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Mark Robertson

Male. Lives in The beach, United States. Born on August 15, 1962. is in a relationship and it's complicated.
About Me
Rough as a cob and twice as sexy.
From how they act I believe I'm on the FBI most wanted list.
I gave ... View More
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Mark Robertson
I think I'm going to write a letter to tge white house. And send it to msm stations and local stations. Just asking Biden how it feels knowing the whole country hates him and kniws he is a pedophile. ... View More
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Mark Robertson
It's not chunky monkey. But then again, what is?
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Tom Mooningham
Never have never will buy their crap
January 26, 2021
Mark Robertson
Mark Robertson
Mark Robertson
Did Chuck Schumer say Biden had an illegal erection?
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Mark Robertson
In florida there a several kinds of poisonous snake. They are recognisable after so long. Several species of rattle snakes, water mocassins, coral snakes. But in D.C., it's not as easy. Everyone is a ... View More
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