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Donald Dorris

Male. Lives in House Springs, United States. Born on December 14, 1958. Is married.
Labrador Lovers
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United States Constitution
2nd Amendment
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United States Constitution
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The American Patriot Party
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Politics and Elections
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Politics and Elections
Election Integrity
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Politics and Elections
Deplorables 'R' Us
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Politics and Elections
Donald Dorris
Recently heard Gays are saying they want to buy guns. I wholeheartedly support this. I hope whomever gets a weapon gets training and practices. Self defense is a good thing. If self defense is the tr... View More
Donald Dorris
Did conservatives have break downs when Biden was installed (illegally)? Did conservatives have screaming parties? I know people that are being hospitalized because they cannot accept Trump. I have se... View More
Donald Dorris
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Donald Dorris
The number of -Voter Turnout - went down by about 14.5 Million in 2024? -Registered Voters - went down by about 7 Million voters which is interesting since the # of Registered Voters has gone up in EVERY election since George Washington. Not joking, look it up - in 2020 Trump had 74.22 M and in 202... View More
November 11, 2024
Donald Dorris
This was announced on a Friday intentionally so the MSM did not have time to spin it.
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Rick Zimmerman
Possibly the greatest political speech in American history
August 25, 2024
Donald Dorris
One thing we all learned this year, there is no need for a primary. If the Democrats can do it, then everyone can. Since the media is in the bag for the Democrats, there are NO rules.
Donald Dorris
Question This Ukrainian foolishness. Is there a possibility that Ukraine and Russia colluded to get the US to launder money (because our politicians <both parties> are easy targets), then once the U... View More
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