FBI, CIA Captain of the Suicide SquadWatched Barry Seal die
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Dennis Homer Love Jr
Lives in West Monroe, United States.
Born on August 1, 1977.
Is single.
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What really happened to Kevin and Don
I watched Kevin Ives and Don Henry murdered on the tracks by Colombians from a nearby military base used to house a volunteer army from South America that the CI... View MoreWhat really happened to Kevin and Don
I watched Kevin Ives and Don Henry murdered on the tracks by Colombians from a nearby military base used to house a volunteer army from South America that the CIA flew here to train. The Colombians that murdered Kevin and Don were selling drugs to Billy Jack the wrestler that night and came across Kevin and Don on the way to meet Billy Jack who were hiding off the tracks in the woods when the jeep the Colombians we're driving approached. The Colombians told them to get in the jeep and that they were going to kill them. Kevin and Don armed with a hunting gun refused and turned to walk away at that moment a Colombian in the group lunges forward with a large knife stabbing the boy holding the gun. With the blade piercing through his back and sticking out his chest as the boy drops the gun kneels down and looks on horror at the blade screaming that he has been stabbed. Now both boys crying and fearful they load the stabbed boy in the back of the jeep and tell the other to get in which he does without a fight. The Colombians drive on the tracks as much as possible till they get close to the area where they will meet Billy Jack. The stabbed boy is almost dead showing little signs of life as he is thrown out the jeep. The other boy waits in fear until the Colombians return from the drug sell and because the boy requested not to die by stabbing the Colombians take the hunting gun and bash his skull in after several attempts the first hit knocks him off balance then the second hit knocks him to the ground as he crawls lethargic and attempts to get away the Colombian continues to use the hunting gun breaking it after several hits takes the stock climbing on top of the boy and continues to hit his skull until the boy is dead. Then the Colombians lay the boys on the tracks covering their bodies and wait on a nearby spot off the tracks in view of there bodies slightly above the tracks looking down to the boys until the train approaches and runs over the boys laying dead covered up with several attempts by the trains engineer blowing the horn and the brakes are applied heavily but with no real effect in slowing the train. It becomes clear the train will not stop before it reaches them as several train cars after the engine pass over there bodies the train finally comes to a complete stop. Billy Jack was approached with a bribe to be present with a false story that will not expose the Colombians from the nearby military base as the murderers. At first he refuses then his life is threatened and finally accepts to tell the false story covering up the Colombians from the military base as the murderers and request the bribe they offered. I speak with Billy Jack and he tells me he has no choice but to do as they say and threatened me not to tell the truth as he feared for his life. I wait till the police begin to arrive and leave Billy Jack on the tracks with his pistol in his hands after talking to me. It takes me all day till dusk to get back to the military base and I go through the hole in the fence around the property a short distance from the railroad tracks. The same hole Kevin and Don came through earlier when I met them on the tracks after walking 30 mins or so away from the base earlier that day. I brought them to a room that had dead bodies stored where a relative of Barry Seals wife approached them and offered them drugs and other interesting things to do with there time leaving me in the area I brought them to and I wouldn't see them again till later that night just before they decide to leave after a Colombian boy is killed by the people they were following around. I was approached by the Colombians to go with them that night and found out it was not a coincidence because they used me to lure Kevin and Don when the jeep got close to where they were hiding off the tracks waiting for the jeep to move on. Leaving me as a child with a heavy snice of guilt for their deaths at the hands of the Colombians.
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The Actual events of Adam Walsh's Florida kidnapping and the second international kidnapping that lead to his death after being entered into a human experimental trail that used kidnapped children as ... View MoreThe Actual events of Adam Walsh's Florida kidnapping and the second international kidnapping that lead to his death after being entered into a human experimental trail that used kidnapped children as human subjects.
I remember one morning in July 1981 being home with my father watching tv thinking I was going to my grandmothers that day. My father had asked me earlier that morning if I wanted to go to Hollywood with him and thinking he meant California I agreed and we left stopping at his bosses office to talk about how his delivery was supposed to go and discussing a money issue then we got into the work truck headed to Hollywood. Later that day we get to Florida and I show my disapproval desiring to go home when he said he is sorry its not California but would give me a lot of quarters if I agreed to help him with this kidnapping that at first I refused. After my father influenced me to help I focused on the quarters and arcade that I got to play a game or two before my father said it's time to help by luring Adam Walsh who he pointed out to go to the bathroom where he was going to run up and grab him before he went through the door. I asked him once and it didn't work then he told me I had to ask him if he wanted me to suck him. It made me embarrassed and I remember not wanting to do it but finally worked up the courage. Adam understood what I asked him and this time said he would go to the bathroom with me as soon as he finished his game. When he did I nervously walked to the bathroom getting closer and closer thinking my father isn't around and I was really going to have to do this, but as I went through the door he began to follow then very quick my father came up behind him grabbing him covering his mouth and pulled him out of the doorway. Then my dads boss walked up with a polaroid and took a picture get to my fathers attention to come back the picture didn't take well. So this time my father paused while his boss took the picture then ran towards the outside doors as my dads boss called for me to come to him I didn't trust the way he called me and instead followed behind my father as he continued to run to the work truck with Adam Walsh. Getting in the truck he tied his hands quickly and started the truck telling me to use the duct tape to put on his mouth so he couldn't speak.I did and my father thanked me for helping saying I did a good job. I'm feeling stupidly prideful excited to help my father when we pull in another parking lot that was empty not to far away where two men waited and my father called out to Ottis as If they had met before and says hello to his friend with him then hands over Adam Walsh and tells Ottis that I'm supposed to go as well so he could have an alibi claiming no one would think he kidnapped Adam Walsh if his son was kidnaped the same day. Saying his boss was going to say the work truck and my father where in another state and my father was going to report me missing from our home in Louisiana. Crying in disbelief I couldn't understand him getting me to help then giving me up.
I was unable to process being used and given up out of the family even having him say if I really loved him I would do it so he wouldn't get into trouble. Heartbroken and confused I was put in with Adam Walsh and Ottis said he was driving us to a man he worked for in another state claiming this man was in charge of the kidnapping and making me believe I should fear him. The closer we got to the exit I began to see familiar roads and scenery. Thinking I'm not sure but if he turns on this next familiar road I will know who he has been talking about. When he did I told him I also knew this man and I wasn't afraid of him he was a friend who has done scary things but I had always stayed alive around him. I would be left in his care during summer months or special occasions and if you obey him things usually go well but have gotten scary at times. We arrive and Ottis is told what to do and he begins telling me hello and what was going on making me not feel so bad. Adam didn't know anyone and didn't trust anyone thinking he had been kidnap for a ransom. On the way towards South Africa I stood up in the seat of the plane looking out over the Atlantic ocean remembering him flying me to a wildlife refuge before. He talked about a human experimental trial and the kids that he was in charge of kidnapping identifying there from the southern hemisphere and how no Americans have passed the first phase of the trial. He wanted an American boy to pass the first phase and influenced us into wanting to enter but Adam didn't show any enthusiasm and told me not to trust him.
