Dennis Homer Love Jr
on May 11, 2022
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Post two of continuing story. 2
Fred J Foster arranged a church trip to cover up why he would be in South America to pick me up from the compound. That the girls in the church youth group took and traveled separately visiting different places and seeing the sites before the festival that night. During the time the group was occupied Fred flew back to Colombia to get me where I was in the middle of cooking some meat that I will have to explain in a future post in detail. Fred asked for my luggage and to get ready to go. The killers said they would load my luggage, and also loaded a lot of extra baggage as a joke because Fred told them to take all the space they need. The killers could not resist and stuffed the plane with as much as they could till Fred finally said enough. I took one more trip down to the bunker and pilfered the piles of propaganda and military documents and asked if I could have some of the killers let me have the propaganda but told me not to take the other military documents they had received from a source inside one of the agencies as collateral if they ever got in a jam with the united states. I grabbed a handful not knowing if they would find out before we left. We fly to the festival area and I'm left with indigenous people preparing while Fred goes to meet the group who are traveling to see the sights before the nighttime festival starts. The indigenous people are performing a ritual before the festival like every year that I at that time could not understand. It was very dark and involved children lowered from a platform into a pit dug beneath the level ground. Once the children were dipped into the pit and brought back out they were said to be possessed by evil in the ground and would be sacrificed to release the evil. I didn't know if they meant for real but before I could get away because I called them out about what they were doing. They put me into the ceremony and I was forced to be lowered like the three other children making me the fourth. I was very upset and spiritually confused because my pastor left me with these people. I refused to go on with the ceremony the way they instructed and Fred returned before the ceremony was over as it was dark and said it was only their religion and it didn't mean anything they had no power over Christ. Fred preached a special sermon to the four children including me. We were put into caged coffin-shaped containers that were lowered to the ground together in four positions standing up to laying down beneath the level of ground he was standing on. I have no idea why he dressed in a shaman outfit but the other indigenous children liked him dressed that way but didn't like his sermon. Once finished we went to the festival where everyone was packed and waiting all I wanted to do was go home. Fred said the festival was going to perform a ceremony too but this one was fake and not dangerous. He wanted me and my sister to get in two cages to be sacrificed for the festival before it began and chose us saying it was supposed to be an honor and explained that he would lift a real sword to the crowd then lower it and grab a fake sword to use making it look like he was cutting off our heads. I refused and was horrified screaming to my sister not to do it and she could not understand why I was acting that way. So they chose another child and it went perfectly except I only wanted to go home. So he told me to head up to the plane but to stop at the gate and wait he had the key and was coming as soon as they lit the fire. I got to the gate and the pilot inside the plane asked me what I was doing and I told him to wait to go back to America as soon as Fred got there to open the gate he unlocked it himself and asked if I wanted to leave but I refused to go without Fred and locked the gate. He got back on the plane and waited while I set down on the steep stone steps waiting to see the fire. Finally, it took off across the ancient ruins and made a huge rectangular shape. Music played people danced and Fred came up the steps and we got on the plane where I met the other pilot that had come to offer me a position to fill on behalf of his congregation. I asked what he was talking about and he explained he worshipped the devil and wanted me to live in a protected house on land they owned and kill the people they would bring to me at certain times in front of everyone to see and I could kill them any way I wanted too. I refused and showed disgust telling him my story and how I came to have to cut up dead bodies in the pit outside the compound but did it because they forced me and that I hated having done it. I did not approve of devil worshipers as a Christian child and thought they were the enemy. I as a man understand they have a place in America because of freedom of religion and a right to their choice. I don't hate them as people that chose a different way than Jesus Christ. I feel they just don't know the wisdom of God the way they need to make the right choice and until they see the light correctly, they will continue to see the devil as the one in charge. As people, they are much the same with normal jobs and everyday life issues just like Christians. They have members from all classes of society both rich and poor important and common. They seem to be normal if you come across them because they never speak of their religion