Politics and Elections
EPIC!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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This is going to be an excellent show!
Jase shared a photo
Please add Doug Mastriano! Help get his story out there! Help us make him the next Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania!
Jase shared a photo
Doug Mastriano
Everyone, please add Senator Mastriano's Wimkin profile and help us make him the next Governor of PA! https://wimkin.com/Doug4Gov - Thanks! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
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**HUGE BREAKING NEWS** -- Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Move Forward Rep. Ramthun's Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin's 10 Electors For President and Vice President That Were Certified Under Fraudulent Purposes -- VIDEO
Rep. Tim Ramthun The Wisconsin Assembly on Tuesday voted to withdraw its 10 electors for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election. The Wisconsin Assembly voted unanimously in a voice vote in a priv
This is just getting it to the committee though…so we have hope…but there are RINOs that could still stand in the way! Anyone in Wisconsin needs to be contacting their State Reps and State Senators urging them to pass this
This is why PA needs Doug Mastriano as it’s next Governor! He will fight for the people!
Doug Mastriano
“On the legislative front, it’s clear that Act 77 must be repealed and I have introduced legislation to do just that. I drafted and introduced SB 884, a constitutional amendment which eliminates “no-... View More
MASTRIANO: How Pennsylvania Democrats Hijacked Act 77 – DV Journal
In October 2019, Senate leadership brought SB 421 (later Act 77) to the full floor for a vote. I was in my fourth month as a senator after a career of
PA Let’s get Doug Mastriano Voted in as our next Governor!
Grassroots for Senator Mastriano updated their cover photo.