Adam and I had gotten out of the plane and walked with the men to the edge of a small group of trees that a rhino was tied to and leaning it's horn down towards a black man in a jump suit sharpening it's horn with a large file. The men had a video camera and carrying a gun told us we have to charge at this rhino while he films the human trial he told us on the flight their that the trial had 3 phases the first one had not been completed by an American which meant the subject would under go severe head trauma for a surgery that if survived gave you a chance for phase 2 and so on. The experimental trail had a military force for security and a pharmaceutical company investing in the research. Adam and I had been sent to run at the rhino that after yelling at us we finally did. When the rhino came up it was slow to move and easy to maneuver around and I even climbed up on it's back balancing until it began going the way it came. We escaped injury the first couple of times and would return to the man who no matter what we did sent us back. Adam had doubt that he coup continue to do this and admitted to me he thought he was going to die doing this and blamed me for luring him to the bathroom promising to suck him and he could have been still playing games at the arcade if he didn't tell me yes going on about how he never got what I asked him for and there in the bush hiding before we had to run towards the rhino again I agreed to do it and Adam soon found out I didn't know how and I remarked yes I said I would do it but didn't say I knew how. My father had told me what to say I didn't come up with it on my own. After satisfying the reason that got him kidnapped in the first place Adam thanked me for keeping my word but expressed doubt that we would don't to be alive and that the rhino was going to kill us. I refused to believe him and said I'm stating alive and thought eventually they would give up sending us back then we could go home. The next time we went out we became separated and I went back to the man who claimed Adam had been trampled and killed. I refused to believe him and went back this time looking for Adam I saw a body laying on the ground but continued in did belief because I didn't see his face. When I went back the men had been doing something that took them away from the spot I retuned to and I went looking for them hearing them scuffle in the bush they were chasing the rhino and a boy was hanging with his head stuck on the horn I realized they were working together keeping the rhino going back and forth between them giving me an opportune moment to see the face of the boy for my self and I was eager to prove them wrong. To my horror I saw Adam Walsh's head stuck on the horn with his body hanging off and the men filming the rhino walking back and forth. When I saw Adam I took a few steps away and gave up curling into a fetal position and expecting to die like Adam said but before the rhino got to close the man came out between us and sent the rhino in another direction pausing briefly to laugh at me for curling up in fear. When I got up I tried to be braver seeking approval and found that the men had taken Adams trampled body and attached it onto the form of the rhino but it would fall off before they could get the film going and one man had used a tool to boar a whole into Adams skull to make it more secure when attached to the rhinos horn. It worked and the men began filming trying to give the impression that Adam could still be alive hanging with his skull pierced by the horn as the rhino passed back and forth showing the men attempting to help. The rhino became agitated and began thrusting his head up and down violently and like a rag doll Adams body flung rapidly as his body approached its limits. His head stayed attached to the horn but his body tore lose and slung to the ground. With the men yelling upset at what had happened they chased down the rhino and retrieved Adams head and took it along with his body to the plane. When I asked what we were going to do now he told me I was going back out to the region again until I'm dead.
For the first time experiencing doubt that I would not make it the rhino runs up and begins to thrust I move side to side but crying and feeling fear this time was the last thought I had and watching the film later found out what happened after that I had been struck through the skull from the top of my skull having the point of the horn barely poking out the side of my head. The rhino slung me up and down as I hung unconscious and limp the rhino acted shocked that it could not sling be off and trotted off the view of the camera having the men laughing at what happened then arguing that they had to go track the think down and the video stops. I can remember waking up attached to the rhino and panicking making to much noise causing the rhino to become upset and fling me and I stop yelling and begin to moan and make noise to calm the rhino basically start to sing to it and move slowly thinking I will wait till it stops and put me feet up on its face and pull my skill off the horn to get away. When I got that opportunity I found it would not work and began to panic again thinking is this how I will die attached to this horn fearing how it might happen I begin to think of different ways it could and being eaten by a lion right off its horn was right on the top of my kids mind. I began to ask myself were does a rhino go when it's alone and figured I was going to find out first we passed under brush that it tried to knock me off running into at speed but it just scraped me and pushed me into its face. Then I noticed that when the rhino came around other animals the other animals would leave the area. Making me feel better about thinking a lion would eat me off it's horn. I would talk to the rhino thinking it could understand me when I asked it to go to the water so I could get a drink because I was so thirsty. To my surprise it did come to a water hole large enough to walk in and I continue talking thinking for sure it can understand me but when it got into the water it walked to deep and began thrusting above and holding me under the water. I had to hold my breath each chance above water I got because it would just plunge straight down not giving me any time to drink and only coating the outside of my lips that dried out just as fast as we got out. I became more fearful because I knew the rhino didn't understand me and I was all alone. I remember being so exhausted I went to sleep in little naps waking up in and out dosing off occasionally until hearing the man call out telling me how they found me as my first question then explaining how they were going to shoot the rhino with a tranquilizer dart and it would fall down then they would come get us and pull us back to a runway were jet plane carrying a trauma unit wasted to preform surgery on me. When the first dart hit the rhino thrusted up and down violently and I thought it was punishing me because I was helping them. So when heard them approach the second time I alerted the rhino and it took off leaving the men upset I stop helping them and forcing them to approach without me seeing them or hearing them which wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Shooting the rhino again it runs slower and begins to fall down but does it gradually and only my leg is pinned laying on top of it's front leg and it's head. The man cones up and asked why I stopped helping him and I said because it made the rhino thrust which hurts and takes a whole lot out of me. The men began loading the rhino on the flat bed trailer but it became obvious with me attached it took more consideration and the men had to lift briefly pinning me under more weight than they wanted it was the only way with what they had. I was ok and as the trailer was pulled I found out the rhino walk better than this trailer took bumps which every turn of a tire found a throbbing intensely painful pulling sensation in my head around the intensive pressure now building in my skull as the weight of the rhino head moved unpredictable on the trailer being pulled behind a jeep looking truck over the undeveloped land that was going to continue till the runway causing me to complain and I didn't want to go on anymore. The man said don't give up because if you give up you will die. Every time I said I was going to give up the man said just give me five more minutes and we will be their. I would accept it and say ok five minutes. After five minutes I would ask again and he said give me five minutes more and I did but the bumps kept getting harder and the pain unbearable. So I didn't tell him and tried to give up finding out just because you say you give up doesn't mean you will die like he said. Furious I told him I tried giving up and I didn't die. It was agony. I couldn't get out of this. I couldn't control It. I couldn't do anything but continue the way I was with this pressure on my head and exhaustion in my body that was uncomfortable and unable to move on my own. Finally the trailer rolled onto the runway and it became smooth and less painful without bumps I could deal with it. I asked how long would it be on this runway because I can go as long as necessary like this. Then man said about 60 feet or so not far at all and I became mad wanting it the other way around making the smooth time on the trailer longer than the rough time.
The surgeons and there medical team began to get ready and the team tried to remove me all at once and decided to cut the horn off then put me on a regular operating table to remove the horn from my brain and skull. The man had a film of the surgery and I was forced to watch it with him along with other uncomfortable videos of my childhood made of me. The surgery was long and intense preformed on the runway in the sun finally the horn was cut lose from the rhino freeing me for the first time and the relief of being able to move my head caused me to raise up wanting to stand and they said I would fall over but I kept trying swaying back and forth untill gaining sufficient balance to stand upright with the big end of the horn freshly cut and the pointed end poking out barely on one some of my head. My head had lost a piece of skull were the point of the horn poked out and had to be replaced but the options they had would give no imagination to what happened to me leaving a plate in my skull that the man didn't want publicity over. The man went to the human experimental trial he was working with and the trial was using baboon bones to replace human bones in reconstructive surgery researching what economic impact it would have if any on medical applications. The surgery removed pieces of my brain and put them in a container you could look through. The smaller than a dime size whole in my head was replaced with a equally small piece of baboon bone and healed with my head. Leaving biopsy results showing it was from a female baboon pelvic bone from Africa. Also giving a MRI of my brain to show a smaller size brain than was expected. After the surgery with the rhino the man took me to the experimental human trial where more surgeries and experimental research happened to need more room than my brain at its current size gave them. The last phase had a boy on a table with the top of his skull off showing his brain directly connected to wires that went to a computer on the cabinet beside him and an actual antenna in his skull. They medical staff would ask him questions and have him do certain tasks keeping him happy as they could because eventually he would die and be replaced by the next subject that the phases always had someone waiting to continue research none stop until the end of the trial.
Other children were being kept in separate groups and for those who didn't move on to the next phase they didn't let them go they kept them separate from new subjects and these children felt a greater since of abandonment with some children sold by there families and no one in the world caring for them now the human trail has no use for them giving the children a lost since of purpose. The children had been influenced to play a game of chicken once a day with each other having the winner kill the loser while those watching cheered on. They seemed to think they were in control of there deaths this way and it was all they had to look forward to and the only thing I saw them smile about. I tried to speak to encourage them but they gave up on escape and not many had a knowledge of Jesus Christ but one knew enough for me to raise his since of worth but as soon as he spoke against the group the group threatened to banish him and the thought of being alone was to great for him as he quickly denounced me and showed me that's how hope died in there group it was destroyed when spotted fighting for an attempt to move past giving up and forced out any one who wouldn't give up leaving that child out alone till they break and return. A game I played the first time asked not knowing the winner had to kill the loser and I won as they cheered I refused to kill my opponent saying I cared for them and wanted them to live. They were insulated to hear me speak as if hope was an option. Then after I refused to kill the loser he started crying and I realized he wanted to die and felt confused and let down sobbing for another to kill him then a boy jumped up and took a knife cutting his throat. I didn't want any of them to die much less kill each other but I wanted to live and believed I would having the man who brought me there as proof that I would return to America gave me an advantage these kidnapped victims that ended up in an experimental human trial didn't.
