Dennis Homer Love Jr
on May 11, 2022
The Actual events of Adam Walsh's Florida kidnapping and the second international kidnapping that lead to his death after being entered into a human experimental trail that used kidnapped children as human subjects.
I remember one morning in July 1981 being home with my father watching tv thinking I was going to my grandmothers that day. My father had asked me earlier that morning if I wanted to go to Hollywood with him and thinking he meant California I agreed and we left stopping at his bosses office to talk about how his delivery was supposed to go and discussing a money issue then we got into the work truck headed to Hollywood. Later that day we get to Florida and I show my disapproval desiring to go home when he said he is sorry its not California but would give me a lot of quarters if I agreed to help him with this kidnapping that at first I refused. After my father influenced me to help I focused on the quarters and arcade that I got to play a game or two before my father said it's time to help by luring Adam Walsh who he pointed out to go to the bathroom where he was going to run up and grab him before he went through the door. I asked him once and it didn't work then he told me I had to ask him if he wanted me to suck him. It made me embarrassed and I remember not wanting to do it but finally worked up the courage. Adam understood what I asked him and this time said he would go to the bathroom with me as soon as he finished his game. When he did I nervously walked to the bathroom getting closer and closer thinking my father isn't around and I was really going to have to do this, but as I went through the door he began to follow then very quick my father came up behind him grabbing him covering his mouth and pulled him out of the doorway. Then my dads boss walked up with a polaroid and took a picture get to my fathers attention to come back the picture didn't take well. So this time my father paused while his boss took the picture then ran towards the outside doors as my dads boss called for me to come to him I didn't trust the way he called me and instead followed behind my father as he continued to run to the work truck with Adam Walsh. Getting in the truck he tied his hands quickly and started the truck telling me to use the duct tape to put on his mouth so he couldn't speak.I did and my father thanked me for helping saying I did a good job. I'm feeling stupidly prideful excited to help my father when we pull in another parking lot that was empty not to far away where two men waited and my father called out to Ottis as If they had met before and says hello to his friend with him then hands over Adam Walsh and tells Ottis that I'm supposed to go as well so he could have an alibi claiming no one would think he kidnapped Adam Walsh if his son was kidnaped the same day. Saying his boss was going to say the work truck and my father where in another state and my father was going to report me missing from our home in Louisiana. Crying in disbelief I couldn't understand him getting me to help then giving me up.
I was unable to process being used and given up out of the family even having him say if I really loved him I would do it so he wouldn't get into trouble. Heartbroken and confused I was put in with Adam Walsh and Ottis said he was driving us to a man he worked for in another state claiming this man was in charge of the kidnapping and making me believe I should fear him. The closer we got to the exit I began to see familiar roads and scenery. Thinking I'm not sure but if he turns on this next familiar road I will know who he has been talking about. When he did I told him I also knew this man and I wasn't afraid of him he was a friend who has done scary things but I had always stayed alive around him. I would be left in his care during summer months or special occasions and if you obey him things usually go well but have gotten scary at times. We arrive and Ottis is told what to do and he begins telling me hello and what was going on making me not feel so bad. Adam didn't know anyone and didn't trust anyone thinking he had been kidnap for a ransom. On the way towards South Africa I stood up in the seat of the plane looking out over the Atlantic ocean remembering him flying me to a wildlife refuge before. He talked about a human experimental trial and the kids that he was in charge of kidnapping identifying there from the southern hemisphere and how no Americans have passed the first phase of the trial. He wanted an American boy to pass the first phase and influenced us into wanting to enter but Adam didn't show any enthusiasm and told me not to trust him.
