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Michael A Conforti
When is the world going to start paying attention? This stuff is dangerous. It shouldn't have been kept in use let alone even put into use.
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Michael A Conforti
In certain pats of Israel you can't buy food at a McDonald's in a Food Court unless you have your vax card. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/israel-mcdonalds-denied-service-without-green-pass?fbc... View More
Michael A Conforti
Michael A Conforti
Liar, liar pants on fire. When a SCOTUS justice outright lies to push their agenda, how can you trust any judgement they give? https://news.yahoo.com/sotomayor-falsely-claims-100-000-185529971.html
Michael A Conforti
If you're a Catholic, you really need to rethink who the Vatican puts their faith in. Apparently the Pope puts his faith in man and not God. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/pope-francis-calls-oppositi... View More
Michael A Conforti
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