Similar human trials going on were very respectable and legit companies well known in the medical community and were If you looked for information these human trails would be available giving the impression that the trail advertising was similar however it had a less legit agenda. With a pharmaceutical company posing as it's investor the company advertised for medical nurses and personnel giving a travel order and a length of time to complete the employment it seemed to good to be true for the rate that was offered. It catered to single younger nurses who had the option of receiving money upfront and the rest paid upon completion of the trial. Once they signed up and traveled to the area there would be no communication available during the entire length of the trial, confidentiality issues were given and the medical staff hired walked into the last job they would ever have. While they settled in and became familiar with the trials routine the military force posing as security sealed off the area insuring no one would get in or out. The previous schedule of procedures the medical staff had spent their time upon arrival was just to keep them busy till the military force took over. Now the military force had ties to the pharmaceutical company that invested in the human trail basically working for or working with the company. The medical staff now were being given their real tasks of working with children as test subjects and the military force set the trial conditions forcing the medical staff to assist in experimenting on the kidnapped children which did not set well with the mostly woman nurses who didn't want to harm anyone. They were against the trial using kidnapped children and the experiments being inhuman caused a rebellion that pooled their money giving all to an effort that would expose the human trial and what was going on. The medical staff knew they couldn't get away and were going to be killed. The head surgeon and staff bribed the man who brought the kidnapped children to accept their money In exchange for taking one child back to america leaving him at a hospital that will examine him to find their efforts that will expose the human trial with evidence that can not be disputed. The medical rebellion used a price if rhino brain to fill the cavity of the child's head and a baboon bone had been placed in his skull during reconstruction surgery and the American in any american hospital would instantly know this was done on purpose and expose their findings that surly would have carried news around the world. Intending to bring accountability to their murders in charge of the human trial. The surgery was successful but the man doubled crossed the medical staff taking their money but telling the pharmaceutical contacts who sent an offer to the head surgeon to guaranteeing his safety and and employment even letting him pick any staff he wanted to go with him to a new facility were he would be in charge. The head surgeon betrayed the medical staff and took the rhino brain out of the childs head leaving the baboon bone in the side of his head. The medical staff was taken after the last operation and outside in a field were shot and killed pushed in a pit dug by machinery the security force now round up all the children and did the same. There was a water front underground building that had been kept by a couple that had their legs broke long ago and offered them life if they work for the trail the man usually stated in the water front building that had computers and electronics plus an awesome view of the water. The woman kept the animals used in the human trials and during my visits she kept four or so baboons that had thier head hair dyed the same color as the child hair in the experiment to ensure they know exactly which animal was used for which child. The security force killed both if the bow legged people who spent thier lives working for the human trial since their legs were broke and it looked like that was at least 10 years ago. The security force killed all the animals and used machinery to push every thing in dug pit and set it on fire. The man who brought me came to get me when the killings started and carried me around with him while he watched the force carried out thier orders and once it was over he gave them a bag of money from the company that invested in the human trial.
Before we left we stopped by the head surgeon that made a deal with the company to take the rhino brain back out of my head betraying the medical staff he made a deal with first. He had two nurses and was waiting for the helicopter coming to take him to another facility while everyone else was being shot and put into the pit dug in the field. The helicopter came and a man with a gun got out and shot one of the women beside him immediately. The man asked why and he said I will let you jeep the other one just get in the helicopter. Then as he got on the man with the gun shot the other woman. The surgeon spoke out that it was not fair they told him they would be saved then the man with the gun said if you want to go to the other facility stay in the helicopter not get out now. The man stayed in and the helicopter took off and hovered above us then opened the door shooting the man as he was pushed out the helicopter and then the helicopter flew off. The man and I rode in the jeep to the plane and took off for America. Adam Walsh's body had been kept cold by a freezer at the human trail but now had only one packing of ice in an ice chest with his head in a separate smaller ice chest. I had a container with two big pieces of my brain in it and the rhino horn that pierced my head. We took off from an island and traveled to Australia so that puts the human trial somewhere in the southern hemisphere between Africa and Australia if best guesses count. When we git over Australia the plane began to run out of fuel and we landed on a road in the middle of a desert. A man was pulling a chart and saw our plane and came to check on us. The man offered him money upfront and money when he returns with a certain quality of airplane fuel that the man said would take him several hours. We set several hours and eventually the man returned we refueled and the man asked for directions towards Coober Pedy. The man wanted to stop at an underground bar in Coober Pedy he was going to meet someone or a group of people he worked with. When we started to land I looked out and said this can't be it nothing is here. He told me to look out for a town but I didn't see one just a few small closet size buildings nothing that had people in it. He told me it was an underground town that everyone is under the ground and the closet size buildings are bathrooms. I was amazed to find him correct again and we went down stairs to a bar underground in the middle of what looked like a dessert. There was a few people drinking and talking passing the day the man and I went to the bar and set down beside each other. The bar tender came up and the man ordered a beer then asked me what I wanted to drink and after saying I wanted a beer but I know I can't have a beer giving the bartender a unique moment to respond any kid that can get hit by a rhino and survived can a drink a beer in my bar anytime. It was my first beer and it was a Budweiser. I quickly drank it because it was cold and I was hot. When I asked for another one they said it might make my brain bleed and I drank that one to fast. So I sipped on the next on thinking about what he said then starting to get nauseated while the beer caught up with me a group of army uniformed men came in with an old time camera with a tripod and cape even an old time flash. There I was sitting beside the man who put me in the human trial and me a kid drinking a beer at the underground bar in Coober Pedy Australia with a bandage still wrapped around my head. After he finished a different country army uniformed solider took a picture of us making two different pictures that each one took outside then came back in. The bartender said if they get a picture than so do I and used a polaroid camera to take a picture of us from the bartender side of the bar and hung it up in the bar. They talked about how they just got their beer shipment and that everyone was going to drink it up in about three days then they will do with out till the next weeks shipment. A didgeridoo started after the army groups left. I remember the man talking about acid being passed out and refusing to take some because he had to fly back to America but one of the army men changed out if his uniform and came back in saying he was going to stay. I asked what were they going to do and he said they were going to dance to the music just jumping up and down till they passed out probably for about three days. With the party started we left the bar and began back to America.
On the flight back the ice in the chest with Adam Walsh's body had melted and the smell was terrible so they poured out the water and lay his body on the floor of the plane to dry out but it didn't help the smell and during the flight they git me to help move the body to the back of the plane. His head was still covered with ice in the smaller ice chest. The air conditioner stopped working or heat from the plane started coming in the cockpit and the smell of Adams body returned to there attention when the body was moved the second time it was pushed out into the Pacific ocean between Australia and the Panama Canal. Once we crossed the Gulf of Mexico and got to Florida the man asked for Adam Walsh's head and crying I gave it to him because he told me they were throwing it out. I couldn't understand why they wanted to throw it out and watched as it fell to a canal near a populated area then we flew back to his house in Georgia I asked why we were not going to the hospital like the medical staff talked about he said you might go to the hospital but im not taking you. When I got back Ottis Toole was waiting and the man sent me to start with Ottis saying not to worry he won't kill me but he wanted me to be somewhere no one would find me while my head was healing. A task was given to Ottis to find a similar body to Adam Walsh for a believable shape and size to torso to be found brunt in his mother's backyard where he would bring the the decapitated attempts while having the FBI agent that watched him keep tabs on his progress.Then he would claim he put the head in the canal and brunt his torso at his mother's house.
