesser minds can drown out the greater ones, though.)
But I'm seeing a trend that is almost forcing me to think Dems are, well, just thick, or slow on the up-take. Consider these commonalities. A couple women come forth with sexual allegations vs Cuomo. No reaction from the left, other than defending him. Then a third, then a 4th, then a 5th, still no acknowledgment of a problem. Then comes a 6th, and magically when the 7th comes forth, NOW the Dems finally recognize there's something wrong. At least give 'em credit, when the 8th came forward, they didn't revert back to defending the guy.
Then there's the border crisis. 10,000 illegals coming across a month, laden with drug and human traffickers and covid being brought into our country, and nope, no problem. Then it gets to 20,000, 30,000, 40,000, still no big deal, and certainly not THEIR problem. Then 50,000, then 60,000. Plenty of cries of the desperation of the situation from the right, but still denial from the left, despite it being many multiples the issue it was under Trump. But it keeps increasing, and at something like 100,000 such per month, all of a sudden Dems recognize there's something kind of serious going on here.
Those two phenomena are facts. I'll leave it to the reader to infer what he or she might.
For liberals who think the voting corruption bill by another name being brought forth by Pelosi et al is NOT how I characterize it there, I pose the following demonstration. Those Dem legislators are ... View MoreFor liberals who think the voting corruption bill by another name being brought forth by Pelosi et al is NOT how I characterize it there, I pose the following demonstration. Those Dem legislators are all for promotion of and institutionalizing the practice of ballot harvesting. Let's say I'm viewed as a conservative and my uber-liberal wife and all her equally liberal friends have, shall we say, a different view of things. They all dutifully request and prepare absentee ballots so they can vote at least early if not often, before any more facts have to come out since they've made up their minds without need for any such criteria, anyway. Now, let's just say I make the generous offer to collect all those ballots and submit them for that entire very Democratic group. Do you think they will let me do that? I highly doubt it. And why might they not? Because they probably sense there would be a chance that, in my conservative hands, there's a chance the votes just might not be correctly and honestly delivered to accurately register the desires of those liberal voters. But that's ballot harvesting, pure and simple. If you think it could work against you as a liberal turning your ballot custody over to somebody with a partisan bent to the other side, it's disingenuous to pretend it's quite all right, no danger at all, if it's being done with the parties being switched around. And that's just one, albeit very typical, aspect of the Dems' bill PRETENDING to be something other than a portal opening opportunities to screw with election integrity. And at some level, they HAVE to know that, because as I show above, I'm quite sure those Dems would not turn their ballots over to me to deliver for them.
One more positive, incontrovertible, absolute proof of the leftstream media's being fake news, in this case fake by omission. And now, this weekend yet another woman has come forth with similar accusa... View MoreOne more positive, incontrovertible, absolute proof of the leftstream media's being fake news, in this case fake by omission. And now, this weekend yet another woman has come forth with similar accusations. I'm wondering just what the fake news' threshold is for how much something has to be shoved in their face before they'll acknowledge its existence? I guess the answer is, when Fox has put it out to enough people and that has happened long enough that it's obvious to the fake news purveyors that too much of the public sees how fake their position is, then and only then will they change their tune and actually report what Fox (and Newsmax and OAN) has been reporting for weeks or months. And they will come up with an excuse for why they hid it for so long, and then will further diminish its importance so much as to say it didn't matter, anyway. We've seen it over and over and over and over. Somebody once described this, very accurately, as "enemy of the people." Who was that, can anybody remember?
Report: ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC all ignore recent sexual harassment allegation against Gov. Cuomo
ABC, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC did not report on the recent sexual harassment allegations brought forth against former employee of Governor Cuomo
A friend posted something the other day on the matter of loading all that pork in the Dem bail-out "rescue" bill.
If your ideas have merit, debate them and win the debate on those merits if the idea... View MoreA friend posted something the other day on the matter of loading all that pork in the Dem bail-out "rescue" bill.
If your ideas have merit, debate them and win the debate on those merits if the idea is good enough to support that. If you need to bury them in a bill, trick or strongarm people into going along with them, that's essentially and admission that the ideas themselves don't hold water.