Adam and I had gotten out of the plane and walked with the men to the edge of a small group of trees that a rhino was tied to and leaning it's horn down towards a black man in a jump suit sharpening it's horn with a large file. The men had a video camera and carrying a gun told us we have to charge at this rhino while he films the human trial he told us on the flight their that the trial had 3 phases the first one had not been completed by an American which meant the subject would under go severe head trauma for a surgery that if survived gave you a chance for phase 2 and so on. The experimental trail had a military force for security and a pharmaceutical company investing in the research. Adam and I had been sent to run at the rhino that after yelling at us we finally did. When the rhino came up it was slow to move and easy to maneuver around and I even climbed up on it's back balancing until it began going the way it came. We escaped injury the first couple of times and would return to the man who no matter what we did sent us back. Adam had doubt that he coup continue to do this and admitted to me he thought he was going to die doing this and blamed me for luring him to the bathroom promising to suck him and he could have been still playing games at the arcade if he didn't tell me yes going on about how he never got what I asked him for and there in the bush hiding before we had to run towards the rhino again I agreed to do it and Adam soon found out I didn't know how and I remarked yes I said I would do it but didn't say I knew how. My father had told me what to say I didn't come up with it on my own. After satisfying the reason that got him kidnapped in the first place Adam thanked me for keeping my word but expressed doubt that we would don't to be alive and that the rhino was going to kill us. I refused to believe him and said I'm stating alive and thought eventually they would give up sending us back then we could go home. The next time we went out we became separated and I went back to the man who claimed Adam had been trampled and killed. I refused to believe him and went back this time looking for Adam I saw a body laying on the ground but continued in did belief because I didn't see his face. When I went back the men had been doing something that took them away from the spot I retuned to and I went looking for them hearing them scuffle in the bush they were chasing the rhino and a boy was hanging with his head stuck on the horn I realized they were working together keeping the rhino going back and forth between them giving me an opportune moment to see the face of the boy for my self and I was eager to prove them wrong. To my horror I saw Adam Walsh's head stuck on the horn with his body hanging off and the men filming the rhino walking back and forth. When I saw Adam I took a few steps away and gave up curling into a fetal position and expecting to die like Adam said but before the rhino got to close the man came out between us and sent the rhino in another direction pausing briefly to laugh at me for curling up in fear. When I got up I tried to be braver seeking approval and found that the men had taken Adams trampled body and attached it onto the form of the rhino but it would fall off before they could get the film going and one man had used a tool to boar a whole into Adams skull to make it more secure when attached to the rhinos horn. It worked and the men began filming trying to give the impression that Adam could still be alive hanging with his skull pierced by the horn as the rhino passed back and forth showing the men attempting to help. The rhino became agitated and began thrusting his head up and down violently and like a rag doll Adams body flung rapidly as his body approached its limits. His head stayed attached to the horn but his body tore lose and slung to the ground. With the men yelling upset at what had happened they chased down the rhino and retrieved Adams head and took it along with his body to the plane. When I asked what we were going to do now he told me I was going back out to the region again until I'm dead.
For the first time experiencing doubt that I would not make it the rhino runs up and begins to thrust I move side to side but crying and feeling fear this time was the last thought I had and watching the film later found out what happened after that I had been struck through the skull from the top of my skull having the point of the horn barely poking out the side of my head. The rhino slung me up and down as I hung unconscious and limp the rhino acted shocked that it could not sling be off and trotted off the view of the camera having the men laughing at what happened then arguing that they had to go track the think down and the video stops. I can remember waking up attached to the rhino and panicking making to much noise causing the rhino to become upset and fling me and I stop yelling and begin to moan and make noise to calm the rhino basically start to sing to it and move slowly thinking I will wait till it stops and put me feet up on its face and pull my skill off the horn to get away. When I got that opportunity I found it would not work and began to panic again thinking is this how I will die attached to this horn fearing how it might happen I begin to think of different ways it could and being eaten by a lion right off its horn was right on the top of my kids mind. I began to ask myself were does a rhino go when it's alone and figured I was going to find out first we passed under brush that it tried to knock me off running into at speed but it just scraped me and pushed me into its face. Then I noticed that when the rhino came around other animals the other animals would leave the area. Making me feel better about thinking a lion would eat me off it's horn. I would talk to the rhino thinking it could understand me when I asked it