Staying with Ottis took more than getting used to. He would dress up in lady's cloths and go out till late at night and use me to lure kids to his house were he acted ok until the kids wanted to leave or when they disobeyed him. Usually he would tie up children on a wooden pallet he would take out of the closet to use. After letting two tied-up victims go when Ottis was away one day he decided to teach me a lesson. Unfortunately, he didn't properly take into account how fragile I was to head trauma beating me within an inch of my life leaving me to slowly recover on his bed for over a week before I could get out the bed. Left me unwilling to try to attempt to disobey him again and the Stockholm set in full force. Making believe that I was in love with him and doing everything he said. I attempted to escape and the FBI agent assigned to Ottis waved me to him across the street to his car and explained how he couldn't help me escape and that I would have to go back to him once he returned. The FBI supported the fictitious love for him influencing me to be sympathetic to Ottis's call in the middle of the street screaming out my name looking for me in shock of my escape. I told the FBI I did love him and that if he would not kill anyone else I would go back to him. Ottis was thrilled to find me in the possession of the FBI agent assigned to him. Confessing that he wouldn't kill again. I went back to him and shortly after a couple of days he had tied up and tortured another kid and I knew then I was going to leave him for good this time. I remember what the FBI agent told me how I should wait till he left to go burn another torso at his mother's house and go into the street and ask someone to come in the house to prove what was going on then ask that person to call the sheriff's department. Not realizing that by doing so I was insuring that Ottis would be let go on a technicality of no warrant. Giving the FBI agent an easy way to get Ottis out of jail and allowing me to escape for good this time. The man who gave me to Ottis to keep me while my head healed arranged for me to pick his nickname since I got him caught but he was getting out on a technicality. He gave me two choices one that Ottis wanted and another that I literally chose because of the movie Tootsie that stars a man that dressed up as a woman which is exactly what Ottis Toole would do. The agent let me pick the name I wanted but told me to tell Ottis it was because of the candy Tootsie roll instead of the movie Tootsie that he had more than an issue with being associated with it. When he found out Ottis was arrested and I needed to be taken back home the FBI agent watching Ottis volunteered to take me back to Louisiana unfortunately he brought me to the man who put me in the human trail. The man decided to keep me at his house in Georgia as usual he had something going on. Leaving me dreaming of getting back home to my parents who had already planned for me not to return the FBI had told them I didn't survive at first. I even remember the story my sister told me my parents told her to explain my disappearance. It was a lie and I told her the truth about what happened and she didn't want to believe the truth about my father's involvement and exposed him murdering a tied up child at Ottis house in Florida when he came to bring me a present when I was staying with him I was thinking he would help free the tied up child but Ottis made a deal with him to prove he wouldn't turn him in if Ottis told him where he was. When my father got there I started to introduce the child and he pulled out his pocket knife and cut his throat in front of me the noise of it was horrifying and I curled up in a ball at the base of a doorway not understanding why my father would do such a thing. He told me he had to and asked me if I wanted to hug him but I said not right now and he asked me if I wanted to go home with him I said I do want to go home but I don't want to go home with you right now. He said this is the only chance I would have of him bringing me home but I thought he might kill me if I went with him and before he left he asked me if I wanted my present he brought me I said I did but didn't want to open it right now after he left the present he left and for the first time I actually felt safe with Ottis Toole. My parents told my sister I was dead before they found out I would be returning home. I confronted my sister about the story our parents told her about where I had been and what happened to me. I began telling her the truth about it including our father murdering the tied up child in front of me my sister couldn't take the thought of our father committing murder and gave me no support as a sibling knowing something had happened because of what our parents said and what I was saying conflicted her snice of morals and as a child she was easily influenced to ignore her smaller brother. Leaving me alone in a family that had allowed me to be given to a serial killer and then placed in a human trial where I was experimented on and suffered brain loss having them accept me back but not acknowledge what had happened made growing up difficult.
Stephen Shaffer of the CIA tried to get me to let him adopt me after I escaped Ottis Toole when they allowed me to pick his nickname. He said my family doesn't love me and my dad is a murderer why would I want to go back to them. That they had already told my family I was dead and that they didn't expect me to survive. Making it seem As if they already had abandoned me which they were trying very hard to do, but because I wanted to go back to them they had to accept me and take me back. I would catch little tale tale signs ever now and again as I grew up that made me question if he was right. Sometimes I got the feeling that my parents were going the the motions of caring for me compared to the enthusiasm they put in my siblings and it became noticable that they favored my siblings more perhaps not because they loved them more but because there was none of the things they are responsible for like giving me to Ottis Toole or not reporting me missing for over four weeks when I was flown to South America and left. So they tended to pay more attention and seemed to try harder with my siblings than me. Always providing a roof but I can feel the disappointment in themselves when they look at me. Still at that time Stephen asked to adopt me I couldn't process the idea that my parents not loving me a possibility. Stephen Shaffer wasn't finished with my life even if he couldn't adopt me. Later in the 3rd grade he took me from school and brought me to a military base in Arkansas where we flew out of the country to South America with Pablo Escobar and I was left for over several weeks before I was flown back to Barks Dale AFB then driven to the interstate exit near my home where I walked the last 3 miles to find my parents not concerned about my missing for the last several weeks.
As a sexually abused kidnapped victim of a real Serial Killer I'm reminded that sleeping in Ottis's bed was how I learned to survive. Unlike the other children who refused to or stopped gratifying him that were tied to a pallet in the front room of his Florida home. Unable to eat or go to the bathroom anymore cut across the chest once a day till they died. When Ottis would leave during the day I would bring them candy and soda drinks even though he told me not to. It only prolonged their death a couple of days. The majority of the children tied up died of starvation, not the daily razor blade cut across the chest. I was beaten from an inch of my life for letting tied-up victims go before I started thinking that way though. Unfortunately, I never let anyone else go after that beating. As a child, I thought I loved Ottis. I suppose he may be responsible for some of my screwed-up feelings for love but I still try and that's what's important. I do find it more difficult than most because of people that truly just don't understand what it means to be a serial killer survivor. In the name of Jesus Christ that is the absolute truth of the international kidnappings of Adam Walsh and Dennis Homer Love Jr.
Part four of continuing story. 4
Asking where my father thinks I have been he says he didn't know I was gone. He says he was working out of town and only coming in every other week. I asked him what... View MorePart four of continuing story. 4
Asking where my father thinks I have been he says he didn't know I was gone. He says he was working out of town and only coming in every other week. I asked him what about when you came in why didn't you notice or ask where I was he said he figured I was staying at a friend's on the weekend which I never have especially twice in month. Then I noticed his face smiling and turning red when I spoke calling him out when he stood up to my argument and asked what makes me talk that way I let out the uncomfortable parts of the last several weeks I had endured he wouldn't show emotion but the tone in his voice went down in a none threatening manner and he knew I could tell he was lying about not knowing I was gone. He called my mother who was listening in the other room trying to stay busy with laundry. I guess I felt surprised they were not making a big deal and stood up for myself challenging them to answer me my father had reached a stopping point in my attempt giving me the feeling he wouldn't break so I now turned to my mother and began with the obvious asking what she did when I didn't come home from school and why they didn't report me missing. On and on I followed her back and forth as she did the laundry washing and drying the same clothes over and over as the evening turned into the night and my voice horse from screaming the truth and the bad things I endured and she was rebuking every word I said but her face showed a different story and a whimper of disgust came out when I said if she didn't acknowledge where I had been then there is no place for me here and sobbing I spoke to my self that I should just go giving up on them as they had done me worse than when they gave me to Ottis Toole. Then as I turned to walk away breathing in exhaustion she cried like Niagara falls screaming and moaning saying how it was the hardest thing for her not to console me and how the FBI told them to keep quiet. Given instructions what to acknowledge and what to expect but she only broke because she feared I would leave and if I left they would be asked when whoever I found that would listen to me and help the helpless 3rd grade grammar school boy that returned knowing what it felt like to kill, to watch killings, to put dead bodies in a pit and chop them in pieces when to heavy. Being feed meat from human organs. Experienced cocaine and DMT. Knowing what it felt like to see a woman shot in the head while I looked down at her face still having sex with her. Knowing what it feels like to have a boy having sex with you to have his throat cut and collapse on your back while you unwittingly waited thinking he is resting until he turned a shade lighter and rigamurtus prevents you from getting up without him clinging to you panicking pulling his dead body over other sleeping boys who only care about the blood that was getting on there blankets. Even knowing what it felt like to try to save a child's soul that under the pain of being shot laying in a pit of dead bodies I put him in unconscious asked me about Jesus Christ because he prayed to his God but his God didn't answer him or remove his pain. Trying my best but in terrible conditions I gave what wisdom I had and he took Jesus Christ into his heart but still complained about the pain and after telling him if he got through it he would be in heaven for eternity just hold on. Becoming confused how he was living longer than other children shot I attempted to pull him out the pit to carry him to get help but he died in my arms before I could pick him up. Inconsolable and in disbelief I carried his dead bleeding body over my shoulders crying out for help as I approached the gate to the compound watching all the other children screaming and running inside even the adults gathering up the tables and chairs as if it were going to rain then closing the big wooden door refusing to help and sending me back to the pit I carried him from to find a man in charge of security scolding me saying the boy is dead pulling him from my arms and throwing him in the pit and I still couldn't accept he was dead as I kept getting him back out the pit as the man kept throwing him finally giving up and telling me to put him back before I come in. Not able to burry him after digging four inches to find the mountain I had to put him back in the pit the sun going down and my spirit tested to it's limits I wouldn't feel good about that experience for over 30 years when I realized I did the best I could the boy asked how to change from his God to Jesus Christ probably only because he was in pain and dying but a honest child who didn't know Jesus asking for Jesus for the right reasons and asked for forgiveness of his sins and asked Jesus to come into his life claiming he would do anything asked of him to be saved. That boy had but a short while to hold those terms and endure pain till the blood clot in his lungs that he was shot in released as I pulled on him thinking I was going to save his body Jesus Christ chosen at that moment to save his soul and he passed from my hands in to the lord's hands. The last thing I was saying to him is how he is just to strong that's why he isn't dying and I was going to come get him out of the pit and carry him to get help and save him that he heard words claiming he would live I wonder about his possible thoughts having just taken Jesus Christ as his savior, continuing to feel the most pain he had ever experienced and being told he would live as his last moment on earth. I'm glad the Lord's will did what it did because I loved him and always wish I could have done better for him than I did carrying the guilt of the reason he was shot is not an easy thing to do but carrying the success of the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as his savior is the most rewarding thing as a human being I have ever experienced and have seen no equal to its comfort on days like coming back from Barks Dale AFB to my childhood home to find my parents not interested in where I had been for the last month not even reporting that I was missing. When it's time to forgive those who refuse to acknowledge you remember not to hold your forgiveness as a bargaining chip or reward for the acknowledgment you still seek unable to forget doesn't mean unable to forgive, and moving forward means moving with or without who you may have always had by your side. Look for more continuing story post soon to come.