Having watched what the Dems put forth in this latest hoax impeachment failure, they essentially defined themselves, and by association their party, as nothing more than conspiracy theorists. They ass... View MoreHaving watched what the Dems put forth in this latest hoax impeachment failure, they essentially defined themselves, and by association their party, as nothing more than conspiracy theorists. They asserted all kinds of things, basically all about what they THEORIZED were Trump's motives, what was in his heart and mind. But if you're going to charge somebody with something based on what he said (it'd be REALLY hard to charge somebody based on what you thought they were thinking), he damn well better have actually said it. Which he clearly did not in this case. With all the Dem video of the rioters marching and breaching the Capitol all the while shouting despicable things like, "Break that window," "Smash in that door," "Burn it down," if one of those actual voices had BEEN Donald Trump, he would indeed have been guilty as charged. But not only were none of those his voice, he wasn't actually there for any of those video clips, rendering them completely moot in terms of the charges. Even the Dem ALLEGATIONS were nothing more than conspiracy theories... they just kept harping on what THEY (the Dems) said they "knew" Trump wanted. That kind of a case will never get you very far in convicting anybody of anything, if you're basing your charges on what you think is in somebody else's head. But when it came down to what Trump actually said, as they say, there was no there there.
I was only semi-flabbergasted tonight as I listened to a Biden speech from last week, where he exposed himself to be kind of a siren for that same kind of conspiracy theory construction in attacking the other side. In this speech, he said the whole riot was based on a bunch of white supremacists!!! I would surmise that you have to get pretty far out on the conspiracy theory branch, even if a Democrat, to make that assertion. The closest thing you could probably say about why the rioters were rioting was that, at least a large portion of them, believed the election had not been conducted fairly. That has absolutely NOTHING to do with white supremacy, and for Biden to make that assertion means he's so far gone, he can't even follow or put together a "sensible" (if there is such a thing) conspiracy theory. At least in my mind, voter fraud and white supremacy are not exactly synonyms. But in Joe's mind, they are... which says quite a bit about Joe's mind.
The impeachment hoax Dems didn't present anything close to a case yesterday. They showed a bunch of videos, of Trump talking and of rioters rioting. Nothing Trump said was impeachable, inciteful of a ... View MoreThe impeachment hoax Dems didn't present anything close to a case yesterday. They showed a bunch of videos, of Trump talking and of rioters rioting. Nothing Trump said was impeachable, inciteful of a riot. What the rioters were shouting as they rioted WAS inciteful... if their videos had TRUMP saying those "burn the place down" kinds of things, they'd have something. But they don't, because he didn't.
By the way, if simply saying something is incendiary and leads to a riot and that makes for an impeachable offense, Obama should have been impeached for, well, many things, but let's just use Ferguson as a completely analogous example. I strongly suggest the Dems be made aware that when the House flips back at the mid-terms, Obama WILL be impeached, for that and possibly other things. But that is a simple no-brainer. There is absolutely no question that his pumping of the lie of "Hands up, don't shoot" let to rioting costing lives and millions of dollars. And, basically, is still ongoing as the BLM/Antifa movement. Impeach away, as long as there's no need for it to apply to an actual, sitting President.
Fresh out of the hospital from extremely severe covid situation, but doing well, in fact way better than could have been expected as bad as things were. Massive doses of steroids in hospital turned me... View MoreFresh out of the hospital from extremely severe covid situation, but doing well, in fact way better than could have been expected as bad as things were. Massive doses of steroids in hospital turned me diabetic, so hoping that will be temporary, but for now, monitoring sugar and shooting insulin in my belly are my new normal.
Since I made the moral decision not to support the Democrats' fascist censoring and banning speech by Republicans, which included closing my FB and Twitter accounts, I urge anybody who's come over her... View MoreSince I made the moral decision not to support the Democrats' fascist censoring and banning speech by Republicans, which included closing my FB and Twitter accounts, I urge anybody who's come over here but not yet cut that cord to freely copy anything of mine you read here and share it back to your FB and Twitter accounts that might still be active. Also, I urge you all to follow my lead and quit any existing pay accounts you have with the fascists, such as Amazon Prime, Spotify Premium, etc., and just dump the silly ones with the fascists like Pinterest, Reddit, and the like. I still have to go cancel every pay subscription thing I have through Apple and iTunes, but that's my next chore.
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