to go to the water so I could get a drink because I was so thirsty. To my surprise it did come to a water hole large enough to walk in and I continue talking thinking for sure it can understand me but when it got into the water it walked to deep and began thrusting above and holding me under the water. I had to hold my breath each chance above water I got because it would just plunge straight down not giving me any time to drink and only coating the outside of my lips that dried out just as fast as we got out. I became more fearful because I knew the rhino didn't understand me and I was all alone. I remember being so exhausted I went to sleep in little naps waking up in and out dosing off occasionally until hearing the man call out telling me how they found me as my first question then explaining how they were going to shoot the rhino with a tranquilizer dart and it would fall down then they would come get us and pull us back to a runway were jet plane carrying a trauma unit wasted to preform surgery on me. When the first dart hit the rhino thrusted up and down violently and I thought it was punishing me because I was helping them. So when heard them approach the second time I alerted the rhino and it took off leaving the men upset I stop helping them and forcing them to approach without me seeing them or hearing them which wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Shooting the rhino again it runs slower and begins to fall down but does it gradually and only my leg is pinned laying on top of it's front leg and it's head. The man cones up and asked why I stopped helping him and I said because it made the rhino thrust which hurts and takes a whole lot out of me. The men began loading the rhino on the flat bed trailer but it became obvious with me attached it took more consideration and the men had to lift briefly pinning me under more weight than they wanted it was the only way with what they had. I was ok and as the trailer was pulled I found out the rhino walk better than this trailer took bumps which every turn of a tire found a throbbing intensely painful pulling sensation in my head around the intensive pressure now building in my skull as the weight of the rhino head moved unpredictable on the trailer being pulled behind a jeep looking truck over the undeveloped land that was going to continue till the runway causing me to complain and I didn't want to go on anymore. The man said don't give up because if you give up you will die. Every time I said I was going to give up the man said just give me five more minutes and we will be their. I would accept it and say ok five minutes. After five minutes I would ask again and he said give me five minutes more and I did but the bumps kept getting harder and the pain unbearable. So I didn't tell him and tried to give up finding out just because you say you give up doesn't mean you will die like he said. Furious I told him I tried giving up and I didn't die. It was agony. I couldn't get out of this. I couldn't control It. I couldn't do anything but continue the way I was with this pressure on my head and exhaustion in my body that was uncomfortable and unable to move on my own. Finally the trailer rolled onto the runway and it became smooth and less painful without bumps I could deal with it. I asked how long would it be on this runway because I can go as long as necessary like this. Then man said about 60 feet or so not far at all and I became mad wanting it the other way around making the smooth time on the trailer longer than the rough time.
The surgeons and there medical team began to get ready and the team tried to remove me all at once and decided to cut the horn off then put me on a regular operating table to remove the horn from my brain and skull. The man had a film of the surgery and I was forced to watch it with him along with other uncomfortable videos of my childhood made of me. The surgery was long and intense preformed on the runway in the sun finally the horn was cut lose from the rhino freeing me for the first time and the relief of being able to move my head caused me to raise up wanting to stand and they said I would fall over but I kept trying swaying back and forth untill gaining sufficient balance to stand upright with the big end of the horn freshly cut and the pointed end poking out barely on one some of my head. My head had lost a piece of skull were the point of the horn poked out and had to be replaced but the options they had would give no imagination to what happened to me leaving a plate in my skull that the man didn't want publicity over. The man went to the human experimental trial he was working with and the trial was using baboon bones to replace human bones in reconstructive surgery researching what economic impact it would have if any on medical applications. The surgery removed pieces of my brain and put them in a container you could look through. The smaller than a dime size whole in my head was replaced with a equally small piece of baboon bone and healed with my head. Leaving biopsy results showing it was from a female baboon pelvic bone from Africa. Also giving a MRI of my brain to show a smaller size brain than was expected. After the surgery with the rhino the man took me to the experimental human trial where more surgeries and experimental research happened to need more room than my brain at its current size gave them. The last phase had a boy on a table with the top of his skull off showing his brain directly connected to wires that went to a computer on the cabinet beside him and an actual antenna in his skull. They medical staff would ask him questions and have him do certain tasks keeping him happy as they could because eventually he would die and be replaced by the next subject that the phases always had someone waiting to continue research none stop until the end of the trial.