Part three of continuing story 3
Fred had used his influence to get me to stay in the plane by placing an inhaler I instantly recognized as what they gave me as a child during training as a reward. ... View MorePart three of continuing story 3
Fred had used his influence to get me to stay in the plane by placing an inhaler I instantly recognized as what they gave me as a child during training as a reward. It had narcotic effects and if you reward a child with it you can train him to do anything I'm living proof of that. When I found it were he left it I discovered it was empty and he was taking off as I ran out yelling at him for lying. I went back in the plane and tried to sleep only to be awakened by young cadets training in night operations to become part of a federal multitask force that worked with all branches of police throughout the country. Barks Dale AFB was were they trained these cadets growing through much more extensive training than police. I was approached by a device much like a mask curving around corners to see and speaking in a scary voice. Totally stunned I realized it didn't look human and asked it what it was it responded saying it was evil. I had been told by the shaman in South America that if you ask if something is evil and it speaks in with a man's voice it is a man not evil. Evil doesn't speak with a man's voice. I said tell me something if you are evil then why do you speak with a man's voice and stabbed the mask all the way through piercing his face and having him pull back the strange device yelling as his face slipped out and he stumbled back a few steps. I began to stab him but he covered up his neck telling me I couldn't kill him that way and I started stabbing his arms and legs yelling that I will bleed him to death then and he started running as I was sticking him. After a brief sprint he would stop and rest then I would run up and start stabbing again it was pitch dark midnight and I was use to being outside on the dark in South America he had a night vision goggles but they were useless running in an open field. He called on the radio telling his captain he was being attacked and the captain said to shoot me but he wasn't carrying his gun. Soon the patrolling group caught up to us. The Sargent in charge of the group pulled out his gun and asked me if I knew what it was? I told him it was a 45m. He demanded I put down the knife. As I stabbed the trainee one more time then he shot into the air and said the next shot will be in me if I don't throw the knife down. Asking me why was I trying to kill his cadet and what I was doing on the military base. I told him his cadet told me he was evil and I'm here to stamp evil out I was told I could kill evil. Briefly asking questions and took a look at me saying that I was a little solider wasn't I claiming I had been trained to act this way. He asked about my arrival then suggested that we have a campfire of sorts that they would bring food to celebrating my return to America and allowing me to tell my story of what had happened in South America. It was the first time I received American hospitality since I left Arkansas with Pablo Escobar and Stephen Shaffer. We set around the fire and ate real comfort camp fire snacks, drank soda and I was asked about were I had been telling the story while each one seemed to have a question of their own giving me a real snice of respect for the hanged on every word. Then I got tied speaking and asked them to tell a story of their experiences but they said we can tell you things that are a big deal like that to us but they are no comparison to your stories. They were fascinated with Pablo Escobar and my time with him. A multitask federal force spanning all departments they would be sent were ever necessary in small teams to complete an operation verifying information, stepping over the boundaries of police when necessary to get the job done with federal jurisdiction. They were dreaming of their future and training for the present. We talked till day lite and they returned to their special barracks before sun up. I was waiting for Fred J Foster to return staying inside the plane during the day and coming out at night to find cadets checking on me usually one would stay longer than another it was done in secret because they couldn't get caught disobeying orders. I was sexually active in South America and it didn't take much influence to rape me for food and drinks but I didn't consider it rape I chose to participate. It was all consensual except for my attempt to give the trainee that I stabbed in the face. Trying to make up for hurting him we agreed to terms before beginning then he took over his way raping me by force to gain some of his pride back from being mad fun of by the group for a kid putting him in the infirmary. After being consoled by one of the more affectionate trainees I was encouraged to leave the plane and be found because they figured Fred J Foster had abandoned coming back for me. After a few days the trainees that would visit me at night began getting more interested in the cargo I had and as I was sleeping dozing off one night took the backpack that had military documents from the cartel housing in Colombia given to me by the killers and a small tin can filled with body parts of people I knew that I wanted to bury myself. Once alerted to the backpacks contents the base Commander sent a trainee to tell me my presence is requested in his office as soon as possible. I went and was surprised to find a warm welcome from a very professional man. Telling him my story he went over the military documents asking what I planned on doing with them. I told him they were evidence of what was at the compound in Colombia and asked if he could have them claiming some of them were sensitive military information giving locations of precise places in the world that military equipment and personal were known to be at that time explaining that there not terribly important but could cause harm if fell into the wrong hands. I had no intention of denying the military a request and offered the documents to him allowing me to tell the CIA of the transfer ending my reason for holding on to them. Some propaganda documents "Silent weapons for quite wars" and the body parts in the can be returned to me. I was now given food that would be brought to the plane were he explained I can stay till I was to be picked up from the base by Fred J Foster who the base commander now had on the phone at 2:30 in the morning. Explaining that the boy who he left on the plane has now been found dead and telling Fred J Foster to come to clean up his mess as soon as possible. I gulped as he hung up the phone asking what did you mean the boy is now dead. He said Fred would be more likely to come sooner if he felt I was in a bind. He could care less if I played dead when he arrives. He just wanted a speedy end to this unusual situation on his base. Fred J Foster checked my body when he checked the plane and I silently laid waiting holding my breath until he got in the cockpit put on a smile and started the plane then began to take off as he was singing a song from the church that I remember well I thought it was no time to let him know I was alive as his song neared a familiar part I set up and leaned over the seat into his field of vision and sung out matching his words "He's got the whole world in his hands". His head turned and his eyes adjusted while his face changed colors I asked where we are going. He screamed opening the door and jumped out of the plane leaving me leaning over the seat as the plane continued down the runway with no pilot I jumped over the seat and grabbed the stick then realized I didn't have to be on the plane either then jumped out as well. Walking back to Fred he worriedly looked on at the empty plane slowly approaching the end of the runway and getting close to other stationary vehicles along the way. Claiming that I was going to take the blame if the plane hits or damages something. I remarked to him I wasn't and once the plane stopped I opened my arms and walked towards Fred but he responded what are you doing I said I want to hug you. Fred says that is not going to happen and turns and sprints out of reach. I am curious about his sudden nature and continue my approach as Fred J Foster a grown man that I know believes in God takes off running just out of reach saying I don't know that that is you D.J. I checked you before you wasn't breathing,I said I held my breath to fool you I know the base commander told you I was dead I was in the office when he called you. Fred determined not to let me get a holt of him climbs a fence and is now bear climbing the telephone pole attached to it. I look up in amazement thinking he has to be messing with me. He tells me sometimes when people die what comes back is not the person that left. I said there's no way you believe that. I'm thinking who else would they be regardless it doesn't matter I didn't die I just pretended to see what you would do. I found out he was taking off to go drop my body out of the plane somewhere. So I said it's me brother Foster it's D.J. Love my grandmother is Marie Brady she runs the nursery. I was in the musical Down by the creek bank by an old hollow log. I must have been three or four I had one line and I shouted out in a child's voice Down by the creek bank by an old hollow log. He turns to look down and chuckles and says well D.J. maybe it is you but I'm wound up at the moment I believe it's you just give me a minute or two let me catch my breath I wasn't prepared for the base commander to lie about you being dead I already made it up in my mind you were gone. Fred takes his time and finally climbs down tells me he is alright now and if I want to I can hug him now. I do hug him and let him know he isn't getting away from my sight until he carries me home he looks down and says I got some bad news then as he explains he has to leave one more time to get the FBI and his wife sister Foster to bring his car to drive us home. When he returns he arranged a plan with me to be going down the runway in the plane to look as if I just landed. I waited for his car as a signal but I became bored and started early just making the plane go up and down the runway. When he and the FBI