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Michael Stone

Male. Lives in Colorado Springs, United States. Born on May 13, 1975. Is married.
The Patriot Party
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Michael Stone
Isnt it funny that so many are arguing weather Americans should get a 600 dollar check, 2000 dollar check or no check at all and Im sitting here wondering why no ones raising hell over the largest por... View More
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I think they should take all the pork out the bill at least 25% of all foriegn aid and split it with all American citizens young or old rich or poor evenly that'd sure boost our economy and raise the standards of living
December 27, 2020 Edited
Marie D'Angelo
December 27, 2020
Michael Stone
Michael Stone replied - 1 reply
Michael Stone
Michael Stone
You're the fanatics that perpetuate what's turning this nation to shit. You vote for your favorite popular cult brand of shit and expect that to fix it. You think more broken, more corruption equals r... View More
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Joe Johnson
Spoken like a beta-male still on the tit!
November 29, 2020
Michael Stone
Michael Stone replied - 1 reply
Michael Stone
Yeah, I'll bet. It's not a prediction though. More like whats in the works. Bill Gates says another pandemic is a "certain inevitability"... https://en.as.com/en/2020/11/24/latest_news/1606228590_53... View More
Michael Stone
This is a bunch of bull crap. 1st, Zuckerberg didn't go before congress to swear he is an "open forum"... He didn't go before congress because of his sensorship. He was brought before congress on his... View More
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India huh? That must be why I Get banned everytime I say something bad about Muslims.
November 21, 2020
Michael Stone
Well, its not actually permission. We don't need permission. Its actually a document that stands as a reminder and limit to the government of that fact.
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Michael Stone
Michael Stone
Another example taken from cult 45 and the blue line worshipers that Im going to use to rub your stupidity in your faces. You're not patriots. You're loyalists, and this is a stark example of your con... View More
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Patricia Ryan
So, you dont think it is ok to defend yourself from a bunch of thugs?
November 19, 2020
Patricia Ryan
Patricia Ryan replied - 2 replies
Michael Stone
Anarchy is the highest form of natural order. It is natural law.
Michael Stone
More big mouth shit talking from the maga croud. Oh yeah you're going to keep getting my two cents until you pull your heads out of your ass. Nah, you surrendered it by supporting the standing force... View More
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Michael Stone
So... You're not angry? If not then I'm obviously not the one with the problem here. Am I?
November 18, 2020
Michael Stone
What is more dangerous Ana, Apathy or Anger? World History gives very stark and horrifying answer. We are not immune to the atrocities commited against the peaceful and apathetic.
November 18, 2020
patty kenny
Better you remain quiet and allow people to think your retarded then to post and confirm the obvious.
November 18, 2020
Michael Stone
I keep seeing all these posts, "look at me I'm not wearing a mask and no ones doing anything about it. You're all a bunch of slaves" or "sheeple"... If you're walking around without a mask in a store... View More
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Greg Pretzlaff
November 17, 2020
Greg Pretzlaff
You and those like you are pathetic saying you cant fight the system. Anyone and everyone can fight the system. Will you win or not, that is up for grabs but you can be sure that not making any attempt will allow the political elite to take away more and more of your rights will gurantee that they w... View More
November 17, 2020
Michael Stone
Michael Stone replied - 1 reply
Michael Maslow
Just wear your mask sheeple and dont worry about the Sheepdog and what they do.
November 17, 2020
Michael Stone
Michael Stone replied - 1 reply
Michael Stone
Trumpers that know me complain that I'm slanted on them. Well thats because I have nothing to say to democrats. We're beyond words. So here's one for my Libertarian friends. I got something for you to... View More
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