Other children were being kept in separate groups and for those who didn't move on to the next phase they didn't let them go they kept them separate from new subjects and these children felt a greater since of abandonment with some children sold by there families and no one in the world caring for them now the human trail has no use for them giving the children a lost since of purpose. The children had been influenced to play a game of chicken once a day with each other having the winner kill the loser while those watching cheered on. They seemed to think they were in control of there deaths this way and it was all they had to look forward to and the only thing I saw them smile about. I tried to speak to encourage them but they gave up on escape and not many had a knowledge of Jesus Christ but one knew enough for me to raise his since of worth but as soon as he spoke against the group the group threatened to banish him and the thought of being alone was to great for him as he quickly denounced me and showed me that's how hope died in there group it was destroyed when spotted fighting for an attempt to move past giving up and forced out any one who wouldn't give up leaving that child out alone till they break and return. A game I played the first time asked not knowing the winner had to kill the loser and I won as they cheered I refused to kill my opponent saying I cared for them and wanted them to live. They were insulated to hear me speak as if hope was an option. Then after I refused to kill the loser he started crying and I realized he wanted to die and felt confused and let down sobbing for another to kill him then a boy jumped up and took a knife cutting his throat. I didn't want any of them to die much less kill each other but I wanted to live and believed I would having the man who brought me there as proof that I would return to America gave me an advantage these kidnapped victims that ended up in an experimental human trial didn't.
Similar human trials going on were very respectable and legit companies well known in the medical community and were If you looked for information these human trails would be available giving the impression that the trail advertising was similar however it had a less legit agenda. With a pharmaceutical company posing as it's investor the company advertised for medical nurses and personnel giving a travel order and a length of time to complete the employment it seemed to good to be true for the rate that was offered. It catered to single younger nurses who had the option of receiving money upfront and the rest paid upon completion of the trial. Once they signed up and traveled to the area there would be no communication available during the entire length of the trial, confidentiality issues were given and the medical staff hired walked into the last job they would ever have. While they settled in and became familiar with the trials routine the military force posing as security sealed off the area insuring no one would get in or out. The previous schedule of procedures the medical staff had spent their time upon arrival was just to keep them busy till the military force took over. Now the military force had ties to the pharmaceutical company that invested in the human trail basically working for or working with the company. The medical staff now were being given their real tasks of working with children as test subjects and the military force set the trial conditions forcing the medical staff to assist in experimenting on the kidnapped children which did not set well with the mostly woman nurses who didn't want to harm anyone. They were against the trial using kidnapped children and the experiments being inhuman caused a rebellion that pooled their money giving all to an effort that would expose the human trial and what was going on. The medical staff knew they couldn't get away and were going to be killed. The head surgeon and staff bribed the man who brought the kidnapped children to accept their money In exchange for taking one child back to america leaving him at a hospital that will examine him to find their efforts that will expose the human trial with evidence that can not be disputed. The medical rebellion used a price if rhino brain to fill the cavity of the child's head and a baboon bone had been placed in his skull during reconstruction surgery and the American in any american hospital would instantly know this was done on purpose and expose their findings that surly would have carried news around the world. Intending to bring accountability to their murders in charge of the human trial. The surgery was successful but the man doubled crossed the medical staff taking their money but telling the pharmaceutical contacts who sent an offer to the head surgeon to guaranteeing his safety and and employment even letting him pick any staff he wanted to go with him to a new facility were he would be in charge. The head surgeon betrayed the medical staff and took the rhino brain out of the childs head leaving the baboon bone in the side of his head. The medical staff was taken after the last operation and outside in a field were shot and killed pushed in a pit dug by machinery the security force now round up all the children and did the same. There was a water front underground building that had been kept by a couple that had their legs broke long ago and offered them life if they work for the trail the man usually stated in the water front building that had computers and electronics plus an awesome view of the water. The woman kept the animals used in the human trials and during my visits she kept four or so baboons that had thier head hair dyed the same color as the child hair in the experiment to ensure they know exactly which animal was used for which child. The security force killed both if the bow legged people who spent thier lives working for the human trial since their legs were broke and it looked like that was at least 10 years ago. The security force killed all the animals and used machinery to push every thing in dug pit and set it on fire. The man who brought me came to get me when the killings started and carried me around with him while he watched the force carried out thier orders and once it was over he gave them a bag of money from the company that invested in the human trial.