returned there was no way they could say I just landed. So Fred and the FBI begin to talk as I approached them. I realized Fred was not giving the information concerning my kidnapping by Pablo Escobar and how I left the country along with Stephen Shaffer of the CIA.The FBI took possession of my backpack containing the military documents and propaganda not taken by the base commander along with the tin can with the dead body parts. They tell me they will keep them until I get older. The backpack was put into a locker while the can of body parts was put in cryogenic storage until I turned 18. Fred couldn't convince the FBI that I flew on base as I tried to explain I was flown by him he hands me a narcotic inhaler that this time it is full and immediately I began to inhale as many times as I could because they always take it back away. It's purpose then kept me from speaking out about the truth because the narcotic in the inhaler was addictive and I automatically start inhaling when one is given usually for a reward but It is awesome at making me shut up. The FBI are given a bogus story by Fred as I continue to listen and watch the conversation with a mean look Fred knew he had outsmarted me again using the inhaler when absolutely necessary. Satisfied with the inhaler I turn to see sister Foster waving a bag of candy at me by the car. I go to her and began to talk about my disgusting outlook on the events. As we are leaving the base she broke out crying and for the first time since I left America, I felt the emotions of what it meant to hurt a lady's feelings especially a church lady. I had not been in the presence of a lady and forgot how to speak around one. She is crying because I am not a kid anymore and can tell what happened was traumatic and how unfortunate that a child from our church should have gone through anything like this. Fred begins to argue and tells me how I'm walking home as soon as the on-ramp turns into the interstate. He pulls over and I come to terms with walking from Barks Dale AFB to my home exit mile marker 107. I start to walk and put my thumb out suddenly a man in a truck pulls over and gives me a lift. He is not going all the way but I asked if he would take me as far as he could. Fred follows us and turns on his headlights to signal the driver to pull over. He explains to the driver he didn't expect me to get a ride so soon and was trying to teach me a lesson for making his wife cry. The man seemed to be happy to get out of our presence. Fred tells me to be quiet and he will drive me home. He gets off at the 107 exit then instead of driving to my house he goes straight across to continue on the interstate once past the yield sign backs up on the shoulder and says look at it like this you only have walk walk three miles to get home now compared to the 70 something miles it would have been from Barks Dale AFB. He said goodbye and see you at church. I walked home three miles alone with no possessions being taken from class at elementary school by Stephen Shaffer of the CIA some 4 or 6 weeks ago expecting a serious talk with my parents thinking about what they would say. I walk in the driveway and kiss the ground look up at the sky and raise my hands praising the Lord. I truly never thought I would see our property and trailer again. My father is at the table watching a comedy sitcom laughing as I walk in. I have not been seen by anyone in my family since I went to school one morning last month. I was waiting for a response or question from my father but he kept watching TV as I stare at him noticing a smile that wouldn't go away and a red face light up instantly knowing he knew something about where I had been and began to interrupt his tv program yelling out to get his attention. Find out how it went in my next post. Soon to come.
Post two of continuing story. 2
Fred J Foster arranged a church trip to cover up why he would be in South America to pick me up from the compound. That the girls in the church youth group took and... View MorePost two of continuing story. 2
Fred J Foster arranged a church trip to cover up why he would be in South America to pick me up from the compound. That the girls in the church youth group took and traveled separately visiting different places and seeing the sites before the festival that night. During the time the group was occupied Fred flew back to Colombia to get me where I was in the middle of cooking some meat that I will have to explain in a future post in detail. Fred asked for my luggage and to get ready to go. The killers said they would load my luggage, and also loaded a lot of extra baggage as a joke because Fred told them to take all the space they need. The killers could not resist and stuffed the plane with as much as they could till Fred finally said enough. I took one more trip down to the bunker and pilfered the piles of propaganda and military documents and asked if I could have some of the killers let me have the propaganda but told me not to take the other military documents they had received from a source inside one of the agencies as collateral if they ever got in a jam with the united states. I grabbed a handful not knowing if they would find out before we left. We fly to the festival area and I'm left with indigenous people preparing while Fred goes to meet the group who are traveling to see the sights before the nighttime festival starts. The indigenous people are performing a ritual before the festival like every year that I at that time could not understand. It was very dark and involved children lowered from a platform into a pit dug beneath the level ground. Once the children were dipped into the pit and brought back out they were said to be possessed by evil in the ground and would be sacrificed to release the evil. I didn't know if they meant for real but before I could get away because I called them out about what they were doing. They put me into the ceremony and I was forced to be lowered like the three other children making me the fourth. I was very upset and spiritually confused because my pastor left me with these people. I refused to go on with the ceremony the way they instructed and Fred returned before the ceremony was over as it was dark and said it was only their religion and it didn't mean anything they had no power over Christ. Fred preached a special sermon to the four children including me. We were put into caged coffin-shaped containers that were lowered to the ground together in four positions standing up to laying down beneath the level of ground he was standing on. I have no idea why he dressed in a shaman outfit but the other indigenous children liked him dressed that way but didn't like his sermon. Once finished we went to the festival where everyone was packed and waiting all I wanted to do was go home. Fred said the festival was going to perform a ceremony too but this one was fake and not dangerous. He wanted me and my sister to get in two cages to be sacrificed for the festival before it began and chose us saying it was supposed to be an honor and explained that he would lift a real sword to the crowd then lower it and grab a fake sword to use making it look like he was cutting off our heads. I refused and was horrified screaming to my sister not to do it and she could not understand why I was acting that way. So they chose another child and it went perfectly except I only wanted to go home. So he told me to head up to the plane but to stop at the gate and wait he had the key and was coming as soon as they lit the fire. I got to the gate and the pilot inside the plane asked me what I was doing and I told him to wait to go back to America as soon as Fred got there to open the gate he unlocked it himself and asked if I wanted to leave but I refused to go without Fred and locked the gate. He got back on the plane and waited while I set down on the steep stone steps waiting to see the fire. Finally, it took off across the ancient ruins and made a huge rectangular shape. Music played people danced and Fred came up the steps and we got on the plane where I met the other pilot that had come to offer me a position to fill on behalf of his congregation. I asked what he was talking about and he explained he worshipped the devil and wanted me to live in a protected house on land they owned and kill the people they would bring to me at certain times in front of everyone to see and I could kill them any way I wanted too. I refused and showed disgust telling him my story and how I came to have to cut up dead bodies in the pit outside the compound but did it because they forced me and that I hated having done it. I did not approve of devil worshipers as a Christian child and thought they were the enemy. I as a man understand they have a place in America because of freedom of religion and a right to their choice. I don't hate them as people that chose a different way than Jesus Christ. I feel they just don't know the wisdom of God the way they need to make the right choice and until they see the light correctly, they will continue to see the devil as the one in charge. As people, they are much the same with normal jobs and everyday life issues just like Christians. They have members from all classes of society both rich and poor important and common. They seem to be normal if you come across them because they never speak of their religion identifying them unless at a gathering. It appears to be a religion of unlimited wealth and resources and even works alongside Christians and supports similar causes and hobbies. I went through evil rituals in South America and was exposed to organ harvesting, murder, and evil things but had no intention to join or support devil worshipers and the man had an obsession with me that someone had to explain. I had in my possession a tin of body parts I was holding to bury in America of people I didn't want the vultures to consume and book-size pages of human skin I was going to make a book out of in remembrance of the people they came from. The man took an interest in my unprocessed pages of skin and had made arrangements to drop them on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico by lowering himself on a harness attached to the plane he took them from me and said I would kill him if he did but when he took