What really happened to Kevin and DonI watched Kevin Ives and Don Henry murdered on the tracks by Colombians from a nearby military base used to house a volunteer army from South America that the CIA flew here to train. The Colombians that murdered Kevin and Don were selling drugs to Billy Jack the wrestler that night and came across Kevin and Don on the way to meet Billy Jack who were hiding off the tracks in the woods when the jeep the Colombians we're driving approached. The Colombians told them to get in the jeep and that they were going to kill them. Kevin and Don armed with a hunting gun refused and turned to walk away at that moment a Colombian in the group lunges forward with a large knife stabbing the boy holding the gun. With the blade piercing through his back and sticking out his chest as the boy drops the gun kneels down and looks on horror at the blade screaming that he has been stabbed. Now both boys crying and fearful they load the stabbed boy in the back of the jeep and tell the other to get in which he does without a fight. The Colombians drive on the tracks as much as possible till they get close to the area where they will meet Billy Jack. The stabbed boy is almost dead showing little signs of life as he is thrown out the jeep. The other boy waits in fear until the Colombians return from the drug sell and because the boy requested not to die by stabbing the Colombians take the hunting gun and bash his skull in after several attempts the first hit knocks him off balance then the second hit knocks him to the ground as he crawls lethargic and attempts to get away the Colombian continues to use the hunting gun breaking it after several hits takes the stock climbing on top of the boy and continues to hit his skull until the boy is dead. Then the Colombians lay the boys on the tracks covering their bodies and wait on a nearby spot off the tracks in view of there bodies slightly above the tracks looking down to the boys until the train approaches and runs over the boys laying dead covered up with several attempts by the trains engineer blowing the horn and the brakes are applied heavily but with no real effect in slowing the train. It becomes clear the train will not stop before it reaches them as several train cars after the engine pass over there bodies the train finally comes to a complete stop. Billy Jack was approached with a bribe to be present with a false story that will not expose the Colombians from the nearby military base as the murderers. At first he refuses then his life is threatened and finally accepts to tell the false story covering up the Colombians from the military base as the murderers and request the bribe they offered. I speak with Billy Jack and he tells me he has no choice but to do as they say and threatened me not to tell the truth as he feared for his life. I wait till the police begin to arrive and leave Billy Jack on the tracks with his pistol in his hands after talking to me. It takes me all day till dusk to get back to the military base and I go through the hole in the fence around the property a short distance from the railroad tracks. The same hole Kevin and Don came through earlier when I met them on the tracks after walking 30 mins or so away from the base earlier that day. I brought them to a room that had dead bodies stored where a relative of Barry Seals wife approached them and offered them drugs and other interesting things to do with there time leaving me in the area I brought them to and I wouldn't see them again till later that night just before they decide to leave after a Colombian boy is killed by the people they were following around. I was approached by the Colombians to go with them that night and found out it was not a coincidence because they used me to lure Kevin and Don when the jeep got close to where they were hiding off the tracks waiting for the jeep to move on. Leaving me as a child with a heavy snice of guilt for their deaths at the hands of the Colombians.
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