Before we left we stopped by the head surgeon that made a deal with the company to take the rhino brain back out of my head betraying the medical staff he made a deal with first. He had two nurses and was waiting for the helicopter coming to take him to another facility while everyone else was being shot and put into the pit dug in the field. The helicopter came and a man with a gun got out and shot one of the women beside him immediately. The man asked why and he said I will let you jeep the other one just get in the helicopter. Then as he got on the man with the gun shot the other woman. The surgeon spoke out that it was not fair they told him they would be saved then the man with the gun said if you want to go to the other facility stay in the helicopter not get out now. The man stayed in and the helicopter took off and hovered above us then opened the door shooting the man as he was pushed out the helicopter and then the helicopter flew off. The man and I rode in the jeep to the plane and took off for America. Adam Walsh's body had been kept cold by a freezer at the human trail but now had only one packing of ice in an ice chest with his head in a separate smaller ice chest. I had a container with two big pieces of my brain in it and the rhino horn that pierced my head. We took off from an island and traveled to Australia so that puts the human trial somewhere in the southern hemisphere between Africa and Australia if best guesses count. When we git over Australia the plane began to run out of fuel and we landed on a road in the middle of a desert. A man was pulling a chart and saw our plane and came to check on us. The man offered him money upfront and money when he returns with a certain quality of airplane fuel that the man said would take him several hours. We set several hours and eventually the man returned we refueled and the man asked for directions towards Coober Pedy. The man wanted to stop at an underground bar in Coober Pedy he was going to meet someone or a group of people he worked with. When we started to land I looked out and said this can't be it nothing is here. He told me to look out for a town but I didn't see one just a few small closet size buildings nothing that had people in it. He told me it was an underground town that everyone is under the ground and the closet size buildings are bathrooms. I was amazed to find him correct again and we went down stairs to a bar underground in the middle of what looked like a dessert. There was a few people drinking and talking passing the day the man and I went to the bar and set down beside each other. The bar tender came up and the man ordered a beer then asked me what I wanted to drink and after saying I wanted a beer but I know I can't have a beer giving the bartender a unique moment to respond any kid that can get hit by a rhino and survived can a drink a beer in my bar anytime. It was my first beer and it was a Budweiser. I quickly drank it because it was cold and I was hot. When I asked for another one they said it might make my brain bleed and I drank that one to fast. So I sipped on the next on thinking about what he said then starting to get nauseated while the beer caught up with me a group of army uniformed men came in with an old time camera with a tripod and cape even an old time flash. There I was sitting beside the man who put me in the human trial and me a kid drinking a beer at the underground bar in Coober Pedy Australia with a bandage still wrapped around my head. After he finished a different country army uniformed solider took a picture of us making two different pictures that each one took outside then came back in. The bartender said if they get a picture than so do I and used a polaroid camera to take a picture of us from the bartender side of the bar and hung it up in the bar. They talked about how they just got their beer shipment and that everyone was going to drink it up in about three days then they will do with out till the next weeks shipment. A didgeridoo started after the army groups left. I remember the man talking about acid being passed out and refusing to take some because he had to fly back to America but one of the army men changed out if his uniform and came back in saying he was going to stay. I asked what were they going to do and he said they were going to dance to the music just jumping up and down till they passed out probably for about three days. With the party started we left the bar and began back to America.