them I didn't kill him and he mentally pushed me back but after watching him do what the killers warned me against I felt helpless to stop it now and when I saw the bag they were in onto the deck of that boat I told myself I wasn't strong enough to keep them. Feeling defeated I thought he must have dropped in the water after and got on the boat but ten minutes later he appeared on the landing gear after securing the harness and cable it was attached. When I asked him how he got back up there he proclaimed he could fly because he was evil. That clicked a mental button in my mind and I proclaimed that I didn't kill him when he took the skins the killers taught me to collect but I will kill him now he said to come outside the plane and do it. I told him I would let him stay there till we landed but he was not getting back inside the plane alive. He assumed I was bluffing and I stabbed him the first time enraging his behavior and he began to pay attention to the hands he needed to get in and the striking distance of my reach testing all angles of entry to find himself outsmarted by the kid he took the pages of human skin from. He accepted his fate and made one last plunge towards the door and I gave a fatal strike leaving him to give up collapsing still attached to the harness now hanging limp on the landing gear. I felt the pressure of what I did and soon Fred came out of the cockpit asking where he was and what was going on failing to mention there is a camera view of the plane inside and out on a monitor in the cockpit he saw everything and did nothing acting innocent to me till I found the monitor later and confronted him. For now, I was under the impression he didn't know, and told him the truth he immediately refused my explanation claiming he must have had a heart attack outside and died through no fault of my own. Upon pulling his body near the door he saw his neck wound and made the biggest mental game of my life his toy controlling my every move and mental desire in hopes of gaining his approval ready to do anything to make it better. Once he was convinced of my dedication he began by asking me what was in the baggage the killers packed I told him I didn't know and it wasn't mine. He opened one to see a human arm and every other bag had different body parts finally making several people if you put them back together. He nervously started throwing them out into the Gulf of Mexico and I nervously went after my items of interest mainly one tin can of body parts I was going to hurry in America a kilo of cocaine the killers gave me that I planned to make last the rest of my life sparingly as I grew up and what remained of the DMT that the South American Shaman had made by his helpers and he died being shot at the pit outside the compound leaving the DMT the only thing I had to remember the short time I had with him. The tin and the DMT I got a hold of and moved out of Fred's nervous reach. I had opened the cocaine getting a small amount out before he came out of the cockpit and knew the bag it was in he passed over that bag so I thought it was safe then he went back to it and I screamed no no not that bag he paid attention to me saying why not as it plunged to the Gulf I said that was the bag with the cocaine in it the killers gave me that was my cocaine and he said if I wanted it to jump out and get it. I stuck my head out of the plane but came short of jumping. Then collapsed on the floor broken worse than when I gave up making it home influenced by the killers. Fred tried to cheer me up saying I couldn't have kept it and it was illegal as you could imagine it did not. Then he focused on the dead man hanging under the landing gear and attempted to fly over boat antennas with no luck then panic-stricken he saw a coast guard vessel about the size of a tug boat with a huge smokestack. He began to hit the dead man on it tilting the vessel when he did. Convincing me I could help asked me to go back outside to the landing gear again to watch the position of the man in hopes to get a direct hit. I had previously gone out there during the attempt to fly through the antennas and I was struck in the head by an antenna that did not bend. I got dizzy and bleeding started where I was hit Fred was concerned and said I wouldn't have to go out there again but now things have changed he has to get the man off the landing gear before he can go back to America. As I carefully went back out he approached the smokestack and we hit directly in the middle and the cable stuck on the smokestack causing the plane to act like a fly tied to a string headed down to the water tilting the coast guard vessel on its side and he thought we were going to crash as he had everything pulling against the cable snap and release back up we went and the body flung like a catapult completely the other direction as the coast guard vessel tilted back and forth as a floating top in water. He circled several times to see everyone on the vessel was ok then told me to point out the dead man floating in the water once they saw what I was pointing at and headed to the body Fred took back off towards America. Then he asked me to go through everything in the plane and if I could use it to kill someone to bring it to him and he would throw it out. After handing him just about everything hard and the size of a hand I asked him what was he going to do next? He said I'm going to throw you out. I was horrified and determined to live as he grabbed me the door posed a problem that between my arms and legs wrapped up in the planes sliding door he could not figure out. As he became exhausted I spoke out saying if you hadn't thrown everything I handed him out he could have best my hands or feet causing me to let go he responded with he could not harm a person or kill them with a weapon but he could let go of me over the Gulf of Mexico and live with it or constrict his arms around me causing me to suffocate then throw me out but no physical harm. He rested getting his breath back telling me it wasn't over. Using mental influence telling me he was stronger and eventually I would let go because a child can't outlast a man. Then finally giving up and telling me that I won he went to the cockpit and returned with a 357 magnum and instructions after shooting him I should crash the plane near the coast of the Gulf or fly back to Arkansas and crash softly at the military base I had been to or Barry Seals property reminding me of what he knew I had done flying a plane with Barry but still unable to land without it crashing. Then kneeling to get on all fours he said to shoot him in the head and throw his body out and do back to America I asked for the gun then threw it out immediately as he screamed no that cost a lot of money. I told him he had money that the gun wasn't going to bankrupt him reminding him he threw a kilo of the only Pablo Escobar 100% pure cocaine direct from the production line one mountain top over from where he picked me up I continued with I wasn't going to kill him and I hoped he would not kill me. Then he asked me what I was willing to do to get back to America and I said this plane already going to America he was flying when we took off he was going to be flying when it landed in America. He said if I wanted to go back to America I had to do the same thing everyone else did to get back in. I asked him what he said I was going to have to kill for him until he thought it was enough I asked him who he said some people had been extorting money from him or that he owed them as if they were blackmailing him and conveniently were in the Caribbean partying on a docked yacht and we were going to get one to come with saying he would tell such a lie that one would have to take the bait and when we got in the air above the Gulf I would come out of the small closet and stab them like the man he claimed was his friend. Once I agreed he went and got the first one while I quietly hide waiting. Fred brought the man in who was drinking or acting like he felt good. He sat down and relaxed as the plane took off and got over the Gulf I made my entrance and stabbed the man a small amount more like he heard me coming and moved in suspicion. He dropped his drink grabbed his neck and asked what was going on. I said either you can jump out of the plane or I'm going to stab you till your dead. The man didn't think long and asked Fred the same question who said he wasn't going to help him then the man jumped out. It wasn't hard at all and we went back to get another man this time I stood outside the plane and watched while Ferd talked another one to come and this time I hid the same way I could be seen by people on the outside of the boat but not the people inside where Fred was going. We take off and this time all I did was bust out of the closet the noise of the doors opening startled the man who instantly jumped up and turned to look seeing me holding a knife said nothing and jumped out of the plane before I could speak much less at stabbing him. Felling excited it went so well I became brave enough to want to go up to the boat this time and Fred went in bringing another man out and an outside man spoke and said this is funny Fred keeps coming back and this kid who at first didn't get out the plane but every time get braver and braver in getting closer to the boat acting strangely in his behavior as if it was a sign for this is not what it appears warns everyone about Fred saying you can go if you want but he gives his judgment as it would be wrong and if something happened there protection couldn't help them. So even with a warning, a larger gentleman comes with Fred and I don't hide but sit with the man who is drinking and acting slow to his movements, unlike the previous man who ran to the door to jump. When we get up in the air I get up and walk behind the man and stab him in the neck but the knife didn't go in far still you could have felt it. He did not respond as if I didn't stab him so I did it again and he turned slightly discovering my intentions laughing and now showing a spark of enthusiasm tells me I need a bigger knife and asks Fred why I was acting this way Fred said whatever problem that is between y'all has nothing to do with him and says there is two of y'all in the plane I'm going back the cockpit