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Dennis Homer Love Jr

Male. Lives in West Monroe, United States. Born on August 1, 1977. Is single.
About Me
FBI, CIA Captain of the Suicide Squad
Watched Barry Seal die
Dennis Homer Love Jr
What really happened to Kevin and Don I watched Kevin Ives and Don Henry murdered on the tracks by Colombians from a nearby military base used to house a volunteer army from South America that the CI... View More
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Dennis Homer Love Jr
The Actual events of Adam Walsh's Florida kidnapping and the second international kidnapping that lead to his death after being entered into a human experimental trail that used kidnapped children as ... View More
Dennis Homer Love Jr
Part four of continuing story. 4 Asking where my father thinks I have been he says he didn't know I was gone. He says he was working out of town and only coming in every other week. I asked him what... View More
Dennis Homer Love Jr
Part three of continuing story 3 Fred had used his influence to get me to stay in the plane by placing an inhaler I instantly recognized as what they gave me as a child during training as a reward. ... View More
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Dennis Homer Love Jr
Post two of continuing story. 2 Fred J Foster arranged a church trip to cover up why he would be in South America to pick me up from the compound. That the girls in the church youth group took and... View More
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Dennis Homer Love Jr
Post one of continuing story 1 Do you remember your first driving lesson? How old and what vehicle and location? Also who gave you your first driving lesson? Down and up the winding gravel mountain ... View More
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John Arter
Drug distribution
May 11, 2022
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