identifying them unless at a gathering. It appears to be a religion of unlimited wealth and resources and even works alongside Christians and supports similar causes and hobbies. I went through evil rituals in South America and was exposed to organ harvesting, murder, and evil things but had no intention to join or support devil worshipers and the man had an obsession with me that someone had to explain. I had in my possession a tin of body parts I was holding to bury in America of people I didn't want the vultures to consume and book-size pages of human skin I was going to make a book out of in remembrance of the people they came from. The man took an interest in my unprocessed pages of skin and had made arrangements to drop them on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico by lowering himself on a harness attached to the plane he took them from me and said I would kill him if he did but when he took them I didn't kill him and he mentally pushed me back but after watching him do what the killers warned me against I felt helpless to stop it now and when I saw the bag they were in onto the deck of that boat I told myself I wasn't strong enough to keep them. Feeling defeated I thought he must have dropped in the water after and got on the boat but ten minutes later he appeared on the landing gear after securing the harness and cable it was attached. When I asked him how he got back up there he proclaimed he could fly because he was evil. That clicked a mental button in my mind and I proclaimed that I didn't kill him when he took the skins the killers taught me to collect but I will kill him now he said to come outside the plane and do it. I told him I would let him stay there till we landed but he was not getting back inside the plane alive. He assumed I was bluffing and I stabbed him the first time enraging his behavior and he began to pay attention to the hands he needed to get in and the striking distance of my reach testing all angles of entry to find himself outsmarted by the kid he took the pages of human skin from. He accepted his fate and made one last plunge towards the door and I gave a fatal strike leaving him to give up collapsing still attached to the harness now hanging limp on the landing gear. I felt the pressure of what I did and soon Fred came out of the cockpit asking where he was and what was going on failing to mention there is a camera view of the plane inside and out on a monitor in the cockpit he saw everything and did nothing acting innocent to me till I found the monitor later and confronted him. For now, I was under the impression he didn't know, and told him the truth he immediately refused my explanation claiming he must have had a heart attack outside and died through no fault of my own. Upon pulling his body near the door he saw his neck wound and made the biggest mental game of my life his toy controlling my every move and mental desire in hopes of gaining his approval ready to do anything to make it better. Once he was convinced of my dedication he began by asking me what was in the baggage the killers packed I told him I didn't know and it wasn't mine. He opened one to see a human arm and every other bag had different body parts finally making several people if you put them back together. He nervously started throwing them out into the Gulf of Mexico and I nervously went after my items of interest mainly one tin can of body parts I was going to hurry in America a kilo of cocaine the killers gave me that I planned to make last the rest of my life sparingly as I grew up and what remained of the DMT that the South American Shaman had made by his helpers and he died being shot at the pit outside the compound leaving the DMT the only thing I had to remember the short time I had with him. The tin and the DMT I got a hold of and moved out of Fred's nervous reach. I had opened the cocaine getting a small amount out before he came out of the cockpit and knew the bag it was in he passed over that bag so I thought it was safe then he went back to it and I screamed no no not that bag he paid attention to me saying why not as it plunged to the Gulf I said that was the bag with the cocaine in it the killers gave me that was my cocaine and he said if I wanted it to jump out and get it. I stuck my head out of the plane but came short of jumping. Then collapsed on the floor broken worse than when I gave up making it home influenced by the killers. Fred tried to cheer me up saying I couldn't have kept it and it was illegal as you could imagine it did not. Then he focused on the dead man hanging under the landing gear and attempted to fly over boat antennas with no luck then panic-stricken he saw a coast guard vessel about the size of a tug boat with a huge smokestack. He began to hit the dead man on it tilting the vessel when he did. Convincing me I could help asked me to go back outside to the landing gear again to watch the position of the man in hopes to get a direct hit. I had previously gone out there during the attempt to fly through the antennas and I was struck in the head by an antenna that did not bend. I got dizzy and bleeding started where I was hit Fred was concerned and said I wouldn't have to go out there again but now things have changed he has to get the man off the landing gear before he can go back to America. As I carefully went back out he approached the smokestack and we hit directly in the middle and the cable stuck on the