On the flight back the ice in the chest with Adam Walsh's body had melted and the smell was terrible so they poured out the water and lay his body on the floor of the plane to dry out but it didn't help the smell and during the flight they git me to help move the body to the back of the plane. His head was still covered with ice in the smaller ice chest. The air conditioner stopped working or heat from the plane started coming in the cockpit and the smell of Adams body returned to there attention when the body was moved the second time it was pushed out into the Pacific ocean between Australia and the Panama Canal. Once we crossed the Gulf of Mexico and got to Florida the man asked for Adam Walsh's head and crying I gave it to him because he told me they were throwing it out. I couldn't understand why they wanted to throw it out and watched as it fell to a canal near a populated area then we flew back to his house in Georgia I asked why we were not going to the hospital like the medical staff talked about he said you might go to the hospital but im not taking you. When I got back Ottis Toole was waiting and the man sent me to start with Ottis saying not to worry he won't kill me but he wanted me to be somewhere no one would find me while my head was healing. A task was given to Ottis to find a similar body to Adam Walsh for a believable shape and size to torso to be found brunt in his mother's backyard where he would bring the the decapitated attempts while having the FBI agent that watched him keep tabs on his progress.Then he would claim he put the head in the canal and brunt his torso at his mother's house.
Staying with Ottis took more than getting used to. He would dress up in lady's cloths and go out till late at night and use me to lure kids to his house were he acted ok until the kids wanted to leave or when they disobeyed him. Usually he would tie up children on a wooden pallet he would take out of the closet to use. After letting two tied-up victims go when Ottis was away one day he decided to teach me a lesson. Unfortunately, he didn't properly take into account how fragile I was to head trauma beating me within an inch of my life leaving me to slowly recover on his bed for over a week before I could get out the bed. Left me unwilling to try to attempt to disobey him again and the Stockholm set in full force. Making believe that I was in love with him and doing everything he said. I attempted to escape and the FBI agent assigned to Ottis waved me to him across the street to his car and explained how he couldn't help me escape and that I would have to go back to him once he returned. The FBI supported the fictitious love for him influencing me to be sympathetic to Ottis's call in the middle of the street screaming out my name looking for me in shock of my escape. I told the FBI I did love him and that if he would not kill anyone else I would go back to him. Ottis was thrilled to find me in the possession of the FBI agent assigned to him. Confessing that he wouldn't kill again. I went back to him and shortly after a couple of days he had tied up and tortured another kid and I knew then I was going to leave him for good this time. I remember what the FBI agent told me how I should wait till he left to go burn another torso at his mother's house and go into the street and ask someone to come in the house to prove what was going on then ask that person to call the sheriff's department. Not realizing that by doing so I was insuring that Ottis would be let go on a technicality of no warrant. Giving the FBI agent an easy way to get Ottis out of jail and allowing me to escape for good this time. The man who gave me to Ottis to keep me while my head healed arranged for me to pick his nickname since I got him caught but he was getting out on a technicality. He gave me two choices one that Ottis wanted and another that I literally chose because of the movie Tootsie that stars a man that dressed up as a woman which is exactly what Ottis Toole would do. The agent let me pick the name I wanted but told me to tell Ottis it was because of the candy Tootsie roll instead of the movie Tootsie that he had more than an issue with being associated with it. When he found out Ottis was arrested and I needed to be taken back home the FBI agent watching Ottis volunteered to take me back to Louisiana unfortunately he brought me to the man who put me in the human trail. The man decided to keep me at his house in Georgia as usual he had something going on. Leaving me dreaming of getting back home to my parents who had already planned for me not to return the FBI had told them I didn't survive at first. I even remember the story my sister told me my parents told her to explain my disappearance. It was a lie and I told her the truth about what happened and she didn't want to believe the truth about my father's involvement and exposed him murdering a tied up child at Ottis