A new study in NEJM shows not only that Pfizer vaccine effectiveness becomes negative within five months but that the vaccines destroy any protection a person would have had from natural immunity.
Statistical correlation between mass-shooters and FBI awareness of said MKUltra mass-shooters is proof the JFK&MLK-assassinating Roman Catholic priest-sodomized demon-possessed FBI is running the psyops.
Christ-killing Idumean Gog, Rome and the false-Jew Christ-killing Marian and Talmud cults, in S... View MoreStatistical correlation between mass-shooters and FBI awareness of said MKUltra mass-shooters is proof the JFK&MLK-assassinating Roman Catholic priest-sodomized demon-possessed FBI is running the psyops.
Christ-killing Idumean Gog, Rome and the false-Jew Christ-killing Marian and Talmud cults, in Satanic psychopathy openly state they are to exterminate all "Gentiles," the repentant Christian American People.
To exterminate us they must disarm us, whether through demon-possessed Satanists like Fauxahontas or through Geneva-based Vatican Anti-Christ-fronts.