smokestack causing the plane to act like a fly tied to a string headed down to the water tilting the coast guard vessel on its side and he thought we were going to crash as he had everything pulling against the cable snap and release back up we went and the body flung like a catapult completely the other direction as the coast guard vessel tilted back and forth as a floating top in water. He circled several times to see everyone on the vessel was ok then told me to point out the dead man floating in the water once they saw what I was pointing at and headed to the body Fred took back off towards America. Then he asked me to go through everything in the plane and if I could use it to kill someone to bring it to him and he would throw it out. After handing him just about everything hard and the size of a hand I asked him what was he going to do next? He said I'm going to throw you out. I was horrified and determined to live as he grabbed me the door posed a problem that between my arms and legs wrapped up in the planes sliding door he could not figure out. As he became exhausted I spoke out saying if you hadn't thrown everything I handed him out he could have best my hands or feet causing me to let go he responded with he could not harm a person or kill them with a weapon but he could let go of me over the Gulf of Mexico and live with it or constrict his arms around me causing me to suffocate then throw me out but no physical harm. He rested getting his breath back telling me it wasn't over. Using mental influence telling me he was stronger and eventually I would let go because a child can't outlast a man. Then finally giving up and telling me that I won he went to the cockpit and returned with a 357 magnum and instructions after shooting him I should crash the plane near the coast of the Gulf or fly back to Arkansas and crash softly at the military base I had been to or Barry Seals property reminding me of what he knew I had done flying a plane with Barry but still unable to land without it crashing. Then kneeling to get on all fours he said to shoot him in the head and throw his body out and do back to America I asked for the gun then threw it out immediately as he screamed no that cost a lot of money. I told him he had money that the gun wasn't going to bankrupt him reminding him he threw a kilo of the only Pablo Escobar 100% pure cocaine direct from the production line one mountain top over from where he picked me up I continued with I wasn't going to kill him and I hoped he would not kill me. Then he asked me what I was willing to do to get back to America and I said this plane already going to America he was flying when we took off he was going to be flying when it landed in America. He said if I wanted to go back to America I had to do the same thing everyone else did to get back in. I asked him what he said I was going to have to kill for him until he thought it was enough I asked him who he said some people had been extorting money from him or that he owed them as if they were blackmailing him and conveniently were in the Caribbean partying on a docked yacht and we were going to get one to come with saying he would tell such a lie that one would have to take the bait and when we got in the air above the Gulf I would come out of the small closet and stab them like the man he claimed was his friend. Once I agreed he went and got the first one while I quietly hide waiting. Fred brought the man in who was drinking or acting like he felt good. He sat down and relaxed as the plane took off and got over the Gulf I made my entrance and stabbed the man a small amount more like he heard me coming and moved in suspicion. He dropped his drink grabbed his neck and asked what was going on. I said either you can jump out of the plane or I'm going to stab you till your dead. The man didn't think long and asked Fred the same question who said he wasn't going to help him then the man jumped out. It wasn't hard at all and we went back to get another man this time I stood outside the plane and watched while Ferd talked another one to come and this time I hid the same way I could be seen by people on the outside of the boat but not the people inside where Fred was going. We take off and this time all I did was bust out of the closet the noise of the doors opening startled the man who instantly jumped up and turned to look seeing me holding a knife said nothing and jumped out of the plane before I could speak much less at stabbing him. Felling excited it went so well I became brave enough to want to go up to the boat this time and Fred went in bringing another man out and an outside man spoke and said this is funny Fred keeps coming back and this kid who at first didn't get out the plane but every time get braver and braver in getting closer to the boat acting strangely in his behavior as if it was a sign for this is not what it appears warns everyone about Fred saying you can go if you want but he gives his judgment as it would be wrong and if something happened there protection couldn't help them. So even with a warning, a larger gentleman comes with Fred and I don't hide but sit with the man who is drinking and acting slow to his movements, unlike the previous man who ran to the door to jump. When we get up in the air I get up and walk behind the man and stab him in the neck but the knife didn't go in far still you could have felt it. He did not respond as if I didn't stab him so I