house in Florida when he came to bring me a present when I was staying with him I was thinking he would help free the tied up child but Ottis made a deal with him to prove he wouldn't turn him in if Ottis told him where he was. When my father got there I started to introduce the child and he pulled out his pocket knife and cut his throat in front of me the noise of it was horrifying and I curled up in a ball at the base of a doorway not understanding why my father would do such a thing. He told me he had to and asked me if I wanted to hug him but I said not right now and he asked me if I wanted to go home with him I said I do want to go home but I don't want to go home with you right now. He said this is the only chance I would have of him bringing me home but I thought he might kill me if I went with him and before he left he asked me if I wanted my present he brought me I said I did but didn't want to open it right now after he left the present he left and for the first time I actually felt safe with Ottis Toole. My parents told my sister I was dead before they found out I would be returning home. I confronted my sister about the story our parents told her about where I had been and what happened to me. I began telling her the truth about it including our father murdering the tied up child in front of me my sister couldn't take the thought of our father committing murder and gave me no support as a sibling knowing something had happened because of what our parents said and what I was saying conflicted her snice of morals and as a child she was easily influenced to ignore her smaller brother. Leaving me alone in a family that had allowed me to be given to a serial killer and then placed in a human trial where I was experimented on and suffered brain loss having them accept me back but not acknowledge what had happened made growing up difficult.
Stephen Shaffer of the CIA tried to get me to let him adopt me after I escaped Ottis Toole when they allowed me to pick his nickname. He said my family doesn't love me and my dad is a murderer why would I want to go back to them. That they had already told my family I was dead and that they didn't expect me to survive. Making it seem As if they already had abandoned me which they were trying very hard to do, but because I wanted to go back to them they had to accept me and take me back. I would catch little tale tale signs ever now and again as I grew up that made me question if he was right. Sometimes I got the feeling that my parents were going the the motions of caring for me compared to the enthusiasm they put in my siblings and it became noticable that they favored my siblings more perhaps not because they loved them more but because there was none of the things they are responsible for like giving me to Ottis Toole or not reporting me missing for over four weeks when I was flown to South America and left. So they tended to pay more attention and seemed to try harder with my siblings than me. Always providing a roof but I can feel the disappointment in themselves when they look at me. Still at that time Stephen asked to adopt me I couldn't process the idea that my parents not loving me a possibility. Stephen Shaffer wasn't finished with my life even if he couldn't adopt me. Later in the 3rd grade he took me from school and brought me to a military base in Arkansas where we flew out of the country to South America with Pablo Escobar and I was left for over several weeks before I was flown back to Barks Dale AFB then driven to the interstate exit near my home where I walked the last 3 miles to find my parents not concerned about my missing for the last several weeks.
As a sexually abused kidnapped victim of a real Serial Killer I'm reminded that sleeping in Ottis's bed was how I learned to survive. Unlike the other children who refused to or stopped gratifying him that were tied to a pallet in the front room of his Florida home. Unable to eat or go to the bathroom anymore cut across the chest once a day till they died. When Ottis would leave during the day I would bring them candy and soda drinks even though he told me not to. It only prolonged their death a couple of days. The majority of the children tied up died of starvation, not the daily razor blade cut across the chest. I was beaten from an inch of my life for letting tied-up victims go before I started thinking that way though. Unfortunately, I never let anyone else go after that beating. As a child, I thought I loved Ottis. I suppose he may be responsible for some of my screwed-up feelings for love but I still try and that's what's important. I do find it more difficult than most because of people that truly just don't understand what it means to be a serial killer survivor. In the name of Jesus Christ that is the absolute truth of the international kidnappings of Adam Walsh and Dennis Homer Love Jr.
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