and shut the door whoever is here when I come back I will give my respects too and not mention the one who is missing. Unlike Fred, this man had the strength to pull me off of the sliding door but failed to make me let go of him when he did sling me like a screaming yoyo calling for Fred to help me. Thinking it was over I screamed one more time saying he had me and I had no grip I was going to fall out of the plane and just as he was pushing me out Fred come out pulling on him giving me enough freedom to escape his grasp as he locked arms and there tug a war to throw each other out began. I said to them both there are two of y'all here and I'm going in the cockpit to shut the four whoever is here when I open the door that man I will respect just like Fred told me. I found the monitors in the cockpit and watched and listened while the struggle had Fred losing screaming for my help claiming that he was being thrown out and he had no grip. I hesitated and his position became worse then as he gave up on my help calling me out for him helping me I came out of the cockpit and stabbed the man directly in the neck as he let go of Fred the man slumped over resting and Fred got on the other side of the plane with me exhausted. Fred tells me to get him out of the plane but I didn't feel like stabbing him again it was too dangerous so Fred asked him to jump out of the plane the man laughed and said we should jump out or he would throw both of us out. We didn't want to jump or continue to fight him admitting to him he had won and Fred said he wouldn't go back to the boat again that he was sorry but the man laughed it off calling us weak and that if he let us live we would have to be punished. He explained that we would get into the harness below the landing gear and take turns as the plane would fly over the boat docks at the top of the antennas that at some points looked like it was going to kill us but he said to prove it was safe and that we going to get it easy because Fred was a pastor by getting in the harness telling Fred to lower him more than we would be as he hit the antennas clear up past his knees showing off as that man looked like he could take anything. Then Fred got his and I got mine he didn't make it bad it stung and he said they fly faster and lower when punishing real people even rating antennas that don't bend like the boats we flew over. Finally satisfied we could be let go said we couldn't take him back or they would kill us and that we couldn't drop him off anywhere alive or they would kill him when they found out what happened. Then saying this is wrong but he was going to have to jump out of the plane and it should be us not him. Fred agreed it was his fault then the man jumped out on his own influence. Fred put the plane on autopilot again and took a seat with me in the back of the plane resting and making a pack with me that there would be no more murdering between us he would never ask again and my debt was paid he would fly me back to America for real this time. As he began to go back to the cockpit he reminded me of my tin of body parts and the remaining DMT saying I should throw it out. I said I didn't feel like throwing them out and he began to physiologically work me over convincing me that at least the DMT should go that I wouldn't want to do it in America and because when I ran out there would be no more to replace it and that it would be best to remember it in South America instead of what it would feel like running out in America. It made sense to me and I agreed I did a dose one last time and slowly came to terms with throwing it out it was the hardest thing to do and it felt much like when he threw the kilo of cocaine out. When I finally did he said I should throw out the tin can but I refused saying I will not throw anything else out I brought with me. He threatened to crash the plane if I did and I responded if he did it would be his fault and that would be murder. So after a brief nosedive, he pulled up saying I called his bluff. He had told me in a nosedive early that he would crash if I didn't throw out the DMT I became mad when I found out he was bluffing feeling bad for myself always being outsmarted by him. Now we are headed to America but wear to land was a question for Fred he couldn't go back to Florida without the man he brought that didn't make it back and said he couldn't drop me at a regular airport because the would confiscate my tin of body parts that I wanted to bury. So he told me he had a plan to drop me on an airstrip with another plane and we would both get in the other plane take off and fly around once or twice then come back down and I would stay in the plane on the airstrip while he would take off alone in the plane we arrived in then he would drive back to pick me up the next day and to hide in the plane and not let anyone see me. He didn't tell me the airstrip was on an AFB called Barks Dale. That will be in my next post hope your enjoying the true story of my childhood and understand if you have any questions please put them in the comments.
Post one of continuing story 1
Do you remember your first driving lesson? How old and what vehicle and location? Also who gave you your first driving lesson?
Down and up the winding gravel mountain ... View MorePost one of continuing story 1
Do you remember your first driving lesson? How old and what vehicle and location? Also who gave you your first driving lesson?
Down and up the winding gravel mountain roads in southern Colombia, I learned how to drive my first work truck with men that at one time were in a branch of the US military or government agency. They claimed to now work for the cartel and took orders from Pablo Escobar, in charge of security at a compound that was now being used for housing indigenous workers mainly young children who grew up in the care of the cartel constantly rotating from one compound to another during different seasons of work or necessity. They came from the larger cities usually at age 4 or 5. Sold or given they separated from their parents and all live together in protected cartel housing. Amazingly quick to overcome no parents finding great strength in each other as they absorb more discomfort than any children should. Having to watch one of the men hired to protect them wake up each morning and grab the closest sleeping child to their door shot in the head and thrown outside to be picked up and taken to the pit just outside the compound fence line about a football field away. These are the men responsible for giving me my first driving lesson and in the work truck used for picking up dead bodies from an organ harvesting location just one mountain top over. Usually once a day they would drive down and up the winding gravel road to the next compound where husks of people would be loaded in the truck no blood no organs but everything else. There occasionally were other bodies that were killed and brought there as well. I was allowed to take the wheel on the way there unloaded and learn what it meant to predict the slack in the direction that at first went from one side of the road to the other, slowly I learned the correct amount and appreciated my driving lessons. Seems even killers make good teachers when there is no killing going on. Usually, in the morning, the truck would arrive full and emptied into the pit outside the fence line. The men would leave 3 or four bodies not thrown in the pit I was given the task every day at noon to pick them up and put them in the pit. There punishment or humor for taking care of me. If I could not pick up the body because it would as too heavy they would send me back with a machete. I was eventually allowed to ask other indigenous children to help. I learned horrible things about going outside the fence and how snipers practice or played with anyone who crossed the fence line except the men in charge and me a yellow-haired boy who Pablo Escobar had given instructions not to kill, after being flown there from a military base in Arkansas with Pablo Escobar as the pilot and Stephen Shaffer of the CIA as a passenger who checked me out of my elementary school and drove me to Arkansas were Pablo who worked with the FBI at that time picked us up. Stephen Shaffer of the CIA had a camera for pictures that he said caused a conflict with me going back with them and Pablo caught me disobeying him by going outside the fence to walk across the equator line painted by indigenous ceremonies on the mountain top. He said because I didn't lie about it he wouldn't kill me but would not let me leave with them and I watched my world as I knew it fly away as Pablo and Stephen took off for the next location leaving me with killers for guardians. They were great at protecting but lame on church values. I had to stay several weeks with attempts by Barry Seal to come get me but was shot at when he approached. Finally, Fred J Foster a retired photo analyst of the CIA and then pastor at the pentecostal church I attended came and left me fearing his life the first time but came back a week or so later with another pilot and plane conveniently the same day as a trip from the church group to a carnival festival in Brazil. He spoke at the beginning of the festival playing a small role in the ceremonies that started with a fire that spanned the old ruins in a rectangle then music and dancing took over the crowd and Fred J Foster and I went up the stone stairs to the top where a locked gate stood between the parked plane waiting to take us home filled with baggage packed by the killers at the compound that obviously wasn't mine. I had a backpack and a small tin and one or two bags. Everything else was a surprise or a joke from the killers to Fred the pastor who they gave the impression they disliked. You can imagine Fred wasn't impressed when he found out what was in the baggage. Blaming me as if I had something to do with the body parts the killers packed which turned out to be arms and legs and various other parts of the body. Fred threw them all out over the Gulf of Mexico, but I'm getting ahead of myself let's go back to the locked gate with the plane on the other side at the festival so I can get on the plane with Fred and the other pilot who didn't make it to America and the reason why during my next post.