did it again and he turned slightly discovering my intentions laughing and now showing a spark of enthusiasm tells me I need a bigger knife and asks Fred why I was acting this way Fred said whatever problem that is between y'all has nothing to do with him and says there is two of y'all in the plane I'm going back the cockpit and shut the door whoever is here when I come back I will give my respects too and not mention the one who is missing. Unlike Fred, this man had the strength to pull me off of the sliding door but failed to make me let go of him when he did sling me like a screaming yoyo calling for Fred to help me. Thinking it was over I screamed one more time saying he had me and I had no grip I was going to fall out of the plane and just as he was pushing me out Fred come out pulling on him giving me enough freedom to escape his grasp as he locked arms and there tug a war to throw each other out began. I said to them both there are two of y'all here and I'm going in the cockpit to shut the four whoever is here when I open the door that man I will respect just like Fred told me. I found the monitors in the cockpit and watched and listened while the struggle had Fred losing screaming for my help claiming that he was being thrown out and he had no grip. I hesitated and his position became worse then as he gave up on my help calling me out for him helping me I came out of the cockpit and stabbed the man directly in the neck as he let go of Fred the man slumped over resting and Fred got on the other side of the plane with me exhausted. Fred tells me to get him out of the plane but I didn't feel like stabbing him again it was too dangerous so Fred asked him to jump out of the plane the man laughed and said we should jump out or he would throw both of us out. We didn't want to jump or continue to fight him admitting to him he had won and Fred said he wouldn't go back to the boat again that he was sorry but the man laughed it off calling us weak and that if he let us live we would have to be punished. He explained that we would get into the harness below the landing gear and take turns as the plane would fly over the boat docks at the top of the antennas that at some points looked like it was going to kill us but he said to prove it was safe and that we going to get it easy because Fred was a pastor by getting in the harness telling Fred to lower him more than we would be as he hit the antennas clear up past his knees showing off as that man looked like he could take anything. Then Fred got his and I got mine he didn't make it bad it stung and he said they fly faster and lower when punishing real people even rating antennas that don't bend like the boats we flew over. Finally satisfied we could be let go said we couldn't take him back or they would kill us and that we couldn't drop him off anywhere alive or they would kill him when they found out what happened. Then saying this is wrong but he was going to have to jump out of the plane and it should be us not him. Fred agreed it was his fault then the man jumped out on his own influence. Fred put the plane on autopilot again and took a seat with me in the back of the plane resting and making a pack with me that there would be no more murdering between us he would never ask again and my debt was paid he would fly me back to America for real this time. As he began to go back to the cockpit he reminded me of my tin of body parts and the remaining DMT saying I should throw it out. I said I didn't feel like throwing them out and he began to physiologically work me over convincing me that at least the DMT should go that I wouldn't want to do it in America and because when I ran out there would be no more to replace it and that it would be best to remember it in South America instead of what it would feel like running out in America. It made sense to me and I agreed I did a dose one last time and slowly came to terms with throwing it out it was the hardest thing to do and it felt much like when he threw the kilo of cocaine out. When I finally did he said I should throw out the tin can but I refused saying I will not throw anything else out I brought with me. He threatened to crash the plane if I did and I responded if he did it would be his fault and that would be murder. So after a brief nosedive, he pulled up saying I called his bluff. He had told me in a nosedive early that he would crash if I didn't throw out the DMT I became mad when I found out he was bluffing feeling bad for myself always being outsmarted by him. Now we are headed to America but wear to land was a question for Fred he couldn't go back to Florida without the man he brought that didn't make it back and said he couldn't drop me at a regular airport because the would confiscate my tin of body parts that I wanted to bury. So he told me he had a plan to drop me on an airstrip with another plane and we would both get in the other plane take off and fly around once or twice then come back down and I would stay in the plane on the airstrip while he would take off alone in the plane we arrived in then he would drive back to pick me up the next day and to hide in the plane and not let anyone see me. He didn't tell me the airstrip was on an AFB called Barks Dale. That will be in my next post hope your enjoying the true story of my childhood and understand if you have any questions please put them in the comments.
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