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Michael Stone

Male. Lives in Colorado Springs, United States. Born on May 13, 1975. Is married.
The Patriot Party
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Michael Stone
Isnt it funny that so many are arguing weather Americans should get a 600 dollar check, 2000 dollar check or no check at all and Im sitting here wondering why no ones raising hell over the largest por... View More
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I think they should take all the pork out the bill at least 25% of all foriegn aid and split it with all American citizens young or old rich or poor evenly that'd sure boost our economy and raise the standards of living
December 27, 2020 Edited
Marie D'Angelo
December 27, 2020
Michael Stone
Michael Stone replied - 1 reply
Michael Stone
Michael Stone
You're the fanatics that perpetuate what's turning this nation to shit. You vote for your favorite popular cult brand of shit and expect that to fix it. You think more broken, more corruption equals r... View More
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Joe Johnson
Spoken like a beta-male still on the tit!
November 29, 2020
Michael Stone
Michael Stone replied - 1 reply
Michael Stone
Yeah, I'll bet. It's not a prediction though. More like whats in the works. Bill Gates says another pandemic is a "certain inevitability"... https://en.as.com/en/2020/11/24/latest_news/1606228590_53... View More
Michael Stone
This is a bunch of bull crap. 1st, Zuckerberg didn't go before congress to swear he is an "open forum"... He didn't go before congress because of his sensorship. He was brought before congress on his... View More
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India huh? That must be why I Get banned everytime I say something bad about Muslims.
November 21, 2020
Michael Stone
Well, its not actually permission. We don't need permission. Its actually a document that stands as a reminder and limit to the government of that fact.
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