Democrats have done pretty much just one thing well over recent years... sell lies to the American public. Some big, some small, and I've changed my thinking as to how long this has been their one pri... View MoreDemocrats have done pretty much just one thing well over recent years... sell lies to the American public. Some big, some small, and I've changed my thinking as to how long this has been their one prime expertise. My seminal thinking for this was that it's been 6 years, the last couple dominated by the dual-edged razor lie that Joe Biden is both a moderate and competent. Before that was the biggie that people are now finally actually getting arrested for, that Trump was colluding with Russia.
There are smaller ones that support those uber-lies, such as that Trump is a racist and that Joe is a nice, honest guy, but they're the supporting cast. Upon further review, as the NFL refs are fond of saying, I now know this dominant expertise of theirs took hold much earlier, though, kind of like a virus we might have thought first hit in early 2020 but we now have learned started in Wuhan back in summer or fall of 2019. This dominant Dem lie goes back about a decade, when Obama and his cronies sold a majority unsuspecting swath of the the country a hoax rooted in the sub-lie epitomized by "Hands up, don't shoot," the lie of pervasive, systemic white racism and police coming unjustly after blacks; the lie under which umbrella we can put BLM and Antifa "talking points," which certainly caused a lot more damage than merely talking the lie would have.
The current main lies about Biden being competent, honest, and a moderate are supported by sub-lies like CRT not being real and not being taught, and voter fraud not existing or being a significant problem, and the border crisis not being a real crisis, and a whole bunch of lies around covid.
But guess what? As most kids find out, especially ones who don't grow into being Democrats, you can only lie so long before you get caught and face punishment for it. Last Tuesday proved that we've hit a turning point, where finally a majority of the public has come to the realization that the lies are, in fact, lies. We got there briefly when the 2016 election produced its results, but the Dems got their falsehood purveying practice back in order immediately after Hillary lost. Now, though, it's gone past "fool me once... fool me twice..." to fool me (bigger number X) number of times... and a significant majority of the country now sees not only that the lies are lies, but the damage that they've done, and will continue to do if the liars continue to be believed.
One could even call this a renaissance of sorts, a new golden age of enlightenment. There is that thing about it taking a while to turn a battleship completely around, but the rudder is all the way to starboard, and we're getting close